Monday, March 26, 2012

Please join me

Today, I'm being featured at Crayon Freckles as part of AndieJaye's in {her} shoes series. 

Andie is a sweetheart and an awesome mom as well.  She uses some of the most creative techniques for learning.  It kind of makes me wish my kids were little again so that I could steal all of her genius and pretend it was my mine.  LOL   

Anyway,  won't you come join me as I try to captivate you with my wisdom on parenting?     



  1. What FUN ... I'm on my way over. Congrats!

  2. What a good post. You are such a sweet person and I know a good parent. You have fun.......and that is a good thing. (((((HUGS)))))

  3. It was nice getting to know a little bit about you! Your kids are sweet and it's obvious they adore you!

  4. Gina, I just read your sweet guest post at Crayon Freckles. First, I want to say you don't look old enough to have children that big! I agree with you, that as parents, we have to find the middle ground when it comes to raising our children. Mine are all grown now, (my youngest is 20) and I have to say I have been through many temper tantrums, many nights up late when they were teenagers, making sure they honored their curfew and more drama that I care to remember, but, somehow, we made it! And now, they are lovely young adults, with college degrees and lives of their own. After reading the way your children described you, I think you are doing a darn good job! Thanks you for sharing!

  5. I'm headed there now! You are a great parent!


  6. YAY! Congrats!! I'm off to check it out:)

  7. I love the words your children used for you. A fitting tribute :)

  8. I will pop over there yet tonight, Gina! xo Diana

  9. I love the guest post! You don't look old enough to have babies that old! How wonderful to have two adorable children! I know you're a great mom! This is so special! Congrats on your guest post!

  10. "Following..." Love your posts...
