Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A Room with a View (in the Spotlight)

Time sure is moving at a rapid rate as of late.
It's hard to believe it's time for another
Newbie Spotlight of the Week! 

My Newbie Spotlight of the Week goes to:

I love this stencil project that Lorrie shared at Debbie's Newbie Party.

After stenciling the branch on the wall,
Lorrie added this old window to make it  "A Room with a View." 
Seriously, don't you love the way this turned out?  I think it's pretty clever. 
The window was the perfect finishing touch.  

Exploring Lorrie's blog, I find she is very creative.  Take a look at this clock
she made from the lid of a rusty barrel.

Pretty awesome, huh?   

So please head on over to Finding Secret Treasure and say hello to Lorrie.

Lorrie, you are welcome to grab this button below for your blog.


To see 3 more Newbie Spotlight Picks,  please visit:


  1. Great pick, Gina. The stencil and window is inspiring. I have fired who reverse paints on old vintage windows. They are awesome paintings.

    I will cheek out her blog this afternoon when I have more time!


  2. Great spotlight pic Gina! I love that clock she made.

  3. Lorrie is an awesome pic. I would have picked her too if she was in my number category. However, it is hard right? So many talented ladies. Thanks Gina for sharing your pic

  4. Awesome pic Gina! Heading over to her blog right now.

  5. Wow! I am so excited! I am so honored to have been chosen for your SPOTLIGHT! Thank you sooooo much! This is totaly awsome! Really made my day!

  6. Rusty Barrel Clock?
    I love it!!

    Great spotlight G ;)

  7. Gina, thanks for sharing the View. Loved it. Helen

  8. That is very, very cute, Gina. I am headed over to visit her blog. xo Diana

  9. Great pick Gina. I'm heading over to check out her blog.

  10. Talented lady! love the window idea! and the clock! headed over to see her!

  11. What a great spotlight post! I love the beautiful stencil!

  12. How fun. She is talented! The clock is awesome. Thanks for stopping in Gina. I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day. My Mom also thanks you for the lovely compliment.

  13. Those are beuatiful, Gina!...Christine

  14. That's really lovely and such a great use of the old framing.

    I've said this before, but I really do think the highlight of a newbie blog is a great idea. I'll be hopping over to take a look now.

  15. Hi Gina,
    You are so sweet to host this Newbie Spotlight party...Lorrie's projects are awesome. Will head over to pay her a visit.

    Much love,

  16. These are awesome...she does have talent.
    You are so sweet to showcase like you do.:)
    Now, I am off to see Lorrie.
    xo bj

  17. How nice of you to introduce everyone to Lorrie! I'll stop by and visit her soon. I'm just swooning over the rusty barrel lid clock!! So happy you visited me and are planning to join in on the Wedding Party fun!!!

    Big TX Hugs,

  18. Nice! I am looking for some window inspiration not sure yet what I'm going to do with it. Thanks for sharing this!

  19. Amazing talent. Heading over to take a peek. Thanks ever so much for sharing. Cheers SpecialK XoXo

  20. how nice of you to spotlight another blogger! I love the stenciling!
    have great Saturday!

  21. Hey Miss Gina! Great spotlight! Love that clock!!
