Monday, April 2, 2012

Button Egg Topiary

I'd like to share an Easter craft with you today.

You'll need a styrofoam egg, pins, a wooden dowel, floral foam,
a flower pot or container and

 or should I say, BUTTONS!

Just start pinning the buttons to the styrofoam egg.  Go ahead and overlap them and fill in the spaces as best you can.  Leave a small area uncovered so you can insert the wooden dowel.

When you are done, it should look something like this:

I then got a small flower pot and filled it with some floral foam.

Stick wooden dowel into the styrofoam egg.  I covered my dowel with ribbon
but you could leave it as is or even paint it a pretty color. 
Stick other end of wooden dowel into the floral foam.

I added some crinkled paper to cover the floral foam and now I have
a button egg topiary!

This is a very easy craft, however, I must warn you, you will use alot of buttons!

I'm so glad you visited Random Thoughts today.  I really do appreciate each & every visit.

I'll be linking this to:  Bunny Blog Hop, at DIY by Design,
Live Laugh Linky Thursday at live love rowe,
Thursdays Are Your Days at 52 Mantels
Weekend Wrap Up at Tatertots & Jello

Go on over and check it out!

Don't forget about my Spring Giveaway!  If you haven't entered, see here


  1. I am pinning this! This has to be the cutest egg topiary I have seen yet. You did such an amazing job. I am super impressed, as usual, with your creativity. Thanks so much for linking up to the Bunny Blog Hop!!

  2. I like it Gina. I just made similar button eggs (but I glued them). The pin heads are decorative too!

  3. That egg is amazing. That must have taken a long time and many buttons.
    Very creative.

  4. Cute girl! Very tedious, but oh so cute!

  5. This is just the cutest idea I've seen in a long time. Very unique and fun! Visiting from the Bunny Hop. :-) Sue

  6. That is absolutely precious, and so VERY creative! Love it! :)

  7. Your button egg is beautiful! I just love it. Great job...thanks for sharing it.

  8. Gina, this is so darling! I have my buttons in a jar just like that. Great minds think alike. lol! I want to save this and make one next year, love it!

  9. Now, that is too cute for words!!! hugs...cleo

  10. Now, that is too cute for words!!! hugs...cleo

  11. Gina- What a sweet little craft. Something that even the older grandkids could do. You KNOW we don't let SweetCheeks touch PINS!;>) Happy Monday to you, sweet girl~ xo Diana

  12. Oh my goodness, this is so adorable, even I could attempt this!! Thanks for sharing!!

  13. what a great idea. i love buttons & this would a great use of them. hopped over thanks to the "bunny blog hop" ... luv your blog. so nice to meet ya. take care. (:

  14. That is so cute! I will start a jar of pastel buttons and make this,a maybe next year? Hugs, Linda

  15. Sweet, adorable, just perfect for spring! Greeeaaaaat Job!

  16. What a cute idea! I love all the different colors and sizes of buttons. Great job!


  17. That is soooo cute! Great job. I've just got to pin it and show it to everybody on my fb page....I LOVE button crafts :)

  18. So pretty, Gina! I am going to pin this one, too!

  19. Gina, that is so cute!! Looks a little tedious, but you will have it forever!


  20. That's one of the prettiest crafts I've seen in a while. I really love it. My mom has a HUGE jar full of buttons. I need to show her this.

  21. Gina, this is adorable! One of my favorite Easter topiaries! Thanks for sharing such a cute idea!

  22. Finding this in my email was delightful! Very original and different! How do you do it? I have lots of buttons and am making this! Thanks for the great pics, just so pretty!

  23. That's really cute Gina, I've been working so much that I haven't had time to play!

  24. I was wondering if I would see this. You make the cutest stuff G! Between the wreath, this and the little flower cups... you are way ahead. You be M1 and I'll be M2 ;) Hugs!!

    Pinning... so, so pinning =)

  25. Gina!
    Your topiary is beautiful!
    I LOVE the pearl touch!
    You married craft to Faberge'!

  26. Gina, this is one of the cutest Easter decorations EVER! LOVE it. Thanks for the tutorial, my friend. This would be a great craft for movie time! :D It looks time consuming, but Very Much worth the effort.


  27. I love the button cute and Springy!! I'm your newest follower, Gina. Follow me back? :)

  28. Hi lovely lady.
    I love your button egg it is beautiful! I just love it. Great job...thanks for sharing with us.
    I also would like to thank you so much for your sweet comments on my new Easter Tablescape. I hope you have a wonderful Easter with your family.
    XXOO Diane

  29. This is fabulous!!! I am totally going to pin it to pinterest. P.S. I am really jealous of your button collection.

  30. Wow that is a lot of buttons! So cute!

  31. OMG! That is so precious and it even looks like I could do it, now that is saying something. Thanks you so much for sharing. I hope you don't mind but I will link over here Friday when I post. Happy Easter. Cheers SpecialK XoXo

  32. Wow!!

    So happy to stop by your blog, please stop by and say hello at my blog as well and if you are not already a follower, please take the time to become one as well at

    Have a blessed day!! :)

  33. That's adorable!!! I want to make one now!!

  34. I love this project - how cute to use pins instead of glue.

  35. This is so darn cute! Do you think I'd be crazy to make it now, even though Easter has come and gone? So clever!
    Blessings, Linda

  36. Very Cute! Hopped over from Tatertots and Jello!
    Carol @arewethereyet

  37. I want to make a 3-tier topiary using large round styrofoam balls and a 1/2 " wooden dowel. Never worked with these items. Is it possible to push the dowel through the styrofoam? These balls are 20 bucks each...need advice!

  38. SeSee,

    I didn't have an email address to contact you, so I'm hoping you check back here for a reply.

    I think you will be able to get the dowel through, but it may be hard to keep the dowel straight.


  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. I love this egg topiary and I'm going to pick up the supplies today and start my Easter projects. Those colors are so "springy" and lovely. Thanks for sharing!
