Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Have a Seat (Chair Reupholstery Reveal)

Sorry for the seriously cheesy title. 

Can I just say that I am really excited to share my little project with you today?

You see, it seems as though everyone in blogland has recovered or reupholstered a chair at one time or another.  As much as I have "oohed"  and "aahed" at all these beautiful chairs, I never thought I'd be able to actually reupholster one myself.  I just don't have that kind of skill.  

My mom has had this old chair hanging around in her attic for who knows how long.  Her plan was to reupholster it, but she never did.   So, I stole it rescued it from her attic.  I figured I couldn't possibly destroy it any more than it already has been.

It took me some time to decide what color I wanted to paint it.  It also took me some time to find a fabric that I liked.  We only have Joanns and Hobby Lobby around here, so my fabric options were limited.  Also, I had no clue where I would put the chair should it actually turn out okay, so I thought it was best to go with a neutral palette.

I painted it Annie Sloan's Old White and decided on a Waverly fabric at Joanns. 

It took a little time and I made a few little mistakes along the way that I had to redo, but here she is in all her glory:

I'm not sure who was more stunned by Mom (who was floored when she saw it), my husband (who insisted I bit off more than I could chew) or me (who was pretty clueless about what I was doing)!   

I found the perfect location for the chair in my dining room.  I'm sure I will also like it in my bedroom once I change to my fall bedding. 

I am so happy that I decided to take a risk and try something new.  The risk paid off and I love my chair!  Now I better keep an eye on it before my Mom steals it back! lol

Linking to:
Time Travel Thursday at The Brambleberry Cottage
Live Laugh Linky Thursday at Live Laugh Rowe
Tutorials Tips & Tidbits at Stone Gable
Share Your Cup Thursdays at Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson
Home Sweet Home at The Charm of Home
Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage
Pin the Tale on the Bloggy at Debbiedoos/Fox Hollow Cottage
Potpourri Friday at 2805
Met Monday at Between Naps on the Porch
Furniture Feature Friday at Miss Mustard Seed


  1. Gina, you are so talented! This is a fabulous makeover, love the fabric. Waverly fabric rocks, too. xo

  2. oh y are truly amazing. I would have never dreamed that chair could look so good!! wow!!

  3. Wow Gina, you really did an outstanding job on the chair!!! I bet your mom totally wants to steal it back now!

  4. AWESOME job Gina!! I love it and love the fabric you chose for it! You better lock it up when your mom comes for a visit lol!

  5. Hi Gina,
    Wow, high five and two thumbs up!! you did a excellent job! You better watch out cuz I think there is going to be a lot of us trying to steal your chair :)
    Have a sweet day, Elizabeth

  6. You are awesome ... just awesome. Love the fabric, the wood color is just right - you must be thrilled!!! Mary

  7. Gina good for you!!! The chair looks fabulous and I am so in love with that fabric!! It feels good to challenge ourselves and succeed!! xo Linda

  8. I am a script fabric fan! And I also love creamy white paint. It certainly looks professionly done, Gina.

  9. That is a really fantastic makeover. I totally love that fabric!


  10. You should be so proud of yourself because that chair is absolutely gorgeous! Love your choice of fabric.

  11. Great job. Loving that fabric. Yes, you had better watch your mom......i bet she wants it back.

  12. Beautiful job, Gina!

    Sheesh... I should have saves those two chairs...*hee,*hee.

    Maybe you'd better go see what other 'treasures' are hiding in your mom's attic.
    You might have to do a raid.

    Smiles :)

  13. Leslieabruce57@yahoo.comAugust 29, 2012 at 7:18:00 PM EDT

    Just beautiful! I have a similar chair I just started. Hope mine comes out as good as yours.

  14. Say whattttt? Awesome job Gina. I have never done it, so don't add me to the everyone list. You did an amazing job!

  15. Now that is what I mean taking risks - not being sure if we can do it - but doing it anyway! Great job! sandie

  16. Gina- You did a WONDERFUL job. I am so glad that you proved that you could do it to yourself. Blessings to you- xo Diana

  17. Well in my eyes your are now a re- upholstery pro! Your mom didn't ask for it back did she?


  18. Absolutely gorgeous! I've never done any upholstering either so I am really proud of you. The entire chair looks like something off a showroom floor ~ great job!

    Do you need my address for shipping? ;-)


  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Wow, Gina! This is gorgeous!! Of course, I'm partial to that's the same as my kitchen window treatments! You really did an amazing job!

  21. You did a fantastic job, Gina! The chair is beautiful and you really put your heart into it! I love the you have plans to tackle anything else like this?


  22. I don't blame your mother if she did, Gina, it's gorgeous! You bought the material at JoAnn's? I do have to stop in there, it's only two stores down from where I work. You gave me hope Gina to try it:)

  23. Gina, this is just so beautiful!!! What a transformation!You have inspired me to continue on working on a chair I am also reupholstering for the first time.
    If I do half as good as you I'll be thrilled. Keep doing this Gina, you could have a bright future in saving furniture!!!
    Thanks for bringing this beauty to TUTORIAL TIPS AND TIDBITS!!!

  24. WOW, you did an AMAZING job! Good for you! I have that exact same pillow (it's my favorite). Hopped over from Live Laugh Linky Thursday and I'm happy to be your newest follower. Would love for you to stop by for a visit. Blessings ~ Judy @

  25. Seriously???? That is awesome!!! You did a fab job, good for you on tackling a new craft!!!

  26. Wow Gina, that looks amazing. You did a fantastic job. If I were you're mom you would be missing a chair real fast LOL.

  27. Wowzers! That is quite a makeover! You did great! I am your newest follower. I wanted to thank you for stopping by Posed Perfection today and leaving me a sweet note about the Flower Pot Thimble Necklace. I hope you'll visit again and maybe even follow me back. Have a great week!

