Monday, August 20, 2012

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies

A little fall inspired baking was the order of the day.  I know, I know, it's still Summer, but the temperature got down to the 40s overnight, so it's really starting to feel like fall. 

I have had this recipe for quite a few years now, but this is the first time I tried it.  These cookies are so good, I'm kicking myself now, wondering what took me so long to make them!

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies

½ cup butter, softened
½ cup shortening
¾ cup brown sugar
½ cup granulated sugar
2 eggs
1 cup pumpkin
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 to 2½ cups flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
½ teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1 bag chocolate chips (2 cups)

Cream butter, sugars, shortening.  Add eggs, pumpkin, vanilla.  Add dry ingredients.  Add chocolate chips.
Drop by teaspoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheet.  Bake 350° for 15 minutes. 

These are easy to make & soooo yummy. I hope you enjoy them!

Linking to:

Sizzle into Summer at DIY by Design
Share Your Cup Thursdays at Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson
On the Menu Monday at Stone Gable


  1. MMMMMMMmmmmmmmmm going to have t o try them, Gina!

    I have made regular pumpkin cookies, but never with chocolate chips, sounds GREAT!

    Lovin this cooler weather for SURE!!!

  2. These look so good, Gina, I am going to try these. We were down to 71 last night, wonderful sleeping with the windows open. Today was gorgeous. xo

  3. Oh yum!!! Will try those soon.....this has been our 3rd day of decent temps and wonderful cool nights with the windows last!!!

  4. I LOVE the sound of these. Somehow I never associate choco chips with Pumpkin BUT I really think these sound good and I'm definitely making them!
    We are getting nice cool nights too. I LOVE sleeping with my "Blankie"!
    Thank you for the recipe,
    Have a wonderful week,

  5. 40 degrees, girlfriend, where do you live, the North Pole, I didn't know it was cool anywhere! Oh, those cookies look fabulous!!! Me, I'm dieting, I have a wedding coming up you know, nothing worse than a "Fat mother of the groom"


  6. Sound yummy, I wonder if I could use butter or margarine in place of the shortening (is this lard?)x

  7. Those would go great with my coffee about NOW! They look great. I love me some pumpkin anything :) And you can never go wrong adding in a little chocolate. duh... Oh I can't wait for colder weather.. it's still hot here in NC.

  8. Yummy they do look great and I bet they taste just a good.
    Love your presentation.

  9. Gina,
    This is a cookie I would like. Thank you for the recipe.

  10. Perfect timing! Just the sweet treat I've been wanting. Thanks for sharing your recipe Gina!

  11. I'll have to give these a try, sounds good!

  12. Hi Gina,
    Oh my these do look soooooo good! I am going to try them, thank you for sharing the recipe,I love pumpkin and who doesn't like chocolate.
    Have a sweet day, Elizabeth

  13. This is about the 5th good thing to eat I have pinned in the last hour. I am starving! These look delish. Basically chocolate chip cookies with pumpkin. Great combo!

  14. oh geez, these look wonderful. It's almost that time of the year...baking time!!

  15. I guess I'll have to admit that fall is on its way sooner or later. These cookies look like a good way to great the season change!


  16. You are definitely in the fall mode! I will have to try these soon...I will probably be making them well into winter if they are this good! :)


  17. Hmmmm, good! I can't wait to try these. It was in the 70's here today with a light rain ~ really a fall like day and I've loved it. Thanks for sharing!


  18. Oh- You naughty Fall temptress-I love pumpkin anything!!! xo Diana

  19. Yummo, will have to give these a try when the temperature cools down more. Thanks for sharing.


  20. Oh I love pumpkin.....thanks for sharing this recipe....I will have to try it out. And I do know what you mean about it feeling like fall. just's the back to school, bring out the sweaters and blanket thing!

    I think your cookies look magazine perfect!
    I'm coming over ... save me some.

    ciao bella
    Creative Carmelina

  21. Hi Gina..
    looks and sounds like a delish recipe.
    It has been getting cooler here at night also, and I'm so looking forward to Fall, and Fall baking!

    Thanks so much for sharing the recipe!!
    Pumpkin anything, is right up my alley :)

    Smiles :)

    p.s. How's your 'big idea' going?
    Thinking of you guys, and hoping it's all working out.

  22. I'm definitely going to try these! I have a pumpkin bread with chocolate chips that I like to make. These would taste like it, I assume.

  23. Oh boy these are awesome and I have had them before Gina...I can't only eat one though!

  24. They sound yummy and I'm totally ready for Fall! Cooler temps, slower pace... love it!

  25. I have made these cookies before Gina. They are so good and definately are a wonderful Fall welcome. Thanks for sharing with SYC.
