Friday, April 20, 2012

Let's Make a Cherry Pie! Tablescape

I feel as though I've been missing in action lately.    I honestly don't even know what I've been doing!  This time of year brings the start of softball and baseball season for my kids, so I've pretty much been sitting at the ballpark instead of sitting in front of this computer.

I did get an opportunity to play with my dishes though.  I came up with this tablescape to share with you, although don't go looking for a pie to go along with it.  I don't foresee much baking (or even cooking) going on here for the next couple of months.


Placemats:   Home Goods
Green flatware by Cambridge:   Home Goods
Green dinner plates:  Oneida Outlet 
Red dinner plates:  Pier 1
Brown napkins:  Pier 1
Dragonfly napkin rings:  Pier 1

Salad Plates:  Kohl's

As my centerpiece, I used my large wooden board as the base.
I had the cherry crate for years and I believe I bought it at Home Goods.  I filled it with my one & only house plant and my rolling pin.
I added my jar of flour, my son's rolling pin (when he was little he always baked alongside me), a cherry votive candleholder given to me by my sister and a cherry ramekin from Kohl's a few years back. 
I know it's hard to see but in front of this, I have a rectangular cherry dish also from Kohls a few years back.

Oh yes,  how could I forget to add that I used my green bubble goblets from Target?  I sure do use these goblets more than I ever thought I would! 

But what a minute!  What's that I see in the upper right hand corner of that last picture?

Do you see it?

Ahhh yes, real life goes on here in our home!  Need a close up?

I just never know where or when these wrestlers of the WWE are going to show up!  Ugh!

I hope you enjoyed my Let's Make a Cherry Pie! Tablescape today, even though I didn't make a cherry pie. 

Thanks for visiting! 

Linking to: 

Your Cozy Home Party at Cozy Home Scenes
Let's Dish at Cuisine Kathleen
Share Your Cup Thursday at Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson
Tablescape Thursday at Between Naps on the Porch


  1. You always find the CUTEST dishes. I would have enjoyed cherry pie too, but this was eye candy enough without the calories. Enjoy the weekend Gina!

  2. Hi Gina,

    Your tablescape is so delightful. It makes me want cheery pie in a big way :)


  3. Gina, my favorite color is red, so I love your table!

  4. This is so cute an I love the real life thrown in. :)

  5. TOTALLY adorable- and you should share that with Cuisine Kathleen's Earth Tablescape from Wed!!!

    I laughed out loud at those toys- hilarious!!!

    Really cute tablescape, Gina! Makes me SO want a piece of cherry pie!!!!

  6. Too funny about the little wrestlers showing up...Your Cherry pie table is so cute. I love the red accents and the dishes are adorable.

  7. Very nice table. I like the dishes with the cherries and word "flour". xo

  8. How cute and creative. Love adding the flour with all things cherries and the rolling pin of your sons. I also ike the little men. Having three boys we sure had our share of those guys around our house. Now it seems the grands have pet shops everywhere.

  9. Guilt free cherry pie and a rumble.
    Now, I can get ready for work!
    Too cute, my friend!

  10. Girl, we have so much in common. I love anything cherry. I have those same salad plates. I also have that same chalkboard jar. What good taste we have. lol! I put my cherry decor out in July. Planning on decorating the downstairs kitchen area with it when and if we ever finish it. Love, love the rumblers! Cherish these days. They will be gone in no time. Hubs and I use to spend hours at the ball park. Those days are gone. We have 3 older grand sons, but none of them are playing ball. They did when they were younger. Even though my son has custody of them they spend every other weekend with their mother and it's hard to be on a team. Sorry that I am rambling. If you have a chance to come in from the ball park I would love you to share this with my link party!

  11. That is an adorable tablescape! I just love the cherry theme & the way you pulled everything together.

  12. That is sooooo cute and fresh!!! Love the my house it was always those tiny Lego pieces on the floor...ouch!!!

  13. Gina this is a super cute tablescape! Love the cherry theme. Thanks for keeping it real with the wrestlers on you sideboard...makes me smile! Enjoy this busy time of year with your kids!
    Hugs, Linda

  14. Cute, a perfect house then a bunch of wrestler on the table LOL! I love the Cherry dishes and the cherry box. I laughed at your comment about serial bride, I guess better that then him finding out I was a serial killer LOL!


  15. Those little wrestlers remind me of all the action figures my boys had when they were little! I would find them set up for battle EVERYWHERE!! I sort of miss those days! BTW, I would rather be at a softball game then cook!!

    LOVE your tablescape! Those dishes are so cute and I love the cherry box. Everything is so colorful and happy!

    Have a great weekend, GIna!


  16. :D I love this tablescape so much. You and I must be on the same wavelength because I have been playing with a new toy involving PIES!!!! (so far I have only made strawberry and rhubarb). I guess I need to try Cherry next! :D

    Those dishes are so, so cute. Your table is making me smile!


  17. What a cute tablescape Gina! Your dishes are adorable. Enjoy your weekend, Gail

  18. Gina- What do you mean you're busy? 2 kids with games and a family and house to take care of...I know that you cant be BUSY!!! Okay...that does it- you set the beautiful sweet cherry pie table and I will bring the pie! xo Diana

  19. LOL. Love the real snapshot with the wrestlers. So funny =)))

    Cute dishes. Love the Summery Cherry theme. We actually saw the sun today. I almost did not recognize it. Have a great weekend.

    PS-get a fb page. LOL!!!!
    no really, get one.

