Wednesday, October 10, 2012

20 years

Some days I have to ask myself  just how old I really am. 
I find that I'm alot older than I often think I am.
Do you have that problem too?

Here I am (with my high school sweetheart),
at our Junior Prom, May 31, 1985.
I am all of 16 years old here.

No snickering allowed.

Now take today, for instance.   

Am I really old enough to have been married for 20 years?
October 10, 1992~October 10, 2012

20 years is such a looooong time.

The answer is yes.  Apparently I am old enough. 
Oh good heavens...I'm old!

And yes, I am married to that high school sweetheart above.
Happy 20th Anniversary! ♥

In the words of Gladys Knight,
(who I just saw in concert...she was phenomenal)
"You're the best thing that ever happened to me."


  1. I did not snicker.....Happy Anniversary!!!

  2. Oh, but you look exactly the same my friend. I'm not kidding..What's your secret. A very Happy Anniversary to you and your sweet hubby.

    Much love,

  3. Awwww, Gina, this is so sweet!! You haven't changed a bit!! Happy Anniversary, my friend!!!

  4. Dear Gina, Congratulations to you and your husband for your 20th Wedding Anniversary. I have to say, you certainly don't look your age and you don't look as if you are old enough to have been married for 20 years. Married life obviously suits you. Have a fabulous day. Best Wishes Daphne

  5. Happy anniversary! It's shocking how fast time goes by. I feel like I just graduated from high school and then I realize that 1993 really was a long time ago. By the way, I married my prom date, too. ;)


  6. Happy 20th Anniversary! You were a beautiful bride, and share the same anniversary with a good friend of mine. xo

  7. Happy Anniversary! This brought a smile to my face, but no snicker :) It just makes me happy to hear of other happy marriages. So Blessed! May you enjoy many more years together!

  8. How sweet, Gina. Happy Anniversary. And yes, I'm afraid I am WAY older than I even WANT to think about!

  9. Happy Anniversary!!! 20years of marriage makes you happy not old. Congratulations. :)

  10. Happy Anniversary! 20 years and you look as young as your wedding photo!!
    hugs, Linda

  11. Happy Anniversary Gina. Very cute photos. I love marriage success stories!

  12. Happy Anniversary Gina and many many more!! No snickering here, loved seeing those pics, brings back memories! I think we might be the same age. Our anniversary is tomorrow 15yrs.!

  13. Oh Gina! Happy Anniversary dear friend.

    You two are so adorable - esp that teen photo of you both! You haven't changed, only your hairstyle, you haven't aged at all!

    You aren't old, either, hon, trust me. I know because I AM!!


    Many happy anniversaries to come!

  14. Oh Happy Anniversary!!!!! I wish you many many more. Hugs, Marty

  15. Happy Anniversary, Gina! Your dresses were so pretty, you, too! I never feel my age! Does anybody?!


  16. Gina,
    Happy 20th Anniversary!
    Great photos!

  17. Happy Anniversary to you and your husband Gina! You are a beautiful looking couple.


  18. I know...isn't it crazy! My 84 year old mother always says that it is only when she looks in the mirror that she is reminded of her age but if her body would allow her, oh what her mind would like it to do!

  19. What a lovely picture of you at your prom. No snickering here.
    Happy 20th Anniversary.

  20. Happy Anniversary. We just celebrated our twenty year anniversary three weeks ago (sept 20th). Congratulations. I married my college sweetheart. You look exactly the same!

  21. Happy 20th Anniversary Gina! You are as beautiful then as you are now!! Enjoy your evening, Gail

  22. Happy Birthday. You look the same. My boys married their high school sweethearts too.

  23. Happpppppppy 20th Anniversary!!!!! You married young.. lol. That's what people say to me when I say 22 years. : )

    Have a great 20th year.

  24. Well forget the fact you are 11 years younger than me (at least I can't be yo mama), and I didn't snicker, I did notice the Lady Di train, and when ever I hear that song I always think of Brawn.

    Happy 20th.


  25. Happy Anniversary! You really made me smile! Love seeing your gorgeous pics!

  26. Happy Anniversary, Sweetie! I hope y'all have a great celebration! Great photos of you two!

  27. Happy Anniversary to you both!!! We just celebrated our 31st on October 4th. Now, do you still think you are old??? LOL Wishing you guys many, many more!!!

  28. Happy Anniversary, Gina! I hope the two of you have many more years of love and happiness together. Love your prom dress and that beautiful wedding dress.-----------Shannon

  29. Beautiful ~ both photos are beautiful! Congratulations and wishes for many more.


  30. Wishing you both Happy 20th. Those years just snuck by while you were busy living your lives.

  31. Happy Anniversary, Gina! How wonderful to be married to your high school sweetheart. You both are adorable and you don't look old enough to be married for 20 years!

  32. I did my 20 year in August and have been with Jim since high school so I hear you! Where DOES the time go?

    There went more.

    Happy Anniversary :)))

  33. I didn't snicker either, I just enjoyed your post and so glad to know how happy you both are! Believe me you are not old! You look the same in both pictures...just beautiful!
    Happy Anniversary!

  34. You are still a Sweet 16! That red dress is the sweetest ever,you look so cute. Happy Anniversary to you both!


  35. I didn't snicker, cause we are the same age, and had similar prom dresses and big hair! ha! Those were the days, weren't they??? :) Your wedding dress was gorgeous! Happy Anniversary to you and your sweetie! Hoping you will be blessed with many, many more! My 20th is in December!

  36. Congratulations on this wonderful occasion!

    Both dresses are so pretty!

    We will cwlebrate 13 in Deacember.

    M :)

  37. love that first pic!!! i have a pair of dyed shoes from one of my dances too, lol! your wedding pic is gorgeous! happy anniversary!

  38. Happy Anniversary girl! I ask myself that same question. In fact, my teenager just told me yesterday I was very immature, LOL...I said GOOD!~ You guys make a gorgeous couple and I think you looked beautiful on both special occasions.

  39. I remember making something similar for my daughter's prom, so that's how old I! Congratulations to you and your hubby!

  40. Happy Anniversary you two!! What a wonderful milestone to share! Congratulations and wishing you many more happy years to come!!'re SO NOT Old!!!!

  41. I am coming by, very late, indeed, to wish you a wonderful anniversary and many many more.
    xo bj

  42. Happy Anniversary Gina and many many more!! No snickering here, loved seeing those pics, brings back memories! I think we might be the same age. Our anniversary is tomorrow 15yrs.!
