I find myself getting little sleep as I'm up til midnight waiting to see if another American can take the gold. I can't get over the drive, dedication and discipline that the athletes have. They are truly amazing. I get all teary eyed along with the athletes as I see them stand proud on the podium while The Star Spangled Banner is played. I also feel an athlete's heartbreak when they don't do well. Can you imagine training for 4 years for one moment in time only to have it all taken away in a flash by a mistake? And what about the commercials? Oh they're awesome and really heart warming!
Ok, I'll step off my soap box now, but I have to leave you with some of my favorites:

Olympic closing ceremonies are Sunday night, sniff sniff :( I sure am going to miss them, yet I will be grateful for getting some sleep back!
Oh yes Gina I love the Olympics too, not so much the summer Olympics but the winter ones I love. Yes I agree, Apolo was robbed big time!!! I especially love ice skating and was totally mesmerized by the Canadian couple who took the gold. Exhibition skating is on tonight and I can't wait!!
P.S. I can't believe the guts those athletes have!!! I am scared to death of heights!
Totally loving the Olympics. I'm not sure what we'll watch once they end:( Hope you are having a good weekend and surviving all of this lovely NY snow.