Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Lazy, colorless day

Today has been such a lazy day. I can feel the humidity rising. There's hardly any sunshine to speak of and the sky is colorless, making me feel lazy & colorless as well.

Today marks 4 weeks exactly until it's back to school/work. I should be doing something productive like cleaning or painting or, dare I say, stripping doors. But no, not me. That's all I want to do on this lazy, colorless day is this...

...or even this...

...anything that exerts no energy on my part.

Ever have one of those lazy, colorless days?


Welcome! I'm Gina. Like the header says, this blog is all about home, food and life..


  1. Ohhhh yes, I've had them! Probably too many to count:) The weather has been so mild and way under our usual temp. here so I actually got a lot done today!

    Maybe tomorrow you'll have a more colorful day but until then, enjoy being lazy:)

  2. Girl, I'm with you. It is so stinkin hot here, I don't feel like doing anything either. I'm so sick of this heat!!


  3. Hehe! I'm having one TOday!! I just don't have any energy for anything other than blog hopping and watching Kardashian re-runs lol!


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