Thursday, July 19, 2012

Old Window Gallery Wall

If you've seen my post earlier in the week, you know I have been working on a little project concerning some old windows found in the trash.  You may also remember when I couldn't find my kitchen table because it was buried beneath a whole lot of projects.

Here is the post where everything comes together.  

I am ashamed to say that I have had this unloved wall in my living room for a couple of years. 

That mirror looked so blah, but I could never figure out what to do with this wall. 

That is, until the old windows entered my life.

After painting one old window & adding chicken wire, I then wanted to add a little color.  So I  thought I'd clamp some mason jars onto the chicken wire and fill the jars with flowers.

First:   I couldn't find flowers in the colors I wanted.  Ok, no problem, I'll make some.
Second:  Wouldn't it be more fun if the mason jars were colored?  Ok, I'll paint them.

I still needed something else for this window though.  

Third:   How about if I make a small paper banner?  Ok, I will.
Fourth:  What if, instead of silver glitter, I use German glass glitter?  Perfect excuse to buy some on Etsy! Thank you, Sugar Camp Cottage. 

Wait, there's a problem. 
This window is too narrow to fill this whole wall!

Fifth:  What if I have an old picture of my kids put onto canvas? Canvas 4 Life to the rescue!

Sixth:  What if I add a pop of color with this picture that's been hanging around?  Sure, why not!

Sixth:   What about the other side?  Hmmm, what if  I paint a sign of some sort?

Ok, no more "what ifs" left....would you like to see it all together?

When it was all said and done, I have to be honest, I started giggling.  Yes, giggling with delight. 

Finally that wall has found some much needed ♥ love! ♥

And to think, it all started with an old window found in the trash!

Linking to:

Hot Fun in the Summertime Blog Party at Miss Flibbertigibbet
One More Time Party at One More Time
Weekend Wrap Up Party at Tatertots & Jello
Inspiration Friday at At the Picket Fence


  1. Gina...this is brilliant! What a creative way to use the windows, I love the chicken wire and the jar was a neat idea. Definitely trash to treasure! :)


  2. Way to go Gina! Great wall vignette. Very resourceful!

  3. Wow, I love this. I have problems grouping wall arrangements. You really made this look so sweet.

  4. My poor above-the-couch-wall needs love like this. Thanks for sharing your design. Maybe I can find some cool stuff too.

  5. Great wall transformation. Love the canvas with your kids and the window.

  6. GINA!!!!!

    That is absolutely amazing!

    You really are brilliant - I love the way this "story" came to be - and how well you have put everything together.

    Such a talented gal.

    YAY! Giggling too!! Whoo hoo!

  7. You go girl!!! Nicely put together, great story!!! Very clever, simply done, great look!!! hugs...cleo

  8. Wow! It looks great, I need something on a wall here too! "What if" I just hired you! xo

  9. Gina,
    Love how your junk find turned into such a great wall art piece and everything came together so nicely with your magical touch!

  10. What a complete looks really good....boy I wish that I had 'thoughts' like yours! Joan

  11. Gina,
    You are a pretty good designer. The wall looks very warm and inviting. Like another blogger put it you are very resourceful!!!
    It looks wonderful.

  12. there's no such thing as a small project, is there? one thing always leads to another!

    it turned out beautifully! i LOVE the painted mason jars!!!

    i've gotten some GREAT ideas from your project, thank you for sharing it!

  13. Gina, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the chicken wire on the window...great display!!...enjoy it, Mariaelena

  14. Wow, Gina, you are one creative chica! The wall looks amazing with the chicken-wired window and all the "what ifs" added on. ~Michelle

  15. Great job, Gina! You probably can change it our for the seasons, too. The shells and the blue look so pretty, especially with the pillows and the fabric picture. I really love that chicken wire and that cute little banner.

  16. I went back and love how you balanced out the cute kids'photo with the "love" sign on the other side. Perfect!!

  17. Creativity rocks at your house! You did a marvelous job on all of it. I like the blues too.


  18. I love it! It all came together perfectly! I am ashamed to say how many things I've left for 8 years! You are way ahead of me :)

  19. Hi Gina ... So creative with the window and what a great size. Love chicken wire with anything.
    Happy wall now.
    Audrey Z.

  20. Oh, I just love it too!! It's funny...before I started following blogs and blogging myself, I had a lot of unloved I know there are simple and beautiful ways to fix that!

    I love all the details, and the painting of the boy in the swing is just too sweet!

    Great job, friend!

  21. Gina!!!! It couldn't be any more perfect...and look how it blends with those pillows. GREAT job and I love it- xo Diana

  22. I love the way it all turned out, Gina. You just needed an inspiration piece. Who knew you'd find it in the trash?! Ain't life funny sometimes?
    Great job!

  23. Cute wall. Love what you did with the window and love that painting. Great pop of blue.

  24. Sometimes you just need that extra time to let the ideas and creativity percolate a while- and then wa-la perfection!

