I have a feeling this is going to be one looooong post so you might want to grab a little snack or a hot beverage before you read.
My mantel was a real challenge to decorate this year. Let's spell out some of those challenges, shall we?
First: the walls of my living room are no longer orange.
Second: the fireplaced wall no longer sports dark paneling.
Third: the giant 6 foot by 4 foot mirror from the 1940s no longer hangs on the wall above the mantel.
Fourth: my ceilings are 9 feet high and there's just a whole lotta wall to deal with along with the mantel.
Fifth: I decided not to display my Christmas village on the mantel this year as I have in years past.
Sixth: My mantel is huge. 6 feet long, but it's the depth that's the killer...just over 17 inches deep.
I can't tell you the photos I looked at & the trips to stores that I took just to get ideas. I have spent so much time in Hobby Lobby I'm now embarrassed when I see the store manager. I just know he's thinking, "
she can't possibly be in here again!" I just
know he's thinking that.
Anyway, I changed my game plan more times than I would care to count.
While out searching for ideas for the 800th time, I came across something in TJ Maxx that stopped me in my tracks...a giant canvas candy cane. I studied it for some time, but I didn't think it was large enough for the monster wall. I thought of buying two candy canes & criss crossing them, however, they were not oriented in opposite directions to criss cross.
Then I had an epiphany.
Why couldn't I "frame" the candy cane? I bought it, went back to Hobby Lobby & bought a frame. With a little help from my hubby, I had the perfect wall filler.

Now what to do with the mantel? Why not play out this whole striped, candy cane, red, white & green thing? I then enlisted the help of every glass vessel in the house (not to mention another trip or 2 to Hobby Lobby). I filled all the jars with striped candy & colorful Christmas balls in my red, white & green color scheme.
So here she is in all her striped, candy cane, red, white & green glory.

Considering the challenges, I don't think she looks half bad. Now truth be told, I really, really,
really wanted to change out the stockings for something that was complimentary to my whole candy cane theme.
Believe me when I tell you, the mere suggestion of it brought about a rebellion in my house...children revolting...how
dare I...they are the stockings we've had our whole lives...hubby scowling in disgust...it was getting ugly, I tell ya. Oh the anger towards me for even thinking it!
So, I had to give up the fight. It just wasn't worth the anguish. (I guess there's no hope of my ever switching out all of the hundreds of Hallmark ornaments from the tree one of these years, is there? LOL)
I'll be back soon with more Chrismas decor photos. Have a good one!
One last thing, even though I'm a week late, I think I'll link this up for
Mantel Party. 

Also, I would like to link this at Marty's blog
A Stroll Thru Life. Do you think a mantel can qualify as a table top vignette for
Table Top Tuesday? I hope it's ok with Marty.
See you soon!