Friday, August 31, 2012

Getting Ready with a Fall Wreath

Since the weather has cooled down as of late, I got the urge to start decorating for Fall, even if it is still technically Summer.  (I just have to's supposed to be in the 90s today, however, it was in the 40s Wednesday night.  Talk about fluctuating temperatures!)

You see, the party is over for me.  I have to return to work on Wednesday (after having the Summer off), so I wanted to take advantage of the extra time that I have now to decorate for my favorite season.  (Indoors anyway.  I don't want the neighbors thinking I'm crazy.)   

I saw this wreath on Etsy and fell in love with it.

Isn't is beautiful? It's from Wreaths Etc by Robin. Now I don't know who Robin is, but I can tell you she makes some really amazing & gorgeous wreaths! Honest.  Go take a look. 

I wanted a smaller wreath and thought I would use this beauty as my inspiration.  So, I gathered up some supplies that I thought I might use.

Whenever I gather supplies & take a photo, it's never a true representation of the supplies I used.  I guess I'm always "crafting by the seat of my pants" and never have any idea what I'm really going to need or use.  That's why I hardly ever share a tutorial.  I'd have to have an actual plan in order to do that!

Here is my Fall wreath:

Immediately, the wreath & the warm colors put me in a Fall mood and I've been decorating ever since! 

Soon I'll show you where this wreath is hanging along with my other Fall pretties.   Thanks for being here with me!  Enjoy the weekend!

Linking to:

Share it One More Time at One More Time
Weekend Wrap Up Party at Tatertots & Jello


  1. I have to say that your wreathe is gorgeous.

  2. I like yours best. Very cute. I am so ready for fall. I may pull out the decorations this weeek-end. It supposed to back in the 90's the cooler evenings.
    Have a wonderful long week-end.

  3. Your smaller version is so cute! I've been thinking of doing something similar with some supplies I picked up at a garage sale. .....just as soon as I wrap my head around the idea that summer is gone!

  4. Gina, this is so pretty! I'm like you...I've started the process inside; but, I won't put the wreath on the door for awhile. Enjoy the rest of your time at home!

  5. Just perfect - now it's put me in the mood for fall and let's get started!!! Mary

  6. Gina, your wreath is gorgeous. Such a pleasant way to welcome guests into your home.

  7. You are so clever! It's lovely:) I'm still wondering about that fireplace you and your hubby bashed up though:) Will we see an update soon?

    Have a lovely weekend!

  8. Your wreath is gorgeous. I love the sparkly ribbon. I am going to start soon, too, perhaps this weekend. xo

  9. LOVE your wreath, Gina. The Fall colors are pretty and you did a nice job putting it together- Blessings- xo Diana

  10. You *Seriously* need to change career paths... you are incredibly talented and you need to be decorating peoples houses and making sweet craftiness like this wreath!! Ah-mazing! LOVE it!

  11. Gina your wreathe is amazing. I would display your wreathe now.
    Why my fall wreathe is up on my door as well I picked up my 13" planters with yellow mums from Costco.
    They haven't opened up yet, but any now they will be awesome.

  12. Gina, This is beautiful! I have been getting ready for fall for the last two weeks..:) I would love it if you would share it at Share it one more time.
    Have a great weekend

  13. Great copy! I'm still watering flowers AND making fall vignettes inside.

  14. Great job! I love it...and I know you're really going to enjoy it. If you decide not to keep it, will send my address your way. ;-)


  15. Me too Gina! I cannot believe that is August 31st and I am looking forward to Fall....think I am losing my mind but I am going to follow your lead....once again, I know, sorry, bah-bah...but you have such great ideas. Fall wreath coming up!!

  16. Gina!
    I LOVE yours more!
    After the first football game, it's officially Fall to me.

  17. Awesome Gina! This is totally getting me in the mood to get my fall decorations out too. I usually start September 1st so I guess I'm right there with you!

  18. Gina, your wreath turned out every bit as pretty as your inspiration. Great job creating a beautiful addition to your fall decor. Thanks so much for your sweet comments today over at Posed Perfection. I can't wait to see all your fall decorations. I can't imagine you went overboard. I'm sure it will be gorgeous. Have a great weekend!

  19. Beautiful fall wreath Gina! I need to get busy on my fall decorating now that September is here. Enjoy your weekend, Gail

  20. Yours is cuter, Gina!! You are so talented. You're getting me in the mood for Fall decorating. Maybe I could copy your darling wreath!!

  21. Cute, Gina. I am still decorating for is so flipping hot around here!!! :/ I just can't get into fall....yet......but I think my big issue is that I feel so stinkin' bad (sinus infection)....I'll just enjoy your pretty decor once you post about it.

  22. Oh I like it! I'm not into fall just yet...I refuse to let it into my life until AFTER Labor Day...haha!

  23. Gina,

    Your wreath is so beautiful! I always look forward to seeing your wonderful ideas.


  24. Gina, your wreath is gorgsous! I have also been working on my Fall decor! Can't wait to start seeing pumpkins and acorns all over blog land! LOL May be that will bring the cooler weather!

  25. Hey Gina,I'm following! I deleted my old blog and trying to catch up with the ones that I followed before,so glad to be slowly catching up to everyone.

    Love this fall wreath! It is gorgeous.

    Happy Labor Day weekend!

  26. Wow! These are gorgeous! I love your Fall wreath! You've inspired me to try this. Your wreath is perfect!

  27. Hi Gina! You totally did a wonderful job! Love your sweet Fallen wreath.
    Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  28. Good fall wreath, Gina. I have been getting out my fall decor. Thanks for the tutorial. I am ready for cooler weather so I guess I am ready for fall.

  29. Gina, your wreath is very pretty and fallish! I am like you in that I haven't put anything outside yet but I will soon as I get time to do it. The temperature is still high here but we had a much needed rain with a nice breeze which kinda of felt like fall might be around the corner. You did a nice job with your wreath. I like the subdued fall colors.--- Shannon

  30. Gina,
    That's one good looking Fall wreath.
    Very attractive on the door.
    I am going to have to consider one my self.

  31. Great job! I agree about the crazy temps. The past few days have been humid and sticky. I haven't done one single thing to welcome fall. Good luck with the new school year...hope you enjoyed your last summer weekend! Happy Labor Day...Ann

  32. Ho how beautiful, Gina. You are so creative. Happy Labor Day!..Christine

  33. Gina..
    great job!
    I like your version of the Fall wreath so much!
    Love those acorn leaves.. nice touch!

    Enjoy this week.

  34. Big YUK on going back to work!!! Your wreath is adorable! No fall in the weather here, It will be another couple of months for sure!


  35. Hi Gina,
    Just stopping by to thank you for linking up to Share it One More Time....and to let you know you have been featured again! Congratulations and please grab you featured button it is located on my side bar. Hope you come by and link up again.

  36. Oh Gina, it turned out beautiful. Another excellent craft my friend.

