Friday, September 7, 2012

Home Tour

I have so many mixed emotions today.

I'm giddy, scared, anxious, happy, sick to my name it! lol

Our home is being featured at Debbiedoo's today 
as part of Debbie's home tours! 

Hope you enjoy it!


  1. Gina:

    Just took the tour, your home has much charm.....I love older homes....Love your staircase, and your style of decor.

    Thanks for sharing! Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Gina, why were you so hesitant to show your gorgeous home? I love older homes with character like yours has. You have decorated it so beautifully. I think what I noticed and liked the most is the way you scattered the pretty blue color around in the rooms. It is so subtle but very effective. Take a deep breath and relax because everyone is going to love your home.---------- Shannon

  3. Are you kidding me, that's awesome! I'm going there now, can't wait to see! Mary

  4. Girl, the house tour is amazing, I left my comments over at Debbie's, be sure to read them there. Your house is so gorgeous!!! Mary

  5. It was a beautiful tour, thank you so much for sharing. And what did you have to be nervous about? Every ounce was gorgeous!

  6. Love your home Gina and the stairs are adorable, you can tell you have done so much with love in your heart. Loved it!

  7. So flipping cool!!!! Your house looks like a storybook cottage. I will go over there and see it right now! :D

  8. Took the tour of your home and I love is darling. Not all bloggers live in large homes...I live in a Mobile Home. But it is how we love our home and our families...that is what comes through...and yours is beautiful!!

  9. I just came over from Debbiedo's. Girl, your home is amazing!!! Love all the brightness and beautiful colors you've used in it. You certainly have no reason whatsoever to be nervous or scared to share it with all of us. I'm jealous that my small (ok, teeny tiny) home doesn't have near the character or charm of yours. And you've given me a lot of decorating inspiration! Great job!

  10. I love capes ... your home is just lovely. I really enjoyed the tour:) Your living room is so cozy...I love it.
    Have a great weekend,new follower,Francine
    PS I would love to have you join our monthly button swap party...the party ends today...It would be great to have you:)

  11. Gina, your home is absolutely charming! There are so many wonderful architectural aspects to it! Your touches throughout the home have really given it a cozy, comfortable and cute personality. I would love to live there!

  12. Gina, I just took the tour at Debbie's and I have to tell you that I absolutely LOVE your home! I left a comment at Debbie's! Enjoy your weekend, Gail

  13. I love your home, Gina! It is so sweet and charming! So many little details, so glad you finally decided to share it! I don't think I've seen your kitchen before and I really love it!

  14. I'm popping over right now, Gina, and I know it's going be great!
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  15. Hello Gina, Coming from England I am used to older homes.... yours is really lovely with lots of character....the way I like it. The outside of your home is spectacular. No need to worry, everyone will love it. Best Wishes Daphne

  16. Hi Gina..
    Just back from looking through the pictures of your darling home.
    You have made that old house shine!!
    Your home is cozy, and charming.

    I too love old houses, and would never, ever want a McHouse, or a big pretentious home.
    Cozy, welcoming, charming and historic are just the ticket :)

    Have a wonderful weekend.


    I'm STILL trying to get all my doors and trim painted **grin.

  17. Oh, Gina, your home tour was just wonderful. Just love older home and yours is so charming. I love your home and you've done a wonderful job decorating and now all of your neighbors need a tour! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  18. Gina your home is so charming! Love the house tour! Hugs, Linda

  19. Gina, your home is beautiful! I cane over to pin some of your pictures of it...I wanted to pin them from the original blog. Do you have them on your blog too?

    Shasta @InTheOldRoad

  20. I loved the tour. I love you and your house. Left a comment over at Debbies but wanted to come by and tell you how pleased with the features you received on your chair. Last was a busy one for me with dr appts for both Bob and me. Don't know how I missed the original. I am going now to read and pin it. Will also sign up for email so I don't miss out again. Big Congrats. Hugs, Ginger

  21. I was over there earlier- It is wonderful- just like you- xo Diana

  22. I loved your home tour. Your home is warm and inviting. It has charm that alot of new builds don't have. Who needs all that space that some of the new houses have. My home is an older home. Thanks for sharing.

