Saturday, July 28, 2012

I've been framed!

In the past couple of weeks, I went to a few garage sales.

Something seems to be afoot.
I didn't realize it at first, but I have an addiction.

I keep buying pictures for their frames!

I don't know why I have done this, 
nor do I have any clue what I'm going to do with them,
but I just can't seem to resist.

Maybe the heat of Summer has finally gotten to me.
I guess I better start figuring out what
to do with them! 


  1. I have done that too. I have even framed family photos. I just have a mat cut to fit the frame and photo. Love the third frame!

  2. The third one is a real beauty. I have done the same thing. Wonder why we didn't think of this sooner.

  3. Those are some pretty frames. I can see why you were attracted to them. I can't wait to see what you do with them.

  4. I just recently did the same thing! Love that third one especially!

  5. I can understand that, today's modern frames are kind of boring. And I am sure you will do them up just fine. xo

  6. You do have a great collection of beautiful frames!


  7. Hi Gina! Love your frames. Now what are you going to put in them?
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia :)

  8. Well I can certainly see WHY you bought them- those frames are gorgeous!

    It's going to be NEAT to see how this morphs, Gina!!

  9. Gina,
    Very nice frames and I like the pictures too. I have seen some really great frames at Thrift stores, tag sales etc.

  10. You picked out some really nice ones, love the third frame. Look at it this way....they are flat, easy to store, can hide them away and no one knows you are hoarding them or have an obsession....ideas will come down the road!!!

  11. I tend to pick up frames too. I love the last one!

  12. Can't say that I pick up frames, at lease not yet. I love that 3rd picture. I would keep it just like it is.

  13. Gina, I have been doing that as well. I don't know why! LOL

  14. Great frames! You can make an Autumn "to do" list on one.. that's what I would do. : )
    Happy Sunday

  15. Awesome frames...even if you don't use them right away they are great to have just in case. You never know when you might need one!

  16. I was on the hunt for frames last week and didn't find a one. Now I know why, you were one step ahead of every where I went.


  17. Uh, did you happen to SEE the frames you bought??? They are AWESOME! You would have been labeled a lunatic to pass them up! Oh man, the possibilities!

  18. I'm sure you will do something great with the frames. I can't wait to see.

  19. Great frames, Gina.

    I saw a cute idea once, using old pictures like that.
    Paint over the picture with chalkboard paint, and create a one-of a kind chalkboard.
    It was a super cute idea.

    No matter what you do with the frames.. I know it will turn out spectacular!
    You are such a creative gal :)

    Smiles :)

  20. I love the first picture, great how they all look so pretty in their frames! Have a great day!

  21. Nothing wrong with that Gina. I can see a future gallery wall of pretty frames, perhaps with pretty plates hung in the middle of some:)

  22. They're all nice...but I especially like the last one. Looks very "shabby chic!"

  23. I think garage sales are the best places to find nice frames! You found some really pretty ones!

  24. Nice frames but..I like the pictures too. You know I have a weakness there. I would never get ahead with that plan. :)

  25. Why, I know what you can do with them...Give them to your friend Carol! People love buying frames in my antiques booth...Hum, not sure what they do with them, that white one was a great buy!


  26. If the price were right, I would buy each one of them and for the same exact reason. I currently have a bunch of frames living in my eaves just begging for a project. None are as lovely as some of them though.

  27. Love that third one! I've done that too! And especially if they're cheap enough, I store them and eventually a cool project will arise! :) I know you will come up with something creative and awesome!

  28. You are not alone my should see my garage. Hee, Hee, Hee. But don't dispair, it will come to you :-)

    Much love,

  29. O. M. flipping G.

    That last one? That would insight a tug of war... that one is awesome! Great score girly :)))
