Sunday, October 14, 2012

A little of this, a little of that

Well hello everyone!
It's so nice to return to the world of blogging.
I feel as though I've been away and out of touch for ages,
even it has only been 5 days or so!

First,  my niece's wedding was beautiful.
I wasn't very diligent about taking photos,
(you know, too much fun & all)
but I'd like to share a few.

One of the Bride....

and one of the Bride & Groom...

It was truly a special day filled
with love, family, fun & happy memories!


Second, do you remember my Farmer's Market Tablescape?

The tablecloth I used was from Kohl's.
A representative from Kohl's saw my tablescape and asked if I
would consider adding their link to my post. 
Sure! Why not?
I added the link for you here as well. 

Kohls' would also like to give all my readers
a 10% discount to their online site,
This discount is good until
October 24, 2012. 
Discount code is UBLOGTEN.

Isn't that awesome?

Last, I wanted to say that I have missed visiting
with all of you.  I don't know that I'll be able
to completely catch up on all I missed,
but rest assured that I will be back to making
my usual rounds to your blogs.

Here's to a great new week ahead! 



  1. Congratulations to the bride and groom. Her dress is beautiful!
    Your wedding projects looked great too.
    We just never know who may be looking at our blogs do we. Pretty cool of Kohl's to contact you!

    M :)

  2. Beautiful bride and groom photos. Congratulations on the Kohl's contact, that is great!

  3. Beautiful gown Gina and what a handsome couple they make, great that you had a good time!
    So cool that Kohl's contacted you!

  4. What a beautiful couple, Gina! I wish them the absolute best!! And...Congrats on Kohl's!! That is awesome!!

  5. Gina, what a beautiful couple!!! And I see a family resemblence!!! So cool that Kohl's contacted you......!!!!

  6. That's awesome that Kohl's contacted you! You represented them so beautifully! So glad you had a nice time at the wedding. Have a great week!

  7. Your niece and her new husband are beautiful - may they be filled with peace and love together forever!

    CONGRATS on your Kohl's missive- that's AWESOME!

    I love love love my Kohl's - and it is definately the BEST credit card on the market- they have the best sales EVER!

    I have been quieter in my postings lately due to RL and crazy busy- but I do love your visits if and when you get the chance.


  8. Very good looking couple. Beautiful dress too. Congrats on the Kohl's link!

  9. Beautiful couple!! Thanks for sharing.

  10. Gina what a beautiful bride!!
    I'm behind in leaving comments but trying to catch up.
    hugs, Linda

  11. Welcome back! Your niece made such a beautiful bride! Very cool about Kohl's! Like Malinda said we just never know who is looking around :)

  12. I love weddings! Even if I don't know the people I love looking at the pictures! Congrats to the bride and groom, her dress is lovely!

    How neat that Kohl's contacted you! You never know who is reading!


  13. Beautiful couple. My cousin's wife had a dress so close to that one. So pretty.
    COngrats, that's an honor.

  14. Hello Gina, Congratulations to the bride and groom, what a beautiful couple. Best Wishes Daphne

  15. Congrats to the bride and groom. Such a beautiful couple.

  16. I've missed you and so glad you are back. What an adorable couple.


  17. What a beautiful bride and groom! Happy 20th to you and your sweetie, Gina!!

  18. Gina, the bride and groom look so happy! I just love weddings! Her dress is gorgeous and she looks so pretty! Congrats on Kohl's! How exciting! Your tablesacpe is wonderful! So happy for you!

  19. Hi Gina, love the pictures of your niece and her adorable husband! Welcome back!


  20. Hi Gina,
    The wedding must have been gorgeous! The Bride is beautiful and the Groom is handsome too. :) I love that cute little farmhouse table scape too. :)

    Have a great week!


  21. Hi Gina,
    Love that first pic of the bride. Does she look happy or what? Congrats on the recognition from Kohl's. That is awesome!

  22. Congratulations to the happy couple! I love your niece's wedding gown.

    How cool that Kohls contacted you.

  23. Wow! She is a gorgeous bride in a stunning dress. The picture of the 2 of them is priceless. I'm so glad you had a great time!

    Great offer from Kohl's too ~ :)


  24. Congratulations to the sweet couple. Is she your sister's daughter? Cause I think she looks a lot like her auntie. Beautiful.


  25. What a gorgeous bride! Beautiful couple! Congratulations to both of them! So awesome that Kohl's saw your post! I shop their stores often, so this coupon code will come in handy!
