Friday, August 3, 2012

You've Got Mail (DIY Mailbox)

Sometimes I get crazy ideas. 

I decided I hated our mailbox. 

It was just a black mailbox, plain and ordinary. 
I don't have a photo, but you know the type,
plain and ordinary as dirt.

Last summer, I had my husband give the mailbox
 a nice spray of Rustoleum's Slate Blue.  
It was better, but still plain.

I then went on a wild search for mailboxes. 
Pretty cottage style mailboxes.
Trouble is that every time I found one I loved, it was $300.00.  

Believe me, my name and the word "cheapskate" have
never, ever been uttered in the same sentence, but $300.00?


I can find alot of other things I would rather spend $300.00 on.

So, I took that ordinary mailbox,
painter's tape & spray paint
and decided to have a little fun.

I know it's not perfect. 
In fact, there are many flaws (please don't go looking for them any
closer, they're obvious enough)
but for now at least,  it has personality!

Wishing you a happy weekend
and lots of good mail days ahead (no bills, all fun mail)!


  1. Cute mailbox. Just fun mail I agree.

  2. So cute, Gina! Our mailbox is grouped with three others on stand at the curb. I am planning to buy a new box and make over the stand before Summer's end! I may have to kick it up a notch", now that I have viewed your your creative touch!
    Have a great weekend!"

  3. Hi Gina..
    your mailbox has personality plus!
    I love it.

    We only have P.O. boxes in our little town.
    We all meet down to the post office everyday, and catch up on the latest.
    Fun.... but alas... I don't get to have a cute mailbox~~~LOL!!

    Have a great weekend, my friend.

    Smiles :)

  4. That is the cutest mailbox! You did a great job transforming it! And just think, you're $300 better off to enjoy and spend on other great stuff!!! ;)

  5. I love it! We don't get ours delivered to the door like that. We have to have the street box. What that has inspired me to do is look for an old one to dress up for stuff left by my back door from people.

    (OK, rarely does anyone leave me stuff anymore, but I just like to pretend they do because I want a box like that.)

  6. Gorgeous! I have the exact same mailbox & now I'm regretting the fact that I tore off that plastic thingy on the front of it!


  7. I absolutely love it! The stripes and color make it so cute and unique. And much, much better than $300!

  8. This is stinkin cute. I may just copy this one Gina!

  9. What a great makeover! Flaws? I didn't see any flaws :) Looks perfect to me!

  10. Oh how cute!!! I want a mailbox too!! We go to the local gas station slash post office slash you name it to get our mail. Darn!!!

  11. No way, that is so cute! We only have a PO Box, no mail box and now you have given me mailbox envy! I wouldn't even mind getting a bill or two in that cute box!

  12. Gina,
    Now it's designer looking. It looks very stylish.

  13. Now that is just stinking cute!!! We have the boxes out by the street, and usually get smashed by a snow plow so no one bothers to dress them up!!!!

  14. I don't see any mistakes, and I'm sure the mailman doesn't either. It looks great. Does it make the bills less painful?

  15. Great idea and great job! I saw no flaws! And thanks for the good wishes in the mail, too. xo

  16. LOVE it! You did a great job on it, Gina. I don't see any flaws...what flaws! xo Diana

  17. definite personality!! I never noticed how I do not like my black mailbox until right this second.

  18. That mailbox is stylin'.It reminds me of awning stripes. Love it!

  19. You are too clever and you saved yourself $300 to boot!! Woo hoo!! Happy weekend, Gina.

  20. Gina, stop with the not perfect, it IS perfect, it's adorable! I found one like this at a thrift store waiting for a transformation...Thank you for the inspiration!


  21. Great idea Gina! I bet it's the cutest mailbox on the block!

  22. That is so darn cute i could cry!! Great job!

  23. Personality plus! It is so cute Gina. And yes, all fun mail, no bills.

  24. Gina, that is undoubtedly the prettiest mailbox I've ever seen! Your mail carrier probably enjoys delivering your mail. Good job!------- Shannon

  25. Gina, this is a beautiful idea! Your mailbox looks so pretty! I wish we had our own mail box so I could do the same thing. This new communities have those big ugly metal mailboxes for the whole street. You are so creative!

  26. It has tons of personality now...I love it. You are just so clever.


  27. I love's a little Frenchy!
    We have a "group" I can't make it cute, unfortunately. :)
    I wanted to let you know I nominated you for a versatile blogger award here:
    Have a great weekend!
