Sunday, June 3, 2012

Summer Mantel 2012

It may not officially be Summer just yet, but I'm all about wishful thinking.
Be gone rain & 60 degrees, I'm done with you!

As a result, I decided it was high time to give the mantel
a little refresh for the season.

I didn't really buy a whole lot to complete my mantelscape this year.   
I did purchase the paper curly-q flowers from Hobby Lobby. 
Aren't they fun? 
I loved them so much, I wanted to buy every color they were selling,
but I managed to restrain myself to the two colors. 

The little blue vases are new, from Joann Fabrics.
Everything else I already owned.   

Oh wait.  I forgot!  I did buy that blue stool from Kirklands.

Some pretty blue & green fabric sewn together to make a banner.
Yes, I did say "sewn." 
I began sewing a few flags by hand and then my Mom stopped by and
insisted on taking the rest home with her to sew on her machine.
Thanks Mom!
I added a little rick rack for a touch of whimsy.

This part of my living room is all set for Summer now.
Have you given your mantel the Summer treatment yet?

Linking to:
Tabletop Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life
Tip Toe Thru Tuesday at Crayon Freckles
Thursdays are Your Days at 52 Mantels
Share Your Cup Thursday at Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson
Summer Mantel Link Party at The Lettered Cottage


  1. It looks great, Gina- I need to do my own soon- I am still set for Spring- xo Diana

  2. Gina, your mantle looks cool and lovely and ready for summer. We went from 90 back down to 70 and have been having rain. Today is very nice so far. I lvoe your banner, very courageous of you to sew by hand! xo

  3. It's no secret how much I love your fireplace and mantel. You have managed to take whimsy and frost it with sweet elegance, my friend! The chandie is our mantle since we don't have one! I'll be decking it for summer soon!

  4. LOVES it Gina! Those curly flowers are fun. I did not see those at the Hobster! I hope it starts warming up for you.

  5. Looks great Gina! I love the blue everywhere! Cute curly flowers too!

  6. Those curly flowers are too cute, have to look for those!!! The mantle is fresh and cool looking, not over done, just perfect for summer...nice job!!!

  7. Looks great Gina, the colors are so refreshing, perfect for summer. Great job on the banner!

  8. Hi Gina,

    Oh wow! I love your summer mantel. I have not seen the curly flowers before. They are just so cute. How sweet of your mom to finish the sewing for you. Your banner is beautiful!


  9. Hi Gina,
    This is totally adorable!!! I LOVE your colors!! This should be on the front of a magazine--it's precious!

  10. Okay, I am keeping track of all these mantel posts so when I get my mantel I will have these great references.!! So much fun!!

  11. you just soooo amazing me! you should totally make and ebook to sell with all of your mantels and tablescapes! hope to see you at my party on tuesday :)

  12. Gina,
    Your new summer mantel looks great! I'm in love with those curly flowers but have not seen them at our Hobby Lobby. That blue and white silhouette of the child swinging is so cute! I love it! Did you make it or purchase it somewhere? :-)

  13. Gina, I love your summer mantel! I have not seen those curly flowers but I will look for them. How nice that your mom finished sewing your banner for you! And no, I have not decorated my mantel yet, but I may get started on something involving a "noodle."

  14. I love it Gina! Your mom is sweet! I've never made bunting, but I want to. Love those cool flowers!

  15. Gina,
    That handmade banner is so cute. Your room is getting that summer feeling. My mantle stays the same until Christmas. Maybe I should rethink that.

  16. Cute mantel, and the curly q flowers would make me smile everyday!!! I *heart* them!

  17. Well, girlfriend, come on down to Texas! It's already hotter than Hades + humidity = misery. Way too early for these high temps.

    Your mantel is the colors! Those flowers are adorable. I don't have a mantel so I shall enjoy yours, ok?


  18. Hi Gina, I love your new look! I saw those flowers at Hobby Lobby and thought they were awfully cute. Your banner is sweet. The rick rack definately gives it charm. I pulled out my cherry/strawberry decor yesterday. Restyled the kitchen and table in family room but didn't get to the mantel yet.

