Saturday, April 14, 2012

From the oven

The more I try not to eat sweets, the more I get the urge to bake!  I made this cake earlier in the week and thought I would share the recipe with you. 

This came from an old Everyday Food magazine.

Apple-Cinnamon Upside-Down Cake

10 tablespoons unsalted butter, at room temperature
½ cup packed light brown sugar
3 apples, Empire or Gala (about 1½ pounds), each peeled, cored and sliced into 8 wedges
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
1½ cups all-purpose flour, spooned and leveled
1½ teaspoons baking powder
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
½ cup granulated sugar
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
½ cup whole milk

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Coat bottom and side of 9-inch round cake pan with 2 tablespoons butter; sprinkle bottom with brown sugar.  In a medium bowl, toss apples with lemon juice; arrange in prepared pan in two concentric circles (you might not use all of them).

In a medium bow, whisk together flour, baking powder, salt and cinnamon; set aside.

With an electric mixer, beat remaining 8 tablespoons butter with granulated sugar until light and fluffy.  Add eggs and vanilla; beat until incorporated.  With mixer on low speed, alternately add the flour mixture in three parts and the milk in two, beginning and ending with the flour mixture. 

Spoon batter over apples in pan; smooth top.  Bake until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean, 45 to 55 minutes.  Cool cake in pan on wire rack, at least 30 minutes and up to 6 hours (if cake has risen above rim of pan, simply push back inside rim.)

To serve, run a knife around edge of pan, and invert cake onto a rimmed platter.

Grab a cup of tea (or coffee) and enjoy the weekend! 


  1. Gina, this cake is beautiful! Reminds me of a tart tatin. I am the same way with sweets/diet/baking. Oh well. :) xo

  2. I try not to eat sweets too but sometimes you can splurge! This sounds awesome!

  3. Gina, this looks heavenly...just a pretty, pretty cake! My hubs loves Pineapple Upside Down Cake so I'm sure he would love this. Thanks so much for the recipe!

    Happy Saturday!


  4. Too pretty to eat, but that wouldn't stop me!

  5. I can only hope my attempt will be as pretty...
    Thanks for sharing! We love anything apple at our house!

  6. Oh my! That looks so good, and I bet it smelled wonderful while baking!

  7. This looks pretty...I can almost smell it. I won't be able to get my mind off of it until I make it now!

  8. Looks so good Gina and you did a fab job on it!

  9. Yummy! You are right just looking at this cake makes me want a coffee!!

  10. Gina- That looks SOOO good. I don't eat flour or sugar but I bake all the time for my family. I think it is easier for me because I KNOW I am not going to eat it so I can bake to my heart's content. I am copying this recipe over to try it. Wouldn't that be a good breakfast goody? xo Diana

  11. This looks divine! You know, I've been watching a lot of the info re: the Titanic on the Discovery Channel today. My mantra has always been "Don't skip dessert ~ see what happened with the ladies on the Titanic!" :-) Seriously, I try to watch it but I have a real sweet tooth and love to bake too.
    This would be delish with a hot cup of coffee! Thanks so much for sharing ~

  12. This looks divine! You know, I've been watching a lot of the info re: the Titanic on the Discovery Channel today. My mantra has always been "Don't skip dessert ~ see what happened with the ladies on the Titanic!" :-) Seriously, I try to watch it but I have a real sweet tooth and love to bake too.
    This would be delish with a hot cup of coffee! Thanks so much for sharing ~

  13. I *so* wish you were my neighbor right now...I want some! ;P Of course, i wish you were my neighbor everyday...move to Alabama, Gina. :D You know you would love it here!


  14. Gina, this looks wonderful. I have some apples, maybe I will give it a try. Having some sweets sometime isn't going to kill us. I say, enjoy and thins for sharing.

  15. Looks yummy Gina. I am the same way. If I try to diet I crave even more than ususal. I've found my best thing is to just stay busy. This girl has a sweet tooth!

  16. Oh, I know a few people in my family that would flip over that cake! I'm definitely pinning this one.

    Thanks for sharing the recipe, Shasta

  17. Yum! That looks so good, I'll take a cup of coffee with a little cream!

  18. Looks wonderful! Wish I had a piece right now! Thanks for sharing Joann

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Gina, Thank you for sharing this wonderful recipe -- the sugar content is really low for those of us watching our intake. And I love apples -- so I'll be making this week!

  21. You make the BEST looking stuff. I want a slice =) YUM!!

  22. It would be gone in about 10 minutes in our house. LOOKS really good Gina.

  23. Wow...that looks really good. That would be dangerous in my would be eaten super quick.

  24. Hi Gina,

    I'm trying to catch up with everyone after taking some time off with my kiddies. It seems there are many delicious cakes in blogland. Your looks so temping :)


  25. Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you....finally something to do with all these apples that are about to rot before me! Yummy.

  26. Oh Gina, I love apple pie, so I know I will Love this!! Thank you


  27. That cake looks so delicious and so pretty!

  28. OH,WOW! I sure could use a slice of this cake to go with my coffee about right now :) Got to try this recipe. Thank you for sharing it!

  29. Oh my word! You too? The more I think about not eating sugar the more I want it! This looks divine!
    I tagged you today. Don't feel obligated. It was just for fun.

  30. Yummy! It looks absolutely delish. I have the biggest sweet tooth. I love anything sweet and loaded with carbs...Hee, hee, hee. I would rather eat dessert than my meal any day...Is that crazy? But it's true :-) Thanks for sharing the recipe. I am throwing my mom a brunch for her birthday on saturday, maybe I'll give this cake a try. Have a wonderful day my sweet friend.

    Much love,

  31. Oh my, this looks so delicious. Wish I was eating sweets :(

  32. Oh that looks so yummy! And it's very pretty, good to bring to a party!

  33. Gina, that is one delicious looking cake!! Since an apple a day is good for us, that would be a yummy way to get our fruit. Do you think that is ok? Heehee.--------- Shannon

  34. Gina- I love apple cake and like you have a difficult time resisting those sweets! This is one I will have to try. Thanks for sharing. Blessings, L.

  35. Yummy! That looks delicious you domestic diva you! Hope all is well in your part of the state:) (((HUGS)))

  36. Oh my Gina. Wish I could just have a small bite. I haven't made a pineapple upside down cake in ages, I would have to follow a recipe to make it. Yours looks yummy, ready to eat. Thanks Gina for sharing.

  37. that looks beautiful!! a ribbon winner!! I have never baked this cake. thanks for the recipe!

  38. That looks so good Gina! I love to bake for my husband and boys, it's so calming for some reason.

    I just read your previous post about taking your daughter to see Phantom. My ex-husbands uncle was in it at the end of the 80's, early 90's...he played Piangi. We went to see it and I was 2 months pregnant with my first son, I had horrible morning sickness so whenever I hear the music now I get morning sickness flashbacks..weird!

  39. OH my your cake looks deelish!

  40. Gina, what a beautiful cake! I am the same - I am trying to lose a few before summer and I just want to bake and then blogging and seeing everyone's great recipes wants me to do it more! We just got back from Spring Break - hence the Cabo Barbie post and now I have to lose those pounds. Plain salads just aren't that bloggable!!!!!

  41. Wow, that's a good looking cake you've got there.
    Thank you for sharing.

  42. And did the kids and dh just love it? It looks fabulous!
