Thursday, March 1, 2012

In Like A Lion

You know the saying,

March comes in like a lion, goes out like a lamb?

March has indeed come in like a lion around here.  It started snowing yesterday, alhthough we didn't get alot of snow.  It has however, turned into freezing rain earlier this morning, and as a result,

SNOW DAY!  NO SCHOOL!  Yipppeeee!

First snow day of the school year!  Anyway, just because the weather is not cooperating with me, please don't forgot that our Great Spring'tacular Link Party Parade is coming up soon!    

I've been busy crafting and getting ready to host my portion of the party.  I really hope you'll join me!

Have a pleasant first day of March and I honestly hope your day was not ushered in by a lion!   


  1. Can you believe that? Snow, it is going to be 78degrees out today. I am heading out now to clean up the garden beds and get ready for Spring planting. Oh wait a minute, I don't plant anything LOL...oh well still heading out to clean up.

  2. My grandmother always used to say to me "You can't trust March". I'm decorating for spring regardless. Stop by today I gave you a shout out on my post for my spring mantle.

  3. You got snow.......we got rain and high temp and tornado watches. Definetly a lion almost everywhere. Have fun on your part of the party. Can't wait to hear more.

  4. Hi Gina,

    I would love to have warmer weather. The South is already hot.


  5. I need to find a craft so I can participate in your part of the fun spring party! Or I can just visit! LOL....enjoy your snow day! hugs, Linda

  6. We had rain here the other day and I was loving it! It's been a wacky winter everywhere, seems like it decided to show up late this year:) I used to love snow days when I was a kid in Canada, they were so exciting.
    I can't wait to see what you've been working on:)

  7. It's raining here today! March is funny, but it's one step closer to Spring! Can't wait to party with you!

  8. Here in Colorado, it's that crazy time of year-if you don't like the weather...wait 5 minutes. We had 65degrees the other day, then 55 mph winds, and tonight...snow.

  9. No snow here but not sunny at all, guess it came in like a lamb:) Hope you enjoyed your day off, we haven't had one snow day here.

  10. We even had snow at my house in California!!! It's suppose to be in the 80's this weekend!

  11. Hello sweet friend!! I've tagged you over at my blog!!
    Can't wait for the craft party!! xoxo

  12. We had some bright, sunny days this Winter... I am sure now we'll have a never-ending rainy Spring to pay for it! That's Oregon for ya ;) I'll close my blinds and pretend! Getting ready for the party too. CAN. NOT. WAIT.

    Can ya tell? lol

  13. it is spring like here..I bought my seeds today!!
    happy March.

  14. Snow!!! It was 90 here today, this weather is just crazy!! I always have some craft going so I will be attending the party!!


  15. we were just talking about this tonight... so weird. to the west of us is snow. to the east are horrible tornados. both lion-like weather. but where we are has been calm like the lamb. odd, huh?

  16. Snow days really are like a lion! We have had snow for several days now and hadn't had much all season! The skiers are loving it but I would rather have 78 degrees like Debbie!

  17. Totally jealous of your snow day. :o) I've come up with a craft...sort of. I'll be ready to go for your linky party. Wouldn't miss it. Happy Weekend!

  18. March has been pretty brutal so far.
    I have been keeping my Midwest and East Coast friends and family in my thoughts and prayers.

    I am hoping to participate in one of the parties. Your dining room is soft and sophisticated with the pastels and black. It's a perfect March into Spring transition! Lovin' the pink cabbage bowls!