  23. What a lovely home! I'm your latest follower and off to peruse the rest of your home on the web!


  24. Gina this is toooo cool,I'm headed over right now to check it out.

  25. Gina, just finished seeing your home tour. It is just gorgeous! You have a beautiful and amazingly decorated home! It is sooo pretty and full of charm! Loved everything, the stairs, your sitting room, your kitchen, the coat rack by the front door, every detail is stunning. Lovely home!

  26. I love your tour! There is nothing better than an older home. I love all the little details.


  27. Gina, I just got back from touring your CHARMING home. You never have to be afraid of showing it off. I love all the wonderful character including the arched doorways, the built-ins, and that fabulous coat rack. Your personal touches and decorating is the icing on the cake!
    Mary Alice

  28. Gina, why on earth would you want to hide this gem? It is so charming and beautiful. Each room has a special touch and a sweetness that makes the visitor feel welcome. It is beautifully decorated without being stuffy. Your stairs are dreamy. Well done. Thanks for stopping by the last couple of days and leaving me kind comments. You are a sweet encourager. Have a great weekend!

  29. Loved the tour...It is beautiful and full of charm and character. You have done a fabulous job decorating it. I'm giving you an A++++
    Have a great weekend!

  30. Gina, are you serious?! Why were you hesitant?! Your home is gorgeous! It is just full of so much character and charm. I love the detail on that original rack in the entry! Beautiful!! Your home has such a warm and cozy feel to it. I loved the tour!!

  31. Hi, I am your newest follower. I went to the other blog and looked at the pictures of your lovely home. It is beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing. I am looking forward to more of your posts!

  32. Thanks for the tour of your lovely home. Love the cape cod look.

  33. Thanks for stopping by today and leaving me a sweet comment about the frosting and the cute red plate. My sweet SIL in Phoenix gave the plate to me with a cloche one year for a birthday. I love the little scalloped edge. Hope you have a great weekend!

  34. Wow, Gina! I just visited your home tour and LOVED it. You should be so proud of all your decorating abilities. I left comments over at Debbie's, too. Happy weekend.

  35. You have nothing to be scared of, Gina, your home is so very charming & looks perfectly lovely. I adore your cheerful & fun kitchen. Thanks for given in to Debbie's persistency.


  36. Gina, I am so excited for you. I am popping over there now.


  37. Gina,
    You have a lovely home. Love those hardwood floors too.

  38. Well I just LOVED the home tour. I prefer seeing older homes..they have more charm about them and your home is what I am quite used to seeing in our area of mostly older homes. It is beautifully decorated and look how you got all of your fall cleaning out of the way for the tour, ha ha :)

  39. Hi Gina,
    I just took the tour. I love your home! That's my favorite style of house and you have it decorated so beautifully! I adore the kitchen and that sunny little dining area! Thanks so much for sharing it with us!
    Hugs, Cindy

  40. I'm going to hop over there right now to see your home.

  41. OMG Gina! Your home is gorgeous! Love those arches and niches because they remind me of the house we lived in before we moved here, except our house was new. I had a niche like yours in our entrance, and I didn't know how to decorate it other than to put a mirror and shelf there. Your coat rack is ideal in that niche. So wish I had seen yours about 15 years ago!

  42. Your home is totally adorable, Gina! It has so much character and charm ~ those are the best kind!!

  43. Congrats Gina! I am hopping over to take the tour. I know that it is going to be fab. Just by seeing the wonderful things that you show on your blog.

  44. I understand why you were nervous but there was no reason to be. You were a smash hit. Your house is lovely and loved. That's all that matters. Happy Sunday!

  45. I just took the tour and I LOVE it!! such a beautiful home!

  46. It is so pretty!!! Now I am heading over for the tour. Wooohooo. Have a great new week.

  47. Hi Gina,

    I loved the tour! You have a beautiful home.


  48. Gina, your home is lovely! I love older homes; they have so much character! You have done an amazing job on your home, you're very talented! Congrats on the feature!

  49. Yay! Congrats Ms. Gina. Can't wait to stop by for the tour. Wishing you a wonderful new week my friend.


  50. I stopped by Debbiedoos and it was so fun to see your whole home. It's just beautiful and cozy everywhere you look!

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.
