One day while shopping in Marshalls/Home Goods, my daughter spotted a piece of subway art that made her heart sing. Upon examining the piece, I noted several problems.
1. The piece was navy blue & white. Not exactly a perfect match with her bedroom we've been redecorating.
2. The cost was $50.00. Not that that's a huge sum, but I could think of quite a few things I'd rather spend $50.00 on.
3. The piece was rather least a good 4 feet high. My daughter's bedroom has sloped ceilings so this would have looked bizarre at best.
Of course, she was not happy with my assessments. Then she asked me a question. You probably know the question I'm speaking of..."Couldn't you make one for me?"
Aaah yes. I have made one piece of subway art in the past. I love my
fall subway art. Granted I know the time involved to make it was
great, but I couldn't resist her. Of course, I would make it for her, in purple & much smaller.
So, I refreshed my memory of how I pulled this off last time, gathered my materials & got to work.

Anyone wanna help me cut out each & every individual letter? What? No? I didn't think so.I had a whole lot of trouble this time around. Some spray paint got under the contact paper which didn't stick too well. Once I peeled off the contact paper, the purple lettering (from when I spray painted the canvas) appeared black instead of purple. Can I scream now?
I was ready to throw the whole thing away. Then as a last ditch effort, I took a paint brush & handpainted over each letter in a lighter purple. I ended up getting a two-tone effect that I kinda like. It's not perfect, but then again I suppose it isn't meant to be perfect anyway.

My first completed project of the summer! I've got a few more coming, all in mid-progress right now. I can't wait to finish & share with you.
I'm going to link this up at Kim's blog, Savvy Southern Style, for
Wow Us Wednesdays. (Not that I've wowed any of you with subway art, but why not join in anyway? lol)

I'd also like to link this up to AndieJay's blog
Crayon Freckles for
Tip Toe Thru Tuesday. On a different note, my son has to have a tonsillectomy & adenoidectomy on Thursday. Mom is more worried than son, of course. I just wanted to give you a heads up if I don't get around to visiting you right away. I'll try my best though. See you soon!

One day while shopping in Marshalls/Home Goods, my daughter spotted a piece of subway art that made her heart sing. Upon examining the piece, I noted several problems.1. The piece was navy blue & whi...