  19. Gina, you just have the sweetest mom ever! And I love your fresh new look for your summer mantel! I especially adore the silhouette pic. Wherever did you find it?

    BTW, the art museum wedding exhibit sounds like something right up my alley! Did you make pics there ~ it would be great to share at the Wedding Party Friday!

    Big Hugs,

  20. Well I'd say you ended up with the right two colors on those curly-q's. It is such a fun refreshing color pallet for summer! Just love how this looks! You mom totally rocks!

  21. Oh, I haven't seen those curly flowers yet at HL. I want some! I like your color combo and LOVE the bunting.

  22. It looks all summer cottage-y. I wanna come over aand read a good summer book on that room.

  23. Love your summer mantel. I am very ready for summer too. It's raining here today and in the 50's!! Your mantel made me smile this morning in all it's lovliness.

  24. Your mantle looks beautiful, Gina! I love those colors! You did a great job! The curly flowers are so pretty!

  25. Love the blue and green and those paper flowers! I have not seen those to go to Hobby Lobby!

  26. Beautiful mantel Gina, you know I love those colors. Check my blog today, I have awarded the Kreativ Blogger Award.

  27. Gina, I am trying to email you but can't find your email address. Can you send it to me

  28. Hi Gina,
    Wow... summer mantel? You really get me into trouble, girl? My mantel is bare as our patio §;-)

    TY for reminding.

    TY a mill for coming and be one of the follower. You rocks with your projects, I can see.

    Happy TTT and hope to catch up more with your post. I am so busy specially end of the month, as I am working in the bank. It's hilarious, much.


  29. Lovin the curly flowers! I need to make a cute banner like that...

  30. Very pretty Gina. What fun flowers and the colors are wonderful.

  31. Hi Gina, Your mantel looks so fresh and summery. Love the banner you made. You can never go wrong with blue and white with a little green in the mix!
    Mary Alice

  32. Great job Gina! Everything looks so fresh and pretty.

    Susan and Bentley

  33. Oh Gina, I love your summer mantel! The curly flowers are adorable!! Enjoy your evening, Gail

  34. Bright and happy just like summer should be.


  35. It looks very nice and summery! I'm so ready for warmer weather, too. It's cool, windy and cloudy here today. Blah...
    Hugs, Cindy

  36. I love those paper flowers. I keep seeing them, and I want to use them.

    Your entire summer mantel is bright and crisp. It makes me think of of sitting beside the water because of the colors.

  37. Your summer mantel vignette is gorgeous! Love the flag garland, and the print on the cute stool is so pretty!

  38. G it looks so fresh and pretty =) Great colors. Just got to HobLob for the first time! Those flowers are cute!! Sorry the rain is hanging around. I know how that feels :(


  39. Your mantle is so fresh and cool looking for summer with the use of the blue... reminds of the pool or ocean! Thanks for sharing at tip toe through tuesday!

  40. What a beautiful Summer mantel Gina. Love the colors. Reminds me of a beach cottage in the summer :-)

    Much love,

  41. I love your mantle! Just lovely...and in my seashore colord! Perfect!

  42. This is such a pretty summer vignette! Really like those flowers from Hobby Lobby!

  43. I really like your summer mantel! The curly flowers are fun. I don't have a mantel, so I will be decorating my shelves!

  44. Hi Gina, just wanted to hop back and say thanks for linking your cute mantel with Share Your Cup.

  45. Love your summer mantle. The blue vases are gorgeous!

  46. I haven't redone the mantel recently. I do need to think about that. It is pretty boring right now. Your mantel looks great, cool and crisp, that's what we need for summer.
    Your mom is so sweet to offer her talents. I am sure you got a lot of your talent from her.

    We don't have a Hobby Lobby here. While in Nashville I purchased some paper flowers and left them at my daughter's. Not worth mailing and she won't be down for a while. Oh well, maybe she can use them.

  47. I love this, Gina!! SO SO pretty! I'm in such a mantel rut lately. I wish I could just transport yours to my house :)

  48. I'm visiting today through Layla's Summer Mantel Link Party!

    I love your mantel - the blue and white theme is just gorgeous!

  49. Your mantel looks just charming ! I love the colors - cool and refreshing!

    thanks for sharing,
