Today for fun, I thought I would share my kitchen as it has progressed over the past 10 years.
Warning: You're not going to see some huge kitchen reno here, just minor enhancements over time, so don't get too excited. (Granite & stainless steel have no place in my 1933 home.) I don't want you to be disappointed.
This is what it looked like on the day we closed on our house in July 2000. I guess you could call it tired:

We spent some time
before moving in to pull down the wallpaper, re-wallpaper, and then repaint the blue of the cabinets the same shade of blue for a fresh look. Here she is (August 2000) :

A few years went by and I tired of the wallpaper. I tired of the flooring and countertops too. I talked the mister into a transformation. I painted the blue on the cabinets to off-white, we then changed the hardware, the flooring (what a nightmare that was), the countertops, sink & faucet. I painted the walls a soft yellow. (Side note: the new countertops & flooring were not exactly
my picks. I lost the fight to the mister on that one who wanted something "dark". I just shook my head and went with it because they looked better than what we had inherited from the previous owners.) The new look (2002):

Early 2009, I decided it would be a great idea to paint the cabinets, yet again. But this time, I wanted to paint the cabinets white and I wanted to paint the wooden oak doors as well. The mister, being a wood man, was not crazy about this idea but I forged ahead anyway. I researched how to paint cabinets the
right way so they wouldn't end up a chipped up mess over time. It took me literally
3 months to paint them.
Every single day, after work, I would spend time degreasing, sanding, priming or painting a drawer or door. We have 20+ doors and 9 drawers and each one would take almost a week at a time. I wanted to cry when they were about a labor of love!
We bought new hardware, and changed the faucet. I painted the walls my favorite, Nantucket White (Ralph Lauren). The mister also installed a pendant light over the sink. I also had him take down the microwave over the stove. It may seem odd, but I couldn't stand that thing. So much so, that I agreed to have a small microwave cluttering up my countertops instead! Here is what she looks like now (2010):

It's been a little over a year and the paint job is holding up beautifully. I will admit that the mister does not
love them, he loved the look of the wood better, but I don't care because I
do love them! I am one day hoping to change those darn countertops & flooring again, but I need to tread this issue very lightly since it hasn't been that long since they were replaced. (I also need to get rid of the dishwasher with the black door. Ugly!) The cabinetry, I don't believe I will ever change. They're original (1933) & so huge inside...perfect for storing lots & lots of pretty dishes. I've toyed with the idea of getting rid of the cobalt blue tile behind the sink area & installing beadboard instead, but again, the mister meets me with resistance. It may take some years, but eventually he'll end up seeing things my way, as past experience goes anyway.
So there you have it! I hope you have enjoyed reflecting back with me.