Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Factory Cart Table (in the Spotlight)

Time for another Newbie Spotlight of the Week!
It's hard to believe this is week #3 already!

If you are asking yourself,
"What is this Newbie Spotlight of the Week all about, anyway?"
then take a look at this post by Debbie of Debbiedoos.   

So, without further delay, this week's winner is....

Are you ready for some magic?

Inspired by Restoration Hardware, Amy made this amazing table herself!

Yes, that's right, I said she made this amazing table herself. 

Can you believe it? 

Amy gives a full tutorial on how she made this beauty,
but I know I could never take on
a task like this myself...I'm just happy to brag all about Amy
and admire her mad furniture making skills.

Amy is from Texas and is a Graphic Designer,
but I'd also say she's one heckuva DIY-er as well! 

With incredible projects like this and a beautiful home to share with us,
 something tells me that Amy's blog is getting ready to soar.

Please go on over and take a look, you'll be glad you did!

The Blissful Bee

Amy if you would like, here is a button to display on your blog.


For more Newbie Spotlights of the Week, see:

If you are a Newbie, please link up at Debbiedoos Newbie Party.
  You never know, you could be the next Newbie Spotlight of the Week!


  1. WOWZA!!!

    Well she may be a newbie blogger but she SURE isn't a newbie designer!!!!! That is amazing.

    Heading there now to tell her myself.


    Well done on both your parts!!

  2. Pretty darn amazing! I loved her cart too Gina. Thanks for sharing!~

  3. It is so amazing. I popped over for a visit, thanks for sharing these amazing blogs. Cheers SpecialK XoXo

  4. Thank you SOO much for the spotlight!! I am proudly displaying my button this week:):) Can't wait to start following your beautiful blog:)

  5. This is beautiful. On my way to visit her blog now....

  6. Hi Gina,
    What a fabulous spotlight!!! I LOVE her table--it is amazing!!! Sending (((hugs))) your way,

  7. Oh I saw this one! Lucky girl ;) Can you believe that? It is one amazing project and turned out fantastic!!

  8. I saw this too Gina, I was thinking about going over there and taking it! It's so awesome!

  9. I agree that this cart was truly amazing! I checked out her blog almost as soon as she registered at Debbie's. She's incredibly talented, that's for sure!


  10. That's amazing!!! My sister has an original from the T.Eaton Co.
    They used these carts to transport goods from floor to floor.

  11. The spotlights are so much fun! I've met so many wonderful bloggers through Debbie's Newbie party!

  12. Hi Gina, I can not believe that she made that table. It is gorgeous! What a talented lady she is!

  13. Unbelievable! Restoration Hardware look out! Great feature Gina, I can't wait to go she how she did that...


  14. first visit, greetings introductions,
    blog is cool, beautiful and pretty, I like and follow # 369#
    I am very glad if you accept and follow the re-
    please come to my blog and do not forget to follow back
    thank you
    greetings of friendship

  15. Wow! That table is divine. Can't wait to check out her blog. Thanks for sharing!

  16. That's an absolutely the cutest I seen this week so far.

    Happy TS, Gina... and btw, I am your new follower. Sorry to miss your beautiful blog. Now, I won't miss a post.

    TY for sharing.

  17. Too cool, I am headed over now, how sweet of you and Debbie to give Newbies a spot light!


  18. Pretty amazing! Amy is really talented. That's quite a project. Thanks for sharing Gina.

  19. What a wonderful project! I will have to visit the newbies today.

  20. Hi Gina, I can't imagine myself building something like that. It is obvious that Amy is smart and talented! Nice of you to promote her blog. Have a great weekend!------ Shannon

  21. WOW that table certainly deserves to be in the spotlight Gina, It's awesome!!

  22. Oh how I love that factory cart/coffee table! I've seen it on several blogs this week. I'm smitten with it!

    Quick reminder: my annual WEDDING BLOG PARTY on June 8th! AND I'm also having a GREAT GIVEAWAY right now, too, so please stop by and read all about them!

    Big TX Hugs,

  23. Oh, wow...thanks for introducing her to us, Gina! I'll go check out her blog. Have a great weekend!

  24. wow...when i see stuff like the I realize how little talent I really have.

  25. I saw that table and was pretty impressed too! Good choice:)


  26. Wow! Awesome! I have one similar, but I didn't make mines. She is one clever lady.

    Hugs and Kisses,
