Sunday, October 7, 2012

Cute Halloween Vignette

I've been having alot of fun decorating for Halloween lately.  It took me awhile to figure things out, but I decided that I prefer "cute Halloween" over "scary Halloween."  At least that's how I feel this year anyway!  Next year, who knows? 

Here's a cute Halloween vignette on my coffee table:

I can't decide which I enjoy more lately...sharing my Halloween decor with you or playing with my pictures in PicMonkey! I wanted to give this next photo a vintage feel:

So tell me, would you consider yourself a "cute Halloween kind of girl" or a "scary Halloween kind of girl?"

Thanks for taking the time to visit with me today! 

Linking to:  Tabletop Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life


  1. I think Halloween is all about the fun so guess I'd go with either one. :) Guess our preferences change with each season?

    Very pretty!

    P.S. I have a Halloween giveaway going on...stop by!

  2. I'm a cutie Halloween person always have been! Love your coffee table vignette!

  3. I am not a scary girl. Don't watch any horror films. Very cute vignette. The little folkart pumpkin head is adorable.

  4. I'm liking your cute vignette.
    The little ornament is too cute. I must order some from Bayberry Cove.

  5. Your vignette for Halloween is so cute Gina. I especially love the pumpkin pillow on your sofa.

    Have a great week.

  6. Your post is adorable, and I, too, am all about cute Halloween - but honestly gave away most of my Halloween and just do FALL.....I have a few things for Halloween I do need to get out soon before it's over!

    Love your vignette, so cute.

  7. Cute Halloween is good...I like cute and scary..that works right?! Yours is super cute Gina.

  8. I love vintage Halloween! Your vignette is so cute! I love the glitter pumpkin and Folkart pumpkin head!

  9. I'm a cutie!!! Love it all on the silver tray, esp. the folk art pumpkin fella.....

  10. There are two words that have followed me my whole life, Gina: "cute" and "sweet". Sometimes they apply, other times not so sweet :) but for Halloween I am all about cute, not scary. But I enjoy a good haunted house tour as long as I am with a group of friends! xo

  11. I like your vintage vignette so please keep playing around. Joan

  12. Good Morning Gina, I think I would have to say I am a cute Halloween person. I can't abide anything scary, I have too vivid an imagination. Isn't PicMonkey fabulous, I love it too. Have a lovely day. Best Wishes Daphne

  13. VERY cute Halloween, Gina. I like how your coffee table is decorated!

    RIcki Jill

  14. I'm with you on the PicMonkey! It's the best thing since sliced bread, isn't it? haha! I can't wait to download my pics and then play! But back to your vignette,... it is super cute! Love the little spooky guy in the center! :)

  15. This IS cute, Gina, and I like it! When I decorate for Halloween it always comes out looking like a five year old did it! :)


  16. Gina I like cute Halloween! Your vignette is perfect!
    hugs, Linda

  17. Love your cute Halloween scene and all your Pic Monkey edits too! Although that clown is a bit on the scary side? I've gone pretty scary this year with spider webs and potion bottles but I'm not sure it's been a big hit with the grandkids.

  18. Love your cute Halloween decor. I'm definitely not the scary type. It's cute for me!!

  19. Cute vignette Ms. Gina. I haven't decided what my decor will be this year, cute or scary. I just hope I can get to it before it's all over...Hee, Hee, Hee. Boy I did miss coming over to visit.

    Much love,

  20. Love the silver...especially the tray. I prefer cute over scary any day too!

  21. I don't know, I like them both! So cute! Thank you for sharing. Visiting from A Stroll Thru Life. Would love it if you would share this at my Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Hope to see you at the bash! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  22. Oh Gina, This is totally adorable!! You INSPIRE me--I need to get started on mine too!!!

  23. Gina,
    Very pretty. Love that tray.

  24. I'm all about a cute Halloween too! Love your vignette.

  25. Oh Gina, you're going to hate me but I hate Halloween! It's not for religious reasons or anything, just never cared for it. When my boys were little and we'd go trick or treating I have such bad memories of keeping them from darting into the street, looking for razor blades in candy and trying to change diapers through costumes!

    Anyway, now that I've completely rained on your parade, I love your CUTE Halloween stuff and, if I did decorate for it, I'd definitely go with cute:)

  26. Very, very pretty! What a cute vignette! I have never decorated for Halloween, but you guys are sure making me want to do it!

  27. Cute vignette! Why I think I am a mix of scary and cute...Well, mostly pink LOL!


  28. Hi Gina! Oh, what a sweet little vignette and I'm like you - give me cuteness any day.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  29. I like cute Halloween decor too, Gina and yours is very, very cute!

  30. Your coffee table vignette is really cute. Love your silver tray. Your little pumpkin head is so cute.
    Lately I've been spray painting the faux silver trays a muted nickel look. Just seem to like that alot better than the shiny ones which I find at our local thrift store.
    I enjoy the fun of Halloween but don't do much actual Halloween anymore as no more small kids in family and in the 6 yrs. we've lived in our neighborhood there have never been any kids to trick or treat.
    I do a little Halloween decorating out on front porch for fun but all Fall/Autumn in house.

  31. Love your vignette, Gina! Is that your Jack pillow I spy lurking in the background? I'm more of a "cute with touches of scary" Halloween person. I don't mind a rat or a few spiders thrown into the mix, but no bloody appendages for me!:-)

  32. I prefer cute Halloween over scary Halloween too, and this is very cute!

  33. Either will go Gina. I like to think of me as cute Halloween lady.
    Your vignette is lovely. That tray is gorgeous!

  34. Definitely a cute Halloween girl! Your vignette turned out so sweet with everything reflected in the silver tray. And having a sparkly pumpkin draws a person in even more! Would you believe I have yet to get the boxes out? Busy sending out little Halloween creations to friends first but when I have time I will take some inspiration from you!!!

  35. Hi Gina, I'm new to your blog from TTT. So nice to meet you. This is such a cute little Halloween vignette!
    I'm your newest follower. I hope that you will come by and say hi. :)

    Have a great week!

  36. Perfect Halloween table vignette. Great little folkart pumpkin head. I have been so busy getting ready for Fall, I haven't gotten to Halloween. I better get on the stick and get something going before it is too late.

  37. so cute Gina!!!! I am in the middle.. I love both.

  38. A little of both! Just not gross, bloody stuff. This is SUPER cute. Love the glittery/vintage flair.
