Thursday, May 31, 2012

Debbiedoo's Copycat Challenge, Patriotic Style

It's time for another Copycat Magazine Challenge hosted by Debbiedoos!

I took my inspiration from Romantic Homes magazine, June 2012.

No, I did not copy that gorgeous room on the cover! 
Isn't that incredible though?

I chose something quite a bit simpler.

I really liked the votive holders embellished with vintage brooches
on the top of this page.

However, as much as I love those vintage brooches,
 I decided to give mine a little patriotic style. 

After all, we have the 4th of July coming up,
not to mention cheering for the
red, white & blue
in the upcoming Olympics.
(I love watching the Olympics!)

I knew just who to call to pull off this patriotic look too.
One call to Mom brought her to my door, within 15 minutes,
bearing a box of patritotic pins in assorted styles.
That woman has everything and is beyond awesome!  

I hope you enjoyed my copycat, patriotic style!


  1. Hi Gina, love your patriotic candles. Mom's are a good resource for all kinds of goodies. I borrow from my Mom all the time for things I like or need. Good job!---- Shannon

  2. Well done, Gina!

    They look awesome!

    You - and your mom- rock!!!

  3. GINA!!!!!!!!! This is AH-dorable!!!! LOVE it! You are so creative. I would have never thought to turn those cute votives patriotic. :D

    I got that issue, too, and I love the little photography studio on the cover....*le sigh*.....

  4. Great copycat project. So awesome that your mom has all that cool stuff.

  5. Hooray for the red, white and blue votive holders! Great job Gina!

  6. Gina these are so cute and so simple! They certainly make a statement though. Thanks so much for joining in on the copy cat challenge.

  7. Gina you did such a great job! I love the 4thof July twist you gave it! I will also be glued to my TV for the Olympics (GO USA). I have one patriotic pin I think! Your Mom, well I think she is a treasure also! Hugs, Linda

  8. I love how they came out. It will be a patriotic summer with the Olympics. I can't wait til they start. Some real TV. Happy summer.

  9. Oh thanks for the reminder. I have got to get busy!! You, as usual, are soooo good at this.

  10. Oh how super-adorable, Gina!!!!


  11. Gina, great idea! The candles look beautiful!

  12. You nailed it! Aren't those Mom's a great invention?!


  13. So cute G!
    Love your take on them.
    I need to be more creative. I never would have thought to make them in a red, white and blue version.

  14. love the whole idea...these are perfect!! good for you!

  15. Cute, cute, cute, Gina! Hope you had a great day- xo Diana

  16. Hi Gina, love them. You could also do one for the Diamond Jubilee.
    Glad you enjoyed my post. xx

  17. Boy, you ROCKED 'em, Gina girl...Perfect!

  18. Doesn't it feel great when we can create something as nice as the pictures in magazines? Nice job

  19. How very patriotic and pretty, Gina! I love it that your sweet mom was able to help you out, too!

    Quick reminder ~ ~ I hope you signed up for my giveaway that ends tomorrow! And a quick reminder about my annual WEDDING BLOG PARTY next Friday, June 8th! Hope you will join us!

    Big PS Hugs,

  20. Love this - you are just too smart! I sure there are a million variations on this, if had the time to think about it. I have three grandchildren here for a week!

  21. I love the original inspiration, and I love your patriotic version just as much. That's really cute!

  22. I saw that idea in the magizine.. I love your patriotic version. I need to do more Blog challenges to get my blogging mojo back.

  23. Love the little patriotic votive holders! How nice to have such a great resource in your mom! The copycat challenge sure looks like a lot of fun!

  24. Wow Gina, the possibilities are endless. I can see them with Christmas pins too. Great copy cat with your own twist. I am inspired my friend. Hope you are having a great weekend.

    Much love,

  25. These are adorable, Gina! I love this idea! Thanks for sharing this!

  26. I love your version, red, white and blue-tiful!
