Friday, September 21, 2012

Update with Dark Purple (Fall Wreath)

Isn't it great how we, as bloggers, share our successes and without even knowing it, inspire others?

Last week, I was visiting sweet Maria Elena at her fantastic blog, Our Home Away from Home.  She posted a beautiful Fall wreath that she had made.  She used dark purple accents on the wreath & I just loved it.

Many years ago, I asked my Mom to make me a Fall wreath.  I remember telling her that I wanted it to be "loaded with stuff."   This is the wreath she made:

I love this wreath & have used it on my front door every Fall for all these many years.  

This year, as I was about to hang the old wreath once again, I got to wondering....was the wreath starting to look a little blah?  That's when the lightbulb went off. 

I went to Michaels and bought some dark purple flowers and ribbon.   I added the flowers here & there on the wreath, made a bow with the ribbon and there you have it, my old wreath updated with dark purple!


I really love the new look.  Thanks so much for inspiring my new wreath, Maria Elena! 

So tell me, have you ever taken an old wreath & transformed it into something new?  (Don't answer that, Debbiedoos! lol, just kidding)

Linking to:  Weekend Wrap Up at Tatertots & Jello


  1. WOW!

    Did that ever make a difference- it is exactly what your pretty wreath your Mom made needed!

    LOVE it!

  2. Pretty wreath Gina! I just love all the bright fall colors. HAve a great weekend!

  3. How pretty your wreath is! I'm not much of a wreath hanger, I have a Christmas one that's 3 snowmen because it reminds me of my 3 boys but it only comes out for the holidays.

  4. It looks great! Great choice! The purple just makes the wreath pop! Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. I love it, Gina! It would go so well with the ornamental kale I have been seeing everywhere! I have never jazzed up a wreath before but I'm on the lookout for a new one and I just might!

    Happy Weekend!


  6. Beautiful change, love purple for Fall.....

  7. oh yes, I like the purple, Gina! it looks great!

  8. Wow! While it was a beautiful wreath to begin with, adding that touch of purple to it really makes it pop! Love it!

  9. It looks brand new!
    to answer your question....I had a Christmas wreath that for years I had to add new flowers and "stuff" one wanted me to get rid of that wreath. Finally after Christmas last went in the garbage!
    Hopefully, I will get a new one for another 20 years!!

  10. I love the purple in the wreath ! It really makes it pop ! Nice update !

  11. I love purple, any season, especially spring AND fall, this wreath looks gorgeous, like brand new. xo

  12. I do all the time! That purple really sets it it!

  13. It's beautiful I would have never added deep purple but it makes the other colors pop. Love it.

  14. Gorgeous.
    The purple accents really made all the other colors 'pop!'

    How thoughtful of your mom to make such a lush and beautiful wreath for you.

    Have a great weekend!

  15. Oh, Gina! It makes me so happy to know I inspired you to use the purple on your wreath! It looks beautiful! And so special since your mom made it for you! For some reason, I have never used that color before but I am glad I thought about it this year, it just makes everything warmer.
    Thank you again for mentioning me and my blog, you didn't have to but it sure made my day!!! Have a grieta weekend!

  16. Gina your Mom made you a beautiful wreathe. Memories are made from this.
    You have added the right amount of bling.

  17. Your wreath looks great Gina! Enjoy your weekend, Gail

  18. Looks, good, I love purple in the fall! I was given a wreath that did not sell at a yard sale, tried to pull the flowers off but I'm going to have to use pliers to get those things off. I think they're super-glued on!

  19. Oh, Gina, what a difference the purple made! It's so pretty with all of the traditional fall colors. I really like this combo!!

  20. Stunning! I just love the purple accents and that's a color I would not have thought about. I used it during the summer though, duh. :)

    Thanks for sharing!

  21. Amazing how just a few same touches can change something up so dramatically. Looks wonderful!

  22. Oh, Gina, you definitely breathed new life into your older wreath. It's amazing how adding those purple flowers & beautiful bow, made all the other colors just pop! It truly is lovely!

  23. Yeah yeah yeah, nice wreath and all that, but since I was here I had to go back and read the pumpkin fail post again just so I could end my day with a laugh. It was as funny the second time.


  24. I'm always reinventing wreaths and baskets. I have to say that your bow is incredible! I love a full and fluffy bow. This wreath is perfect for fall and for your front door. Happy Saturday!

  25. What a beautiful choice you made! The purple makes the biggest difference. I, too, have added here and there to give my wreaths a new life. I think some purple is missing--Hobby Lobby will be happy I read this. :-)

  26. It is wonderful to be inspired by our blogging buddies. Now you have me wanting to do something with my old wreaths.
    Your mom made a gorgeous fall wreath for you and now you have brought it back to life again. It is lovely.
    Everyone is really starting to decorate for fall I guess these 93 degree temps have me still thinking it is summer. lol
    Hope your having a wonderful weekend

  27. Wow, you did a wonderful job updating the wreath. I LOVE the purple ribbon and extra purple punches. I've been making burlap wreaths all week for a fall crafts fair in Oct.

  28. Good Morning Gina, The Autumn Wreath your mum made for you was lovely, but when you added the purple it made such a difference. It is lovely. Hope you had a good weekend. Best Wishes Daphne

  29. Gorgeous!!!! the purple looks amazing.

  30. Adding purple gave your old wreath a whole new look, I love it. It looks so pretty.

  31. B-E-A-U-tiful!! I love the pop the purple gives the wreath:) YOu are amazing. Can you come and wave your magic wand here?

  32. Amazing what a little pop of purple can do! So pretty, it's fun to see what a little non-traditional color use. I just popped over to see Maria Elena's, beautiful job both of you!!

  33. Oh my gosh! The purple was such a "wreath changer!" I have never used purple much in decorating until the past year and I'm now loving it! I was looking at my old fall wreath and wondering what I could do with it!

  34. That is such a pretty wreath Gina. Looks so pretty on your door.

  35. I have got to get started on Fall decorating! I love the look of a Fall wreath but never seem to get myself to make one. It does add a lovely touch to your front door! Perhaps if I put up a Fall wreath it will delay the need for the winter one??
