Friday, August 10, 2012

Cleveland Rocks!

I've been pretty scarce for the last week because my family & I were on vacation in  Cleveland. 

I've heard so many people ask, "Cleveland?  What's in Cleveland?"   

Let me start by saying, I will not fly.  I haven't flown since 1996.  My husband, poor man, accepts my refusal to fly and will drive anywhere within reason. 

My daughter & I are big music fans.  When we were deciding on a summer vacation, she mentioned wanting to go to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.  I liked the idea.  Cleveland also has a Major League Baseball team, the Indians, so my husband & son liked that idea.  It is also just under a 6 hour drive from us and my husband liked that idea very much. 

So Cleveland it was!!

The diehard Yankee wearing
an Indians hat and one wearing a Twins hat. 
Go figure! 

We loved seeing these guitar works of art,
scattered all over the downtown area. 

The Rock and Roll Hall  of Fame was amazing! 
7 floors of amazing to be exact!

Sorry, no photography was allowed inside, but seeing things like
the actual notebook page where John Lennon & Paul McCartney wrote
the lyrics to the song,  "In My Life" complete with words crossed out & doodling
 around the (very yellowed with age) page was so cool! 

We saw everything from Elvis's jumpsuit to Janis Joplin's porche to
Michael Jackson's red leather jacket
that he wore in The Thriller video. 
What a fantastic place for music lovers of all ages.

We were able to take this one photo inside the lobby of the Hall. 

Beautiful Lake Erie. 

I have to say, we really did enjoy our visit to Cleveland.   The city is clean, the food is excellent (Little Italy, anyone?),  and the people are very friendly.  So now when someone asks, "Cleveland?  What's in Cleveland?"  I can give them a full and glowing report.

I'll be trying to catch up with all of you and all that I missed throughout this weekend. See you soon!


  1. I live 1 hour directly south from Cleveland. The West Side Market and Lake Erie Islands are also fun. When you are at the islands you can't believe you are in Ohio actually.There is a fun retro shop called the The Flower Child in Lakewood. I did a post on it in January.The Rock Hall is awesome and it really sounds like you had a great time:)

  2. Hi Gina, I have never been to Cleveland. I hAve friends in Cincinnatti which i think is about three hours apart. Glad you enjoyed it there.

  3. What a dream to go to the hall of the way, LOVE the Queen tee of my fav bands!!! Hope to go some day. So glad all 4 of you had favorite things to do and had a good time, and safe trip!!! Now on to the laundry.......

  4. Gina I love Italian food, and Elvis,so that would have suited me fine. So glad you had a good time. xx

  5. Looks like you guys had a great time! I am glad you had a chance to get away! I have never been to Cleveland, but it sure sounds like fun!

  6. I have been to Cleveland one time. I loved the new found charm of the Midwest culture.

    It was late Fall, very cold. We flew back to do an extreme makeover on my girlfriend's parents dining and living room. Not much site seeing... lot's of family and good food!

    Olivia and Johnny are adorable. Your family looks like a family that embraces an experience with gusto!

    It's my opinion...If you can't eat in Italy, Italian food is best in your home state, my friend. : )

    I have only flown once since 9/11.
    Air travel is nothing like it was twenty years ago. Very sad.

    Your outdoor pastel table scape was so pretty yesterday. Perfect for a Summer afternoon tea.

    Wow! This is a long comment. I guess that I have missed you!
    Welcome back!

  7. Gina-It looks like you had a great time. We often go to off-beat places for vacation, too. I don't fly either- haven't since I had 2 or 3 really BAD air scares. Lake Erie is just beautiful, isn't it~and the R&R Hall of Fame looks marvelous- xo Diana

  8. Looks like a fun vacation to me. Summer is beautiful on Lake Erie. I grew up across the lake in Ontario. Lots of great memories.

  9. It looks like it was a fun trip Gina! I think every state is worthy of a visit and, the main thing, you're spending time with your family:)

    My dad won't fly anymore, all the hoops they put you through drive him bonkers!

  10. Gina four more hour and you could have come over to see me... Next time
    glad you had a good time.


  11. Hi Gina,
    I live about two hours west of Cleveland! I hate to fly also, so I understand! Cleveland gets a bad rap sometimes - there's actually a lot to see and do there. I'm glad you had a good time!
    Hugs, Cindy

  12. Well I live in Columbus and we're always saying that down here - but I am SO GLAD you had a good time!

    You know I have never been to the RnRHoF - one of these days we need to go there. Hubs has been, but he lived in Cleveland for a while before moving here years ago.

    Cleveland is about 2 hours north of Columbus, and Cincinatti is about 2 -3 hours south of us = so to Coastal Cottage Dreams, Cinci is much farther than 3 hours, at least how I drive.

    Next time you are in Ohio let me know, would love to meet you!


  13. Looks like a fun trip. I have never been to Cleveland ...or Ohio.

  14. Hi Gina, I too am not a big fan of flying. I do bite the bullet sort of speak and do it. But I love a good road trip! I don't think there's any place that I couldn't travel and have a good time. It's just fun to visit local spots and see the beauty of their town. Kids look like they had a fun time.

  15. I live in Cleveland!! So glad to hear you liked it!! If you ever come back, let me know ;)


  16. Being an Ohio girl through and through I, of course, think it's great you vacationed in Cleveland. The baseball stadium is really very cool. I haven't been to the R & R Hall of Fame but have heard it's incredible. Glad you had a good time. Has your school started yet?

  17. I have always wanted to go to Cleveland. It does looks super. Heading back home shortly:) I need to recoup big time.

  18. Nothing like a fun family vacation!!
    Glad your girly was feeling fit for the trip :) Sometimes you don't have to go that far to have a great time!!

  19. So now I have an image of Drew Carey stuck in my head. Ha!

    I'm just like you about the flying so we end up in unconventional vacation spots too. The good news is that you can find a wonderful city that you never knew had so much to see when you do so.

    It looks like you had a great time and Cleveland really did rock!

  20. It looks like you had a great trip! We were in the Cleveland area in 1998 for our oldest son's wedding. We went to the huge roller coaster park near there. I can't remember the name of it but it was sooo fun!

  21. Sounds like you had a wonderful family vacation and that's all that matters! Enjoy your evening, Gail

  22. Oh Gina, I'd love to go to Cleveland! It sounds like you had a great time there, so happy for you. I love all the images you shared with us. I just saw part of Queen in the closing of the Olimpics in London. I loved Queen. The Rock Hall of Fame must be awesome! Thank you for your lovely and sweet comments you left me.

  23. Oh, that sounds like so much fun, what a great family vacation, I feel so bad that you can't fly, you aren't alone though that is a pretty common fear


  24. Gina,
    Love your photos. A nice trip for the family.I use to live in Ohio but never made it to Cleveland.

  25. Sounds like you guys had a wonderful time....Great pics. Can't believe how fast your kids are growing up :-S


  26. That sounds like a great trip, Gina! We are about 3-3 1/2 hours from Cleveland. We hope to go on one of our son's next visits; he'd get a kick out of those guitars since he plays in a band.

  27. We were in Cleveland briefly this summer. I must say that Ohio was a very pleasant surprise!!! My daughter fell in love with Columbus, especially the German Village! Neat photos. I would love to visit the Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame! :D
