Monday, August 6, 2012

Fall Bug

It would seem I've been bitten by the Fall Bug. 

I think the Bug attacked a little earlier this year than usual. 
It must be the ridiculously warm Summer we're having.
I'm left dreaming of...

cooler weather,
cozy sweaters,
rich colors,
comfort food
(and I'm not even a football fan)

I just had to take a Fall journey and I'm dragging you along with me.

 Martha Stewart

Country Living

Better Homes & Gardens

 Better Homes & Gardens

Country Living

Better Homes & Gardens

Pottery Barn

Have you been visited by the Fall Bug yet? 


  1. You've found some beautiful Autumn images for sure, Gina!

    Me? I am holding out for more summer first............though fall is my favvie fav!

  2. I too have been bitten by the fall bug Gina. I'm tired of all my summer decorations and "Ready for Some Football"! I love the Steelers and my 10 year old grandson plays, so we're excited about that. Let's try to be patient Gina. I know it's on it's way and you've given me some great decorating ideas to follow.

  3. Fall is just better all around! Better food, better decorating and of course the clothes!! I'm ready for fall, for sure. Love the pictures you posted! Think I'll have to start getting my fall stuff out and get it ready!

  4. I hear ya! I went to Joanns today and there was so much fall decor. I came home and immediately took down my spring/summer wreaths to redo. Believe me, I am soooooo ready for some cooler weather.

  5. Hi Gina..
    You know I have been bitten by the Fall bug.

    Looking forward to Fall, more this year than any other.
    It's always been my most favorite season.
    I just hope it lasts extra long this year~~~~LOL!

    Thanks for posting and sharing these images.... perfect!


  6. These are beautiful pictures and fall is my favorite season! I'm looking forward to some mums to replace all my dead flowers!


  7. No Gina, not yet, I'm not ready!!! The pictures are so inspiring, but I am going to wait until the last minute, here in florida we have to wait until late Oct. for any heat relief!


  8. Oh my, those are some gorgeous images, but I am so not ready to even speak of Fall. I am trying to savor each and every moment left of summer.

  9. I tend to be a summer girl but I have found myself thinking ahead and buying dried gords and some decorative pumpkins at garage sales lately. Fall is quickly approaching.

  10. I LOVE, love favorite season! The colors, pumpkins, spices, apples, cinnamon, cooler temps, cozy sweaters and a luscious bed to climb into at night. Love all of it!


  11. Ha! I just posted about the same thing...great minds and all that. Your pics are wonderful. I pinned the one of the rake on the door. Love it. Hang in there because you have a few more weeks of summer to get through!

  12. Gorgeous fall ideas. I love Fall too but believe it or not ~ Nope, this is the first time ever that I am not ready for Fall yet!!! Summer has been wonderful and I don't want it to end. : )
    Have a great week.

  13. Me too, me too! Fall is my favorite season, and I am so looking forward to it! I'm holding out on decorating for about a month, but it's hard! ha! Thanks for providing all the great Autumnal inspiration!!!

  14. Ya know Gina, Fall is my very fav time of year, and I look forward to it too. However, this year with the blasted constant heat and drought, I'd like to have some pleasant summer weather first before putting on a sweater!!!I've really been a prisoner in my house with the AC on constantly and can't play outside at all!!! The pics are so pretty and inspiring....

  15. I love the rake on the chippy, blue door...sigh! Lovely pictures!

  16. Beautiful fall pictures Gina! I love the change of all seasons but I am so ready for Fall! Enjoy your day, Gail

  17. I'm trying so hard not to start dreaming of fall quite yet. Nevertheless, I love the inspiration and ideas and have been a pinner!

  18. Oh, Gina, me too!!! LOL It has already been a long summer! Beautiful inspiration pictures!

  19. I am trying to hold off on Fall for a bit yet. We have a summer party to get through here for one of the Princesses in the group. After that-I will be ready, I think- Love your images here- xo Diana

  20. my favorite colors to decorate with....
    we are at the beach on summer vacation., and it is so hot, fall seems like an eternity away...

  21. Gina, I have been bitten by the very same bug! But I really need to get my house in order before school starts back on August 20th!!! Yikes!

  22. Totally bitten -- I think it may be bringing on fever &! As I shared in my last post, we are in the midst of "project chaos," so I simply can't start my Fall decorating yet. But believe me when I say, I cannot wait! Thanks for sharing those lovely images -- they are like my "chicken soup!"

  23. I was fine until I saw all these pretty Fall inspired pictures. I think the bug has bitten me too now. Hee, hee, hee.
    Definitely looking forward to the cooler weather.


  24. Fall is my favorite season, and I can't wait to start decorating for it! But, with 106 temperatures, it's hard to get into a fall mood.
