May I share another Halloween tabletop with you today? It's only the second one I'm sharing, but still I don't want to bore you to tears with Halloween tabletops or anything.
I never was a huge fan of Halloween until I had kids. Then still, I was not a big decorator when it came to Halloween...you know...just a few things here & there that my kids enjoyed.
Lately however, I find myself enjoying Halloween more & more.
Just so you know, when my hubby asks why he carried 2 Halloween totes down from the attic at the begininning of the season and now carries 4 Halloween totes up at the end of the season, I'm blaming it on all of you in blogland. Deal? ;-)
I have this display set up on the yellow desk in my hallway.
Meet the witches table.

The ever important Eyes of Newt.

You never know when you might have need for some Zombie Virus or silver glitter skulls to make a potion.

Watch out for that orange glittered spider! I hear they're venomous.

I'm linking this up at Marty's blog (A Stroll Thru Life) for Tabletop Tuesday. Go on over to Marty's & take a look at all the inspiration.
Anyone got an antidote for an orange glittered spider bite? Ouch!