Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Call of the Pool Noodle Wreath

When you hear the call, and it's shouted loudly enough,
you must answer that call.

When my bloggy girls said there would be a noodle wreath party,
I just knew, without a doubt,
it was time to get my noodle on!

Because after all, who am I not to follow the pack &
wave my noodle around in pride?
(Oh dear, this is sounding a bit off-color.)

I have to admit, I did try a different noodle approach at first. 
I wanted to attempt to go where no noodle had gone before.
I thought, I actually have a pool, so why not leave my
noodle naked
and adorn it with assorted pool related accents?

Yeah that plan did not work at all!

I quickly found that a layer of clothing, if you will, was the way to go. 
That took me in a "predictable direction",
which was not really what I was going for, but nevertheless
acceptable in the end.

My fair noodle awaits, so let's go on with it!

My clothing of choice was an
itsy bitsy teenie weenie
yellow polka dot bikini fabric.

I made some felt hydrangeas.  Well, if
hydrangeas came in summer brights anyway!

I think I'm going to hang this wreath on my back door.
She is kinda cute, after all.

So tell me,
are you joining in on noodle madness? 

Linking to the


  1. Gina, your noodle wreath is sooo darn cute. Love the polka dot (bikini) fabric. You are very talented with fabric flowers. Hydrangeas, with all those petals, wow. xo

  2. Gina it's Sooooo cute though. The color combo is so playful and FUN.
    I just adore your flowers =)

    I went "wreath" too. My knee and Cali trip sidelined my more creative idea ;) Maybe later?

    Thanks so much for linking up!!

  3. Gina! It's gorgeous! I love the yellow, and the flowers are fabulous! Thank you so much for sharing!

    Jessica @ Mom 4 Real

  4. Gina your noodle wreath is adorable....it just makes me smile!!

  5. Love your noodle wreath! So bright and colorful. Perfect for summer!

  6. You are right. It is kinda cute...

  7. Oh- How Cute! It is so fun to see all the different "takes" on the noodle wreath~ Yours is bright and summery- Love it- xo Diana

  8. Love you yellow polka dots Gina! How cute! Love the flowers too, nice touch. This was so much fun! Although not sure what my husband thinks of the noodle, he keeps looking at it strangely every time he opens the door!

  9. Gina, I love it! So cute, the colors are awesome!

  10. Oh my goodness, Gina! This is just so cute! I love the pennant!

  11. Gina,
    Your wreath came out exactly how I new it would...VERY CUTE! Love the color palette!

  12. I am loving your yellow polka dottie fabric on that. It says SUMMER all over the place. Love it!

  13. That is so adorable, Gina! I love your felt hydrangeas!

  14. Such a cute noodle wreath. Perfect summertime colors.

  15. Gina, this is the cutest thing I have ever seen....I love the colors, too!!!!

  16. Hi Gina,

    So cute! I love the hydrangeas and the bikini style fabric.


  17. Cute post! You made me laugh this morning! ha! And the wreath is just the cutest creation ever!!! Love the little banner and the pretty flowers!

    I missed your previous post with your daughter. Olivia is a beautiful girl! Lucky for her, she has such a crafty mom, 'cause her shoes turned out really nice! :)

  18. I love those noodles and never in my wildest dreams would I think of decorating one!!! It looks adorable, so sunny and bright! Very cute and you're always so funny:)

  19. Dear Gina,
    Thank you so much for your sweet note about my sisters passing, it was so very thoughtful and kind of you. thank you...
    I just love this idea of making a wreath out of a pool noodle. So creative!
    Have a sweet day and hugs, Elizabeth

  20. Gina that is so pretty, love those colorful hydrangeas. I'm going to use my extra noodles to make wreaths too.

  21. So much summer fun with a pool noodle- Who knew a noodle could be so cute on a door? Yours is fabulous!

  22. Adorable...that's using your noodle...
    Blessings, Lorraine

  23. So very cute Gina. I see those noodles at the dollar store all the time. What a great idea.

  24. That is so cute! It screams summer!

    I did know there was a use your noodle party! What a coincidence! I went over and linked up my table. :)

  25. Okay, Miss Gina, your noodle is just one of a kind!!

  26. Kinda cute? I'd say adorable! It's definitely front door worthy too. :o)
    I remember the summer that pool noodles "hit the scene." My kids were maybe 7 and 10 (I'm clearly guessing but I'm close.) We went from store to store looking for them and everywhere we went they were sold out. We actually put our name on a waiting list at K-Mart. Finally got them 2 weeks later. (Oh...to put this in perspective my kids are now 26 and 29!)

  27. Gina, Your wreath turned out super cute! Love the colors and the polka-dots! Those flowers are my favorite. :-)

  28. I need to find a noodle and make this. My wreath is losing its flowers. hehehe I need something new for the front porch. Yours looks great.

  29. Gina, This turned out sooo cute! The flowers are wonderful.

  30. Super duper cute! Love the fun bright colors and love, love, love the hydrangeas, my favorite flower you know :-)

    Hugs and Kisses,
