Monday, September 24, 2012

More Fall

Hello friends! 

I feel like I've not visited with you much lately.     
Between work (hey, I start a new job on October 1st),
soccer games, and preparing for my niece's wedding,
I've been so busy...and sleepy!
I think the cool weather is making we want to hibernate!

I did want to share a little more of my "fall-ness" before
I start changing things up for Halloween.

I know that several of you remarked about my dining room
table centerpiece in my chalkboard post.
Here's a better shot of it: 

Funny, I have had that tiered basket for years.
Several times, I thought of getting rid of it because
I just never used it.  I'm so glad I kept it now. 
I loved filling it with Fall pretties.
I guess sometimes you just have to wait for inspiration to strike!

Have you seen this adorable burlap bird at Michaels?
I loved him & scooped him up over
the Summer when the Fall decor first arrived in the store.

A little Fall on the coffee table.
I really love that velvet pumpkin!

The blue dresser for Fall.

I hope you enjoyed seeing a little more of my Fall decor.

Linking to:

Tabletop Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life


  1. Those tiered containers come in handy for holiday decorating. Yours is filled with many cute items. i have some Halloween and some fall right now.

  2. Hi Gina, I love your Fall added touches. Oyour velvet pumpkin is so pretty and love the little bird. Happy Fall to you. Congratulations on your new job!

  3. I love that little bird! Looks beautiful. Glad you decided to keep that basket. xo

  4. I've got to get to Michaels to see if they have any more of those birds. So cute! Love your tierd baskets filled with Fallness. laurie

  5. Very pretty...I love the tiered basket...and the little bird is darling...I bet those birdies are all gone by now!

  6. Gina, your Fall touches look so good! The bird is so cute! I love the tiered basket! Your home looks so pretty and ready for Fall! Congrats on the new job! Very exciting!

  7. Wow, Gina, you're on a roll with your fall decor! Love your tiered basket. You'll get a lot of use out of that! LOVE the velvet pumpkin.

  8. Oh my lord! I love your cute! I still have not done Jack or Squat around here.... :/ I will email you about it in the morning...I've got to get to bed!

  9. Gina, I love it! The burlap birds is adorable! Great eye as usual!


  10. I love your style, Gina! Everything always looks so pretty. You have such a way with putting things together to bring out the beauty. Have a wonderful week!

  11. It looks so pretty, Gina! Haven't been to Michael's in awhile, so I haven't seen that cute little bird. I don't need anything, but that never stopped me!

  12. Lovely and tastefully that bird!!! cleo

  13. Gah! Need a Michaels. Zeroed in on that little bird straight off.
    Everything is CUTE G. Love :)

  14. Gina, your Fall decor is so beautiful! I love your vignettes on your table and coffee table! The velvet pumpkin is so pretty! I love the little burlap bird! No I have not seen it, but will have to go take a look! :) Very, very pretty!

  15. What lovely touches of fall you have displayed Gina! Your tired basket is filled to perfection and that little burlap bird is just darling!! Thanks for sharing and all the fall inspiration, Gail

  16. I'm glad you kept the tiered stand,you can just change it out with the different seasons,I love your fall decor.

  17. Gina, you are doing a great job with your fall decorating. Your vignettes are really pretty. You have some cute and different items in your tiered basket. Thanks for coming over to the new blog. I will get everyone added to my blogroll as soon as I get time. I didn't realize there would be so much involved in starting over. I really appreciate the support of you and my other blogging friends. Have a great day and enjoy this cooler weather!------ Shannon

  18. I have a few tiered stands and I hope I can come up with something pretty for them...yours looks great! I love the little burlap bird!

    Best wishes on your new job!


  19. Love it all Gina! The basket is so beautiful and the bird just so sweet.


  20. It is looking quite festive for the season at your house!
    Your new/old wreath looks great with the purple accents. I redid a
    wreath several years ago. New flowers and bow for our entry way.

    What is your new job? Good Luck with it.

    M :)

  21. Gina, your decorations are so gorgeous! I love that velvet pumpkin in the wooden pedestal. I have been buying up every pedestal that I can find. And it's a good thing that you kept your tiered basket because it's a great way to display all of your fall goodies.

  22. Gina,
    Hi! There isn't a Michaels around where I live... I guess that could be a good thing with me. Love that two tiered item with all the fall goodies.
    Happy Fall!

  23. Sooooo pretty! I guess I'm going straight to Halloween...not much fall decor out here yet. Temps back to the 90's so kinda makes it still feel like summer. :)

    I LOVE velvet pumpkins! Yours looks so nice and fall like. Enjoy all your decor and good luck with the job!


  24. I am so behind in my blogging, too! Life just gets so busy at times, doesn't it? Hope your new job goes well! I love all your touches of fall, especially the pretty tiered piece! :)

  25. Hey Gina ..
    You've been missed but it's always nice to hear from you ...Life does get busy for us all... I too, have one of those two tiered baskets.. and it hung in porch for years... now you've given some inspiration( ha ha)

    Your little birds and autumn decoration looks pretty cosy in the baskets. Enjoy your new job..Hope to visit with you again soon...hugs

  26. You Fallness is wonderful. I have been busy too with the boys, football band and sick with a sinus infection. UGH this time of year is a love hate thing for me.

  27. Gina, all of these are really, really pretty. I couldn't even pick a favorite. I kept going back and looking again at each one.
