Sunday, March 4, 2012

Thoughtful Bloggers

Many times I come across giveaways throughout blogland and I don't enter.  I think, I never win, so why bother entering?

I've already done a post of two great giveaways that I've won this year.  Shockingly, I've got a few more to share with you.  

I won this fantastic giveaway from Linda at A La Carte.

Linda's package was full of goodies, I felt like a kid at Christmas opening each one! Everything is so bright & colorful & matches my kitchen so nicely.  I love it all!

My next win was from Creative Carmelina.   Before I show you what I won, would it be weird if I shared the hand made envelope it arrived in? 

Pretty amazing for an envelope, right?  I thought it best to smudge addresses.  Here is what I won:

These Pride & Prejudice buttons were drawn by hand by Carmelina.  She is incredibly talented.  I'm a big Jane Austen fan, so I couldn't be happier.  Who doesn't love Mr. Darcy? 

Next up, Leslie at A Spoonful of...Everything had a sweet giveaway.

Her giveaway was for a pair of earrings.  She also included this sweet little ornament.  Perfect for my feather Easter tree.

Here's a close up of the earrings so you can read them better. 

Adorable or what?   I think they pretty much sum up how most of us feel about this little community we're a part of. 

I just wanted to share all of these with you and send a shout out to Linda, Carmelina and Leslie.  Thank you all so much!  I appreciate your thoughtfulness.  Blogland is filled with the most generous and kind people, truly it is.  If you aren't familiar with these blogs, go on over & take a look.  I don't think you'll be disappointed. 

I think it may be getting time for me to have a giveaway of my own so that I can pay all this forward.  What do you think?


  1. Gina- What GREAT giveaways! Wow, must be on a streak. I think you better run out and buy yourself a lottery ticket...and if you win you can share it with ME because it was MY idea to buy it...right?;>)

    I can just see you wearing those earring whilst writing this post! Have a great Sunday - xo Diana

  2. You sure are on a winning streak! Everything is so lovely, adore the earrings:) I've won several giveaways myself and winning never gets old!

  3. How sweet Gina! THose earrings are super cute. Congrats girl, could not of happened to a nicer gal indeed!~

  4. Lucky, lucky, lucky! I love the earrings too! I am with NanDiana....perhaps time to buy a lottery ticket?

  5. what beautiful gifts. I love receiving the wins and also giving them away.

  6. You are on a lucky streak! Great stuff for sure. The only thing I want to win right now is the lottery. :o) Still waiting though...

  7. Congratulations! I love everything and that envelope is so cool! And those earrings! I've gotta have some :)

  8. Lucky girl ! Great winnings ! Congratulations !

  9. Congratulations on your lovely winnings. I've been fortunate to win some fantastic giveaways, too.

  10. Gina you lucky thing you! It's lovely to win something, no matter how big or small, like an unexpected birthday present without having to get any older!

  11. Girl! I am telling you... lottery, Lottery, LOTTERY!

    You have luck coming out your eyeballs! You better go play, and then share with me =)


  12. Love your giveaways Gina! I also think on your last post I commented that we hadn't had any snow well, I opened my mouth to soon, it's snowing right now, not bad or anything like what you got but still snowing! lol

  13. Wow, you have been one lucky girl. I won one giveaway last year and was totally amazed. :)

  14. Gina I am so glad you won my giveaway and the others also! I do think the giveaway Karma is great! I love the handmade buttons and those earrings are so cute! Congrats and you deserve it all! You have a wonderful, friendly blog! Hugs, Linda

  15. Glad that you like the little giveaway. I get so many comments on those earrings.
    Its like free advertisement. Lol

    Enjoy your wonderful gifts.

  16. Wow - congratulations on all your wins! How fun! Thanks so much, Gina, for your well wishes on my Etsy Shop! I appreciate it!
    Hugs, Cindy

  17. How lucky you have been, Gina! I love all of your wins...the earring are fantastic! These are all great ladies and you are definitely on a winning streak. Go bet on some horses!! ;-D


  18. Gina, congratulations!! You had some great wins! I just had 2 wins myself. When you think about it, compared to regular drawings, our odds for blog drawings are pretty darn good!


  19. Wow! How lucky are you. But as you say you have got to be in it to win it! Love those earrings. Thanks for sharing and good for you! Cheers SpecialK XoXo

  20. What great wins! Congratulations! It is great be part of this wonderful world of generous bloggers.

  21. You are super lucky. I have only won once in blogland. I'm due don't you think?

  22. OH GINA!

    I love your bountiful take home prizes! You are on a roll! Thanks so much for sharing your gifts...and for posting about the Mr. Darcy buttons....I appreciate the address smudge very much! and I'm glad you liked my sewn envelopes too!

    Hope you have a great night...I'm off to make some coffee.....

    ciao bella
    Creative Carmelina

  23. Gina, you won some great giveaways!
    I mostly never enter either. I think I need to change that! LOL

  24. Hi Gina,

    It was like Christmas at your house. Wonderful gifts indeed.


  25. Congratulations, you scored. Lovely gifts.If you don't play you will never win...

  26. What great giveaways. While you're on a winning streak you should play the lottery OR visit Vegas. When you win I'll send you my address lol.

  27. You racked up girl! Congrats! You need to come join my giveaway as lucky as you are!

  28. Oh what awesome prizes Gina. Congratulations! I think the "I ♥ to Blog" earrings are just adorable. Enjoy my sweet friend...Anxiously waiting The Great Spring-tacular Party. Sounds like tons of fun. Wishing you a wonderful new week. Stay warm.

    Much love,