  28. I am in love with your gorgeous chair! It is beautiful, and I love the fabric. Your newest follower from TTT. :)

  29. Beautiful result. I'm very impressed with your courage and skill in this project.

  30. Beautiful result. I'm very impressed with your courage and skill in this project.

  31. Oh my I was stunned to when I saw it! You really did a remarkable job on it!
    The paint color and fabric choice turned out awesome and I love the accent pillow you put on it! Awesome job!!

  32. Oh my word, it is stunning. I love it. You did such a great job on it and I am totally impressed. I havn't tried doing a chair yet, so you are way ahead of me. Beautiful. Hugs, Marty

  33. Of course you could do it and it's PERFECT!!! Oh Gina, you seriously did a great job,You should be so proud of yourself...Take that hubby and Mommy!!


  34. H Gina! Oh, my, how beautiful! I love what you did with your new/olden chair! It's hard to believe by looking at your chair that this was your first time to cover a chair! Just Beautiful.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  35. Oh Gina,
    I just think you never give yourself enough credit. You are one talented gal. You create beautiful tablescapes, loved your French Country one, you throw the best theme parties, you bake, you craft, you paint....I am not at all surprised that your chair turned out beautiful. Great job my friend :-)

    Much love,

  36. You did such a professional job on the chair refinishing! The fabric is a great choice.

    Visiting from Share Your Cup.

  37. Fantastic job on the chair. You just gave me an idea for a chair I have that needs to be redone. Your new follower. found you through Fox Hollow Cottage.


  38. Wow!! Amazing makeover! LOVE it! I just pinned it via the Pinterest Pinning Party with Fox hollow!
    I am your newest follower!!

  39. You did a great job! I love it. Fantastic.....

  40. Gina,
    You did one beautiful job on this that fabric!!!


  41. Your chair looks absolutely amazing, Gina! I just love it and love the fabric! You did a wonderful job!

  42. You did an amazing job on this chair. It's so classy. I just love it!

  43. Thanks for stopping by Posed Perfection and leaving me some comment love. Thanks for the follow too. Have a great weekend.

  44. Gina, how gorgeous! It looks like it was professionally done! It is beautiful! I love the fabric! You really did an awesome job!

  45. You have been pinned from debbies party. Looks great.

  46. GREAT BALLS OF FIRE, have sooo much talent and this chair is AWESOME. OMGosh....I would LOVE to be able to do what you did to this chair......

  47. Just pinned your chair! Would love to see it at Potpourri Friday!

  48. Gina, I saw your chair re-do on 2805 Potpourri Friday. You did an AWESOME job! I have an old chair that belonged to my grandmother and you have inspired me to try upholstering! Thanks again and please stop by and follow me too!

  49. Hey Gina!!
    I just featured your chair as one of my favorite pins of the week! Check out my right side bar!!
    Have a wonderful weekend!!

  50. OmGoodness!
    It's beautiful! You are loaded with talent my friend!

  51. OMGosh, Gina!! The chair is FAB!!!!! What a great job you did. You should be sooooo proud of it.

  52. OMGoodness, Gina! You really do have skills! I love this chair. This look is so popular in New Orleans right now.....the neutrals and the script fabric. Love this!

  53. Oh my Gina, it is absolutely gorgeous! Love the white and love, love the fabric. You did a fantastic job. Not sure I could do somthing like that. Yes, hide that from mama for sure. lol! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  54. Oh, boy! Now I'm the last person in blogland who has never recovered anything!!! I'm hanging my head in shame!

    You did a wonderful job! And I love the fabric you chose. Well done!

  55. BEAUTIFUL! I love the new fabric!

    It was funny that your husband thought you bit off more than you could chew. My husband said the exact same thing when I bought an old chair. He changed his tune when it came out fabulous. We bloggers know what we're doing. :)

    Have a great day!

  56. Oh my goodness, this is just the inspiration I needed! I have a chair waiting to be re done and this is just what I needed to get me going on it and you know what, it looks much the same as the one I have!
    Thank you for stopping by to see the kitchen! You summed it very well, with all the blogs out there to see I think you for coming by mine!

  57. Hi Gina,
    I will be featuring your chair at SYC today. Love it too much not to.

  58. WOW! It turned out absolutely gorgeous, Gina! I love EVERYTHING about it - the shape of the chair, the color you painted it, the fabric you chose, AND the accent pillow. Did you make the pillow, as well? It's fabulous!

    Thanks for linking to Time Travel Thursday. Be sure to stop in tonight to see yourself featured.

    Liz @ The Brambleberry Cottage

  59. What a beautiful chair makeover, Gina--I love the fabric that you chose!

  60. Gina! you did a fantastic job on this beautiful chair!

  61. You did a great job! I have a chair I want you to meet, lol!
    The shower looks great too, and the fireplace! You have been a busy gal! Very creative!

  62. Hello Gina, you have inspired me. I have an old telephone chair which has been stored away as it needs upholstering....I am going to tackle it now because of the fabulous job you made of your chair. Could I ask you the name of the material you used. I live in England, but I'm sure I could "hunt" it down. Thank you. Best Wishes Daphne

  63. You did fabulous on this! Featured you today!

  64. You are featured today at Potpourri Friday at 2805!

  65. Your chair is just fantastic. Love the fabric! Great job!

  66. Gorgeous! When we dare to do soemthing new, sometimes we surprise even ourselves! I'm glad this turned out so beautifully for you! Patsy from
    HeARTworks and

  67. Gina, I love everything about this did an amazing job!

  68. Great job! I have a similar chair and for a year have been to scared to redo it. You are giving me hope. Any
