Monday, October 29, 2012

Halloween Crazy

I think I've gone Halloween crazy.

There was a time when I had very little in the way of Halloween decor.
Of course that was before blogging! 

Here's a little something I put together for my favorite blue dresser:

I really wanted to layer this vignette, but
with the window, I struggled to put anything up against it.

I've had this pumpkin box for a few years now.
I can't remember where I bought it.
I raised it up on a cake pedestal
and gave it a sparkly spider.

Black & white plate, most likely from TJ Maxx.
The stuffed pumpkin was a purchase from Boyd's Bears
in Gettysburg, PA some years ago.
The vintage looking pumpkin votive came
from a booth at an antique shop.  

My favorite Debbie Mumm Halloween plates 
that I've had for years.
I added another cake plate & a wire cloche.
The ornaments were found a few years ago
at Tuesday Morning.

And there I go, playing in PicMonkey again!
What an obsession,  I tell ya!

Are you ready for the big day?
Linking to:

Tabletop Tuesday at A Stroll thru Life 


  1. Gina, so cute! I love everything! Happy Halloween! It all looks great!

  2. Hi Gina! Oh, I love your Halloweenie decor! Your pumpkin boo box is so cute and that's a very special sparkly spider! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  3. BOOOOtiful. I love your Halloween decorations. I have never seen Debbie Mumm plates- what a find! I hope you are safe in NY and that you don't lose power. My brother still lives in Corning, NY, and MyHero's sister lives on Long Island-scary- xo Diana

  4. Adorable vignette! I love that wire cloche! Hope all is well where you are. Take care!

  5. So cute Gina! I don't think we'll be trick or treating here this year, thanks to "Sandy"!

  6. Everything looks great Gina. Yep, I think blogging has such a good influence on us for decorating:)

  7. Gina,
    your Halloween decor is so sweet! Love the pumpkin box and the stuffed pumpkin! To cute! Actually, I like it all! Thanks for visiting, I enjoyed browsing thru and I'm your newest follower.
    Will be back.

  8. Love your festive and fun mood for Halloween, Gina! TOO CUTE!!!!

  9. Great decs! Lover the cloche Have a lovely day. Joan

  10. You have mastered PicMonkey, Gina!
    I love your little pumpkin head box vignette!

    I hope that you are all snug and safe with all the bad weather happening around you!

    Happy Halloween to you and all of your precious pumpkin heads!

  11. I love the items in the 2nd photo - it is so easy to go Halloween crazy! sandie

  12. Hi Gina,
    I barely just decorated ( just a tiny bit) yesterday for Halloween. I know I'm running late but considering I was thinking of not doing it at all...Always make our little cottage feel a bit more fun so I had to do it :-) Your vignettes are super sweet. Tomorrow is the big day. Yay! Happy Halloween.

    Much love,

  13. Nice! I like the black and white plate and the wire cloche, so versatile.

  14. I really like this vignette! Love the wire cloche and the black and white plate is perfect! hugs, Linda

  15. Hi Gina..
    you always do such a great job decorating!
    Thanks for sharing your cute decor with us.

    Warm wishes..

  16. I think that is better than just being plain old regular crazy.


  17. You are such a great decorator, Gina..every thing you do looks sooo good.
    I just love all this. :))

  18. Gina, I love your take on Halloween. I'm really not a fan of all the gore. I love your happy upscale design!

  19. Gina you have the cutest Halloween decor. Your vignettes are really gorgeous too. I hope everything is well in your area.

  20. Cute vignette on the blue dresser. I know about blogging. I have many more seasonal tubs now than I did before blogging.

  21. Gina you have the best vignettes:) Love it! Happy Halloween!

  22. Beautiful Gina! I love did you get the effects of the last picture? Are you a paying PicMonkey member or is this one of the freebies?

  23. Great vignette! I especially love the Halloween ornaments under the wire cloche on the glass cake plate.

  24. We never get any kids at Halloween since we have no street lights and live way up a hill....but what a treat it would be to drop by your house at Halloween... so much fun.

  25. Oh I totally love it, great vignette. The boo balls in the cloche, how cute is that. Thanks tons for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty


  26. Cute, cute and more cute!!!!!

    Ready to move to the next holiday?

    Love your last post on the candy buffet--what fun.

    M :)

  27. Gina how cute... Now how did you and your family fair through this whole Sandy mess?

  28. Hope your Halloween was happy (: I love the vintage vibe of your stuff G.

    It poured here. No trick or treaters.
    Off to bed. Happy weekend!!

  29. Hey thanks for stopping by! I love the wire cloche! I need to start a new collection! lol!

  30. Just back by to say thanks for your visit. Come back soon and I'll try to save you some cheesecake. :))

  31. Gina, I love your Halloween window vignette. It all looks so happy and fun. I can't wait to see what you put up next.

  32. Gina, your Halloween decor looks great :) Miss you,

  33. Gina, what a cute display! Love the pumpkin box! The plate is gorgeous! Love how it can be dressed up or down. I have always had WAY too many Halloween decorations. Try to get rid of a few each year. But then, I always have to add a few new ones. lol! I love picmonkey too! Just so fun.

  34. Oh so cute Gina, I am a little late, i guess you will be adding a few turkeys soon!

