Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Olympics and P & G

Here's a question:

Am I the only one who loses sleep by watching the Olympics every night?

Day 4 and I'm already exhausted!  lol 

I can't help it, I love the Olympics and I don't want to miss a thing. 

  • I love the athletes.  
  • I love their determination, their strength, their dedication. 
  • I love their uniforms, their smiles, their sportsmanship.
  • I love seeing their parents literally ready to fall apart as they watch. 
  • I love the friendships & the rivalries. 
  • I love screaming cheering from my seat, wishing I was there in person to wave a big American flag. 
  • I love the medal ceremonies...oh what pride!
  • I love the commercials.
  • I love the incredible voice of Morgan Freeman in the Visa commercials that melt my heart.  
  • I love the Procter & Gamble commericals that never fail to leave me teary-eyed. 
Have you seen this 2012 P & G commercial yet? 

Although this one is from the Winter Olympics 2010, I still have
to show it, because it's my all time favorite.

I don't think I've ever seen it without crying.  It just kills me.

Please tell me I'm not the only crazed Olympics watcher...
and it's ok if you have to lie to me to make me feel better about it.  


  1. I'm with you! And what I don't get is the parents they've shown who "can't watch" the ones that hide their eyes while their kids perform. I don't get it. I would be there so proud and my eyes glued to every second win or lose so proud!

  2. I am draggggging myself to work. Bedtime is after midnight during the Olympics!

    I love the P&G ad's too! I not only tear up at the ads, I also tear up at all the stories. Missy Franklin a TRUE AMATEUR, not taking the big bucks because she still wants to be on her high school swim team!

    I'll always take big healthy slice of life with my late night Olympic tea!

    Gina, your a big heart family girl! That's one of the reasons your are such a great blog friend!

    How is Olivia doing?

  3. I like the Olympics too!! I like their determination and loyalty to our country! it is neat to see all countries come together and unite. Wonderful post!!

  4. Normally I am crazed, but we have been missing it this time around *sadface* Those commercials kill me!!! Every. Single. Time......

  5. We DVR them and skip right through the commercials to make it a little shorter...We just can't stop watching. Sometimes we rewind an event a few times just to relive the excitment...Talk about crazy...Hee, Hee, Hee. When I first saw the Olymics commercial about the mothers I just bawl my eyes out and every time I would tell someone about it I wasn't able to get through telling them without tearing up :-) We ❤ The Olympics!

    Hugs and Kisses,

  6. I can't get reception here so I am missing out on all of this excitement. Thanks for listing all of the things I'd be doing were I watching! :)


  7. Gina,
    I am an avid Olympics watcher. These kids train their entire lives with the goal of going to the Olympics. The parents sacrifice a lot for their kids dream.It's also called love.
    There are many I could have been atheletes who pull for them and for the USA. Good post. Oh, and yes I'm up till the end.

  8. LOL! Maybe you can get some rest when they are all over! I missed the opening ceremonies and REALLY regret that!!! ~enjoy the games! :)

  9. Okay - Now you have me bawling like an idiot in Starbucks where I am using my laptop. Way to go, Gina! lol Get some sleep, girl! xo Diana

  10. Well Gina,

    If you know me you know I havent' watched tv since the mid 1970s. I think that's the last time I saw Olympics.

    But I love that you do! Some bloggers are really into it, and that's AWESOME!

    I have enjoyed seeing the Queen there this year.

    My daughter married into a British family and my SIL's parents have been visiting there for over a month now, I mean, why not if the family is still there? How awesome is that?

  11. I'm with you Gina. We watch the Olympics every night. We are rooting our teams up , even in our living room. The commercials do may me tear up....The music and videos seem to do that. Thanks for sharing and also for popping in and commenting.

  12. I LOVE the Olympics! I never really watch TV but I have been glued to the tube...GO USA!!

  13. I'm over here laughing at you, b/c every night I can hear the kids yelling and cheering. They even recorded some events today while we were out shopping. I can just see you cheering your heart out and crying now.

  14. Oh, my goodness, Gina. I thought I was glued to the Olympics, but I hadn't seen that commercial. It made me cry, too. I cannot imagine what those athletes' lives have been like. Then it's all over so quickly.

  15. my kids are glued!!! they cannot decide if they should find out ahead of time or wait till prime time for the ones they are really rooting for..most of the time, they just find out ahead of time..

  16. Oh Gina! I love the Olympics too and I love this post. I've been thinking the same things. I wish I had written this. Maybe I'll just copy it. haha...

  17. Even though I grumbled about my regular shows being preempted I still find myself watching and cheering. I can only imagine how the parents must feel. I get a knot in my stomach watching these kids compete. I love gymnastics, swimming and track and field the best.

  18. Hi Gina...
    I don't have to lie... it is certainly fun to watch the Olympics!
    I haven't lost any sleep.. yet.
    I felt the way you do, about the 2010 Winter Olympics though; couldn't go to bed until they were done airing~~LOL!
    And those commercials.... Boo Hoo!
    Such tear jerkers!

    Hope today is a good one... and you get to catch a cat-nap :)


  19. The Olympics seem to really bring out all that is right and good in the world! It's brought back a lot of memories of when we hosted the Olympics in Salt Lake City in 2002 (wow 10 years ago). It was amazing to have the world in our city, but I feel that same connection watching it happen 1,000's of miles away!
