Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Newbie Reunion

Debbie, this one's for you!
Cue the Mary Tyler Moore Show music.

Who can turn the world on with her smile?
Who can take an unknown blog and suddenly make it all seem worthwhile?

Well it's you, Debbie, and you should know it,
With each post and every little comment you show it,

When Debbie is around there's no need to worry,
She helped us all out, go join her party and hurry,
We want to thank you after all,
 You know we love you after all. 

As a proud graduate of Debbie's newie party, I couldn't possibly miss her newbie reunion.
I am so thankful for all that Debbie has done for me and all that she continues to do for so many of us.
I am proud to call her my friend!  Go on over and check out the reunion, right here


  1. Oh my, first I was crying with the first two posts I read with my picture, and now I am laughing out loud here...I am laughing because you all pulled a different picture, that is hilarious to me! Well, I am very grateful to you too Gina. I have seen you grown and stuck with your blog and really enjoy what you share and do. You have made lots of new quality friends too. Thanks for sharing and joining in.

  2. Oh you are so smart! What a great post and after reading Debbie's comment it's obvious she agrees. I hope she gets lots of links tonight.

  3. Perfect tribute to a great lady. So creative of you.

  4. Hi Newbie Grad,
    It's been wonderful getting to know you through blogging. I'm sure we met through the newbie party. I'm glad you're still blogging because you give me such inspiration.

  5. Following you from Debbie Doo's! So happy to have found you,

    ciao bella!

  6. Such a great tribute to a wonderful lady. She is the reason I started a blog! I think I should have lurked around a bit longer getting the feel for posting a little more. But I had to start a Blog so I could leave a comment for Debbie and get in on this newbie party thing I was reading about.

  7. LOVE this post Gina and I couldn't agree with you more! Debbie's the best!!

  8. What a really cute poem, Gina! I think I met you from the Newbie Party! I'll have to link up to Debbie Doo's, again!

  9. That's great. I hafta visit Debbie!!

  10. Oh , I sang the whole thing, that was so cute!! I call her the patron saint of the newbies!! You ladies are so lucky you had Debbies help, but you made it happen with a fabulous blog!


  11. Gina, love your song for Debbie and could not agree more. I'm now following you on Linky. Please visit and follow me, too. Thanks for the fun, Helen

  12. This is SO cute, Gina! I love your blog!


  13. All sounds like a good idea. I hopped over to Debbies for a look. Don't think I qualify to link. Maybe I've got it wrong.
    x jeanetteann

  14. Gina what a cute tribute! Debbie has helped so many blogs grow with her encouragement! I wasn't a Newbie with her but she has given me much encouragement over the last couple of years!

  15. I guess I probably found you through Debbie's newbie party! I just love her and she has done such a great service for so many people. I'm glad I found you! xo Diana

  16. I just loved the Mary Tyler Moore show and that theme song was very catchy - I used to sing it all the time. Congrats on becoming a Newbie Grad xx

  17. LOVE this post! A heartfelt and funny post for a super blogger. I think Debbie has brought so much fun and creativity to all of us.


  18. How funny! The music played right through my head as I sang along! What a sweet shout out!

    So glad you found Country Bunny too. I was so frustrated until I found it!

  19. Hey Gina!
    You out did yourself! Good job!

  20. Love it and it's perfect for Debbie! Way to go Gina!!

  21. So true and so thoughtful of you to honor Debbie! This is wonderful!

  22. Thank's for visiting my blog Gina. I am so happy to see your post about the the Debbiedoo's reunion party! I never heard it before... I'm still not quite sure what a "newbie party " is but I sure am enjoying visiting all these new blogs that I've never been too! And I LOVE finding new awesome blogs to visit!! :)

  23. Nice for both of you. Gina, I see why not too much is growing yet, since you live in New York. Spring will come.

  24. G that is the sweetest thing. Look what a doll you are! OMG, I love it. LOVE it I tell you!

  25. LOL! This is great, Gina!! So creative! I never missed an episode of Mary Tyler Moore back in the day!
    Hugs, Cindy

  26. What a sweet thing to do...and how creative you are.

    Im now following you. 8-)
