Wednesday, June 27, 2012

No Cost Curtain Tie Backs (in the Spotlight)

Newbie Spotlight time again!

This week, I have chosen to feature


Theresa shared a no cost curtain tie back solution for
Debbiedoo's Newbie Party. 

It's a clothespin that she painted & embellished! 

I think her blog name, Shoestring Elegance, fits the bill on this one,
don't you think?

In all honesty, I have used a clothespin to tie my curtains back before.
I wanted to get them out of the way of the window air conditioner.
I was just not as clever as Theresa to make them look pretty like this though.

So there you have it my friends, another super Newbie blogger to check out!

Congratulations Theresa!!

Here is a button for you to display:

For more fantastic Newbies in the Spotlight, please visit my girls:



  1. Oh my gosh those are darling! I am going to have to pin these for my Mom to see. Thanks Gina for the awesome spotlight!

  2. Oh gosh those are CUTE. I need some curtains now. LOL. I am realizing, I only have the little cafe curtains in my entry. I love my wood blinds, but this feature is darling =)

  3. How cute is that little bling on the clothespin!

  4. A practical solution with BLING, can't top that! :) The clothespin tie backs are too cute!

  5. thank you for kind make some WOW....stuff and really cute stuff great stuff

  6. Nice choice for the Newbie spotlight. Great idea.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  7. Gina, What an Incredible honor!!
    Thank you so very much! It's all of your wonderful projects out in blogland that inspired me to join this wonderful world.. You are really too kind, and I can't Thank you enough!
    With sincerest gratitude,

  8. This is a really cute and clever one!
    I tell ya... the things folks think up in blog land never fail to delight me.
