Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Go USA decorations (in the Spotlight)

I don't know about you, but I love the Olympics. 

Now I'm sure you're asking,
 "What does the Olympics have to do with the
Newbie Spotlight of the Week, Gina?"    
You shall soon see, my pretties.

This week, I am giving the Gold Medal spotlight to:

Emily at

When I spotted Emily's USA related decor, I knew I had found another 
patriotic,Olympics-loving, kindred spirit! 

Go on over to Entirely Emily and take a look at these
fun & fantastic decorations.  (How incredible is that USA cutout?)

While you're there, find Emily's posts in her "Funny Friday" category. 
If you are in need a laugh, Emily is your girl.

Congratulations Emily
here is your button to display:

For other Spotlights of the Week, check out the girls at:

(the founder of this party & Champion for Newbies everywhere)

See you next week for another Newbie Spotlight of the Week!
(and could someone please turn off the heat!)