Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Watercolor Home

Like many of you, there are some items in my home that I really treasure.
I posted about this one quite a few years ago,
but I would really love to revisit the story all over again.
It is a little long, but I hope you will read it anyway.


One day, I was shopping in a favorite local shop when 
I noticed a painting on the wall.
It was a painting of a building---the very building the shop was located in.  
I thought it was amazing!    
In the corner of the painting, I saw the artist's business card,
as well as an approximate price.
It was quite expensive and rightfully so,
 considering the work & detail involved.

I went home and told my husband all about it, 
saying that, "if we ever had money to throw away,
I would love to have a watercolor painting done of our house."

That was it, end of story.
I never mentioned it again.

Forward to a year later, Christmas Eve 2002.   

We had just finished opening gifts with my family
when suddenly there appeared a strange, unwrapped box.  
Having no idea who it was for, I looked around the room, puzzled, 
and noticed everyone was looking at me.
My husband was taping me with the video camera,
which was unusual, so I figured this box must be for me.  

I took one peek inside the box and realized what it was.
I looked over at my husband in disbelief and said,
"You didn't?"  

Through tears, I pulled the painting out of the box, completely shocked.
One look at it and I couldn't stop crying.  
It was so beautiful!  The artist didn't miss a detail.  It was perfection.

Knowing how much I love our old home,
I couldn't believe my husband had this commissioned for me, 
that he remembered it and surprised me with it.  
(We don't always buy Christmas gifts for each other, 
preferring to spend on the kids.)

This painting has remained one of my most favorite treasures.
I love it and I love my husband for surprising
me like he did.  That, too, was perfection.  


I hope you enjoyed my little story today.
Thanks for visiting and thanks for always being so kind to me.
I appreciate each & every one of you! 


  1. What a precious story! How nice that he had this painted for you! It's lovely! I know you will always cherish it and I think being at Christmas makes this even more special!

  2. Hi Gina! Oh, what a precious gift and I know this memory has engraved itself upon your heart! What a sweet hubby you have!
    It's beautiful too.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  3. Something you will always treasure. Such a beautiful painting. Your HUbby is a keeper.

  4. Wow, what a beautiful painting, touching story and of course your home is gorgeous!! I love it!!

  5. Thanks for sharing such a beautiful story. The artist certainly did a good job with your painting. I know you treasure it.

  6. What a sweet memory!!! Even sweeter hubby!!!

  7. Very fun story! I think the author captured the charm of your home.

  8. What a beautiful gift and the story behind it....I'm so glad you shared it with us. Enjoy your evening, Gail

  9. Love your story! What a wonderful keepsake....it is beautiful.

  10. Oh no, I have got to stop sneaking a peek at your blog during work! Your sweet story got me all teary, that was a little hard to explain. What a beautiful gift!

  11. I love it! Such a genuine, thoughtful gift...yes, he's a keeper. :)


  12. What a beautiful story and what an incredible gift. What an amazing Christmas present.

  13. This is a sweet, sweet story! The painting is beautiful and so is your home! :)


  14. What a sweet story! That painting is beautiful Gina!

  15. What a sweet hubby you have. Love the cute painting. Oh such a fond memory.

  16. Oh- What a wonderful surprise, Gina! It is just fabulous. Sometimes those guys just get it right, ya know? xo Diana ps. Your house is beautiful- I love the lines of it-

  17. What a sweet husband you have, Gina! True treasures of the heart!

  18. Gina,
    Your home is beautiful. Your watercolor is a treasure true.
    Thank you for sharing such sweet romance.

  19. What a sweet husband you have, Gina. I love your home.


  20. Oh my, this is so beautiful and what a precious and thoughtful gift. Hugs, Marty

  21. what a beautiful thoughtful gift! nice hubby!!

  22. Beautiful story and painting. I've often thought I'd love to have one of my home too. Maybe our husbands listen more than we think. I tried to comment last night but something wouldn't go...just in case you see this twice!

  23. Oh, that just brought tears to my eyes!!! What a precious gift! ...and a beautiful one, too! :)

  24. Gina!!!...I'm about to cry,but a happy cry,love this story,I had not heard it,your painting is incredble!!I do love this so much,I want one of our home now!!!..you've got me thinking...hope my hubby is as sweet as yours.

  25. Awwww, that is just so sweet Gina. I tell you, your hubby is definitely a keeper...Soooo sweet.


  26. What a special, thoughtful, loving man your hubby is, Gina!! That was the sweetest story and it made my day. We are blessed!!

  27. It's always overwhelming when our husbands rise to the occasion and surprise us with the passions of our hearts. Great story. You chose a good one. Cherry Kay

  28. Oh Gina, that is the most touching story. how special your husband did that for you. He knew how much it meant to you. Thanks for sharing

  29. Gina, the house is lovely and reminds me of the homes on the old TV shows where a family lived in a cozy white house with a picket fence. That home in the painting certainly looks cozy to me. I would have liked to see your reaction to such a thoughtful and meaningful gift that was a complete surprise. Did your family say "Gotcha"? I think the hubby is a keeper!--------- Shannon

  30. I'm so glad you shared this again because I must have missed it the first time. This is a treasured heirloom. Quite a guy that husband of yours!

  31. Oh, how I love this! My mother-in-law has a watercolor of the house my husband grew up in at hers. I've always loved it. Me? I like to buy watercolors of favorite places in my life and display them. I have the inn where we spent our wedding night, for example, and the bell tower at the tower where both daughters went.

  32. Wow! What a sweet thing for him to do! Beautiful home and painting!

  33. What a wonderful story and amazing gift! The painting is just gorgeous!

  34. Ok, you have me in tears, gorgeous picture...A real keeper...Your husband!


  35. Gina, what a precious gift. I love the detail and the watercolor is simply gorgeous. What a sweet thing for your hubby to do. I can see why you had tears streaming down your face. Priceless for sure! Hang on to that guy.

  36. Dear Gina,
    I think this is a wonderful story.
    and The picture is a treasure.
    Thank you for sharing this with all of us.

  37. I am here visiting from Grandma Goodwill - I am so sad she is leaving.

    Anyway - your home is gorgeous and you are a lucky wife!


  38. Gina, That is the sweetest think I have ever heard. What a loving and thoughtful act. I know that will always be a treasured gift and your husbands act of love will always be treasured.
    I just want to cry too.
    Thanks for sharing with us.
    Blessing to you both, Ginger

  39. Gina, please excuse my spelling. I was so touched, I didn't proof my comment.

  40. What an amazing treasure! And what a gorgeous home. And what an incredible surprise!

  41. How neat! I love watercolors by other artists. I don't use the medium because it is so unforgiving! I tend to buy watercolors when I buy art for that reason. Cute post!

  42. I'm glad you have things in your home that you really like and don't just have things to impress other people. You should owns things because they make you happy.
