Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Wanna hear a silly secret?

My kids & I have never carved pumpkins! My mom gets angry when I say this, she seems to think we carved pumpkins every year. I, on the other hand, have no recollection of this. I was the youngest child, my oldest sister being 12 years older than me. I think mom & dad carved pumpkins with her and my brother, maybe my other sister too. I think I was forgotten...or as I like to say to tease mom..."you were burned out by the time I came along." Boy, she really hates when I say that! LOL

So, I believe as a result of all this "pumpkin carving neglect", if you will, my poor children have never had the experience either. I simply never thought about it. (To make matters worse, would you believe dh never carved pumpkins with his family?) As my sister-in-law learned of this shocking fact over the weekend, mortified, she thought it necessary to remedy the situation immediately. (I'll save the I've-never-been-sledding issue for another day) So here are my children (along with my niece) carving pumpkins. I love the faces they're making! My only regret? That I didn't have my sister-in-law take a picture of me pulling all those yummy pumpkin guts out! I, personally, loved the squishy guts!


  1. Cute! I would have tagged you, but I see that you've already been tagged!

  2. too cute! I am SOOOO glad you had this experience! EVERY kid needs to do this! did you roast the pumkin seeds after? that's the BEST PART!

  3. So FUN!!! Glad you and the kiddo's were able to share this experience together!
