Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Quit Copying Me!

It's time for another Magazine Copycat Challenge hosted by none other than Debbie of Debbiedoos!

If you aren't familiar with Debbie's Magazine Copycat Challenge,  it goes something like this:

Find an inspiring image in a magazine that you'd like to copy,  go ahead  and put your own spin on it, take a photo of your copycat & share it with us at Debbie's party!  Easy enough, right?

I found my inspiration in the May 2012 issue of Better Homes & Gardens...

Here is my copycat...

I didn't have that pretty blue basket that BHG used, so I chose to go with colorful accessories instead.

Having a little fun in PicMonkey.  Love giving a photo like this a vintage feel.... 

Head on over to Debbiedoos for the Magazine Copycat Challenge.  You don't want to miss out on all the fun, now do you?    


  1. Perfecto Gina!~ I bet you had everything on hand too. Love the vintage photo effect. Thanks for joining in girl.

  2. That looks so pretty Gina! I like yours more than the actual magazine photo:)

    I'm enjoying Picmonkey also, it's a lot like Picnik and I really like the feature that allows you to just grab and drop the pic into the box:)

  3. HI Gina! Oh, I love your copycat! Love your fiddled with snaps too!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. Gina- I like your basket even better!

    You copied that wonderfully- great job!!

  5. Don't you love PicMonkey? I don't even miss Picnik except for some of the stickers. Great post and perfect copy. It's very you. :o)

  6. Gina- What a great copy cat project! I love it-very sweet- xo Diana

  7. It looks great, and guess what, I almost did that one :) Love it, love your version!
    ps instead of copying Martha, next time I might just copy you :)

  8. Love it...I could copy you because I have the same carrier!!

  9. Wish I had known! I love to do her copycats! Yours ended up so pretty. I love your little carrier. Such a great little accessory to have.

  10. Darn Gina, I wanted to join the copycat and I forgot. Well, maybe next time. I love yours! I think it's cuter than the original. Great job girl!

  11. Gina, I love your copycat!!!
    So pretty!

  12. Hi Gina! I love your copycat, reminds me so much of's so pretty!

  13. Gina, you are ready for a summer party! Of course I like yours much better than the original because you have all of that very pretty RED!!! LOVE it....I have not tried Picmonkey yet....

  14. So cute Gina! I love your basket...great copycat!! Enjoy your day, Gail

  15. Gina I just love your copycat project. So perfect.

  16. It turned out great, a really nice and cheerful vignette for your house.

  17. Oh I like the vintagey one! So cute. And much more colorful then the original.

  18. Very pretty and nice copycat, Gina! I think you got this one down! I love strawberries over grapes, too. : )

  19. gina,
    You did a great job of copy catting that vignette. I'll have to try that some time.

  20. Fun copycat Gina! I just got home from Texas so I'm behind in reading blogs and doing posts! Maybe I can join in late...hugs, Linda

  21. Great copycat! and thanks for helping us newbies!

  22. So cute! I love the strawberries better than the grapes! Such a cheerful little basket! Great job.

  23. I LOVE IT! Great copy. I keep wanting to join Debbie's copy cat party but recently my inspiration meter has been running on low :-( I'll have to run on over to see what other have shared...maybe I can get inspired ;-) Have a beautiful day my friend.

    Much love,

  24. What? Debbiedoo has a Copy Cat Party too? You've been having all the fun over here. I'm so lucky to have met this group.

    I love your copy cat, it's perfection! I'm headed over to Dd's to see the rest.


  25. Gina, YOURS is better!! What a great job of copy catting!!