  25. Ha! I love this post1 Don't we all have a wall that we don't know what to do with?! And it really is the most amazing feeling when if finally all comes together. Great job on your "window" wall!

  26. OK, I love it all!! the chicken wire and mason jars and the color, it is all so interesting...No blah there!!


  27. This is all adorable! You are so clever to come up with all that! Great job!


  28. Oooh, Gina! I just knew the project with the new windows was going to be gorgeous!!! It looks amazing!!! I love the pops of blue together with the pillows and the picture of the kids is beautiful! It just doesn't get any better than this! So pretty!

  29. Gina, This is fantastic! All the elements came together to create perfection. The canvas of the children is so sweet and I have to learn about German glass. That banner is neat. And to think it all started with that great old window.
    Great project. Kudos to you!
    Hugs, Ginger

  30. Gina, this looks Great would love it if you would share it at linky party! So Cute!
    Tammy-One More Time

  31. Gina!
    An absolutely brilliant up~cycle story!

  32. Doesn't everything start that way...with an old window found in the trash!? lol....

    i love what you've done's a nice mix of all the things you love. A great reflection of you!

    thanks for your visit. love your paper banner too.
    ciao bella
    creative carmelina

  33. Really love how everything turned out, Gina! You did a great job!

  34. I LOVE that picture of the kid on the swing!!!! So cute! I'm so proud of you for fixing that poor wall! Wish I could find an empty wall in my house to decorate! Thanks for coming to the party!

  35. WOW, Gina, this is perfection!!! and I adore how you painted the jar--it's brilliant...You are SOOOO talented!!!

  36. Gina, you rock out loud, my friend! LOVE this project. Your wall is so much *you* I know everyone who visits your home will smile when they see it. I don't blame you for must be happy with the end result!


  37. Looks great. Love the painted mason jars!

  38. It looks amazing, Gina, and what a fun post! I really like what you did with the window. Just have to ask, what did you do with the mirror -- it's a pretty one.


  39. that looks great. I have so many empty walls I definitely need to do something like this.


  40. Very fun post...I enjoyed every minute. You gotta admit it's waaaay better than just that mirror! I love it all but especially the picture of your kids. Perfect.

  41. It is downright inspiring. I just kept loving one detail after another. I'm really dumb, but where did you get the clamp for the jar? (Yes, I realize that's probably a really dumb question that all the other little bloggers in blog land know the answer to.)

    I keep seeing chicken wire projects this week and loving them all. I do believe that chicken wire is in the cards for a future project.

  42. Oh, my gosh Gina. That wall is neglected no more. I love that little pop of blue. I never would have though to paint Mason jars but they look wonderful!

  43. This is so cute! I love what you did, much better than the old mirror!! Better yet that you love what you did, how many times have you walked back into the room just to enjoy your creation?!?! Looks great, nice job!

  44. This is so cute! I love what you did, much better than the old mirror!! Better yet that you love what you did, how many times have you walked back into the room just to enjoy your creation?!?! Looks great, nice job!

  45. Hi Gina.. Thanks for the feet visit a the " Grand Lady " .. Your presence is so welcome ....OMG how delightful your projects are...

    I must admit the part about not finding your kitchen table made me laugh out loud( ha Ha)...It's always nice to meet a kindred spirit...

    You've certainly blessed your living room wall with a lot of time, patience and love... I love the creative whimsy that you've displayed...Thanks for sharing...hugs

  46. The window is so cute , love the long shape of it ! And the wall looks great ! I know your are delighted .

  47. Hi lovely lady.
    The wall looks amazing with the chicken-wired window and all the "what ifs" added on. You did a wonderful job putting them all together. Thanks so much for your sweet comments on my new Island Tablescape. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend with your family. Its good being BACK with my love of Tablescaps. XXOO Diane

  48. Gorgeous Gina!!!! I love the color!

  49. Fabulous wall arrangement!!! And I love the pops of blue! Just perfect and happy! :) The little flowers are precious!

  50. Hi Gina..
    You have every reason to giggle with delight...your projects turned out beautifully, and your focus wall is darling!!

    Smiles :)

  51. Gina, I love, love, LOVE THIS!! So much creativity going on...I can hardly stand it! :-) The jars on the chicken wire window frame are such a great idea! And I'm drooling over your flowers. Do you have a tutorial on how to make them?

  52. Oh boy this is spectacular Gina! I am pinning this now. LOVE the picture and the blue mason jar:)

  53. Wow Gina, your wall turned out wonderfully. Love the pop of color and the sweet picture of your kids. Definitely two thumbs up my friend. Still can't get over the story about the windows :-)

    Much love,

  54. Hi Gina,
    You have been featured over at
    I just loved all you put into this! Thank you for sharing, hope to see you at this Fridays linky party!

  55. AWESOME! Did I miss the tute on the flowers you made? LOVE that touch!