  20. Very pretty Gina, I love those dishes! I know all about sitting at the ballpark. Tomorrow makes 4 games this week!

  21. Such a cute and fun tablescape! I like your idea to have the vignette and not the mess that goes along with the baking!

  22. Gina,
    Hi! So cute the kids toys. Your tablescape is very nice. I don't know why I get a retro feel.
    Great post.

  23. This is as sweet as pie! :)
    I love that cherry tray from Kohls. See i read what you write! Our 4 gkids were here last week. They actually went in the Bay! Crazy! And brought Nana lots of sand for her floors! Enjoy the weekend, Gina!

  24. Love the cherry pie idea for a tablescape! I have been so busy lately and have not been able to spend as much time as I would like blogging, either.

  25. It is beautious!!! I love the cherry theme.... your are right, time to make that pie.

  26. Such cute dishes you are featuring today, Gina. I haven't had cherry pie for a while, it makes me want some with ice cream on top. You are so good to always stop by my blog and leave a sweet message. Hey, I have two grandsons and there is always evidence of their playing with toys all over their kitchen and hearth room. Thanks for sharing.

  27. Love your tablescape and your sense of humour. i look forward to reading more of your ideas. Joan

  28. Nothing like a good cherry pie and your table certainly conjures up a lot of mouth-watering memories.

  29. Gina, that has to be one of the cutest tablescapes I've seen! It is so cheerful and fun and just PERFECT! I loved the wrestlers in the background!!

  30. Hi lovely lady.
    Your tablescape is so delightful. I love cheery pie so yummy.Thanks so much for your sweet comments on my Earth Day Tablescape. Hope you and your family have a wonderful week coming up.
    XXOO Diane

  31. I love it Gina, it's one of my favorites of your tablescapes! The wrestlers add a lot too!

  32. Gina,your table is so nice. Isn't it nice to play dishes? I've been doing the same today. It gets a bit out of hand though, I end up cleaning out cupboards,drawers and even the fridge.Just took a break to check out here. It's nice to see real life in posts,it makes everyone real.
    Thank you for your visit. xx

  33. I love your table setting, it's all in my favorite colors , and would look great in my kitchen ! And I love the cherry theme !

  34. Love your table so sweet! Cute dishes! Thanks for sharing!

  35. Cute post Gina...It put a smile on my face. Especially the part on the WWE wrestlers :-) Another beautifully put-together tablescape.

    Much love,

  36. Gina, I love your centerpiece! The whole table looks like a summer day! Beautiful!

  37. Cherry pie has always been my favorite. You set the table, and I'll bring the pie! Enjoy those ballgames while you can!

  38. Your table looks so pretty, I love the crate and the cherry tray, and the whole tablescape is just eye pleasing.

  39. What a cute centerpiece, I almost didn't even miss the pie. :) I love when real life shows up in our carefully staged pictures. Very pretty table setting, too.

  40. Hello!
    I'm new to your blog and now your newest Linky follower :)

    I love your tablescape and your centerpiece, so pretty!!

    We are getting a Home Goods directly across the street from where I live...(insert squeal) lol.... I'm SO EXCITED!!

    Thank for sharing and have a great night, I'd be thrilled to have you follow back!

    Aledia @ Plum Perfect

  41. What a fun and cute table! Everything looks just cherrylicious! Have a wonderful day. Visiting from CHS

  42. Oh Gina, I have the cherry pie for your beautiful tablescape! Or should I say that you've made me wish I had some cherry plates for my post! Visiting from the Cozy Home Party.

  43. I love it Gina and I love the "real life accessories".:-)

  44. What a great creative table you set! I like it.

  45. Oh I love your cherry crate and your plates!! The WWE wrestlers were hoping for a slice of pie I'm sure :)

  46. Cutest table.. love cherries and this is making me want a cherry pie.. or cherry anything.. Love the salad plates.. great centerpiece vignette. xo marlis

  47. Gina, I was so busy drooling over the idea of cherry pie, and remembering my son's little rolling pin (it looked just like that one), and thinking how wonderful those dragonflies are, that I didn't even notice the wrestlers! Good thing they weren't some evil force sneaking up on me because I was distracted by your wonderful cherry idea! Linda

  48. I had to laugh at the wrestler action figures. One of my cousins used to play with those when he was a kid. He had one of those rings or mats or whatever you call what they wrestle on (you can tell I don't watch this I'm sure) and would set his little action figures in all kinds of scenes.

    The happy colors and designs of cherries always make me smile, so I loved your table. My favorite part is the cute tray, but everything is very pretty!

    Thanks for dropping by Your Cozy Home Party this week!

  49. What a clever and creative tablescape! I laughed, when I saw the toy figures - around my house, we usually encounter my grandson's Lego Star Wars figures lurking in odd places. I still have a small rolling pin that my grandchildren always used to help me bake. Love all of your bargains and that green flatware!

  50. Cute, cute, cute. The only thing missing is the cherry pie which I'd like to have a piece of just now. It is one of those things I like but never make. When you get around to making it, save me a piece.

  51. I just love your reds and the cheery cherry tablescape. That little rolling pin is so cute. Why oh, why didn't I save the one we had?? I just smiled and smiled when you showed us the wrestlers. Real life is always good, even in a tablescape! :)

  52. Love your cherry pie table!!!!So charming.

  53. Gina, this looks so great. Love the cherry theme and all your wonderful things you have going with it. The wrestlers are a wonderful touch. My boys are home and they brought cords and plug ins, ipads...etc. You get the picture! Hahaha...I do love an action figure added to the mix though!
    Love your post and will be back for more visiting.

  54. Delightful table! Love the centerpiece.
