Thursday, May 24, 2012

Giveaway Winner, revisited, and a lesson

Hello my lovelies!
 I'm not sure if you recall, but a few weeks ago
I had a wonderful giveaway from PrintRunner.

At that time, my daughter selected a winner.
Unfortunately that winner had no way for me to contact her.
Without a blog and no email address provided,
I could not relay the happy news
that she had won my giveaway.

So here in lies the lesson.........

If you are going to enter a giveaway at a blog,
any blog,
and you do not have a blog of your own,
please, please provide an email address when you comment
so you can be contacted in the event you should win. 

It's really a shame and I feel bad about it,
but I have no other option other than to select another winner.

Pulling from the hat milk glass compote again, I have selected

Lynn at UpCountry Olio!

Congratulations Lynn! 
I will be in touch. 

Happy Thursday friends!


  1. How about this? I promise you can contact me if you promise I'll win your next giveaway. hehehe Doesn't that sound like a great plan?

  2. Oh no, I feel sad for the person who didn't leave an email... Is it ok if I'm pretty excited I was next? I have honestly been thinking about what I would do if I won! Now I get to try out my idea. Thank you so, so much Gina for hosting this fun give away!!!

  3. Congrats to Lynn, and "oops" for the other participant.

  4. Grats to Lynn! whoo hoo!

    It is sad that happened, but a good lesson hopefully learned for others!

    Have a great day, Gina!

  5. It's a good point Gina. You feel bad for the other blogger, but if there is no way to contact her, you are right to move on. Congrats to Lynn.
    come by and see my poolside table. Enjoy your day. Linda

  6. Just popping in to say HI!! Hope all is well by you:) It's almost summer WOOT!!

  7. Oh no...but I guess Yay for Lynn ;-) Congratulations to her. Wishing you a beautiful day my sweet friend.

    Much love,

  8. YEA for Lynn. I really hate it when bloggers don't have their email addresses available for replies and other contact purposes. xo Diana

  9. I know, I had to pass someone by too....Hum, wonder how they think we will get a hold of them?


  10. Hi Gina, just stopping by to wish you a very safe and fun Memorial Day weekend! Sorry someone missed out on a great prize.------------- Shannon

  11. Congrats to the winner. I think second chances are often more fun than the first ones so I'll celebrate.

    Also, I love the little bumblebee party feature from the newbie thingie. Very cute!
