Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Season of Thanksgiving

Hi Friends!

I haven't been a very good blogger lately, I know.
Sandy rolled in & my blogging mojo rolled out.
Today was the first day we've seen the sun since Sandy,
(granted it was only 27 degrees this morning)
so I took a picture or two to share with you.

Let's kick off this season of Thanksgiving
with a little something on the chalkboard, shall we? 

I actually had a few crazy seconds over the weekend
where I thought I might skip over decorating for Thanksgiving
and just move right into Christmas.
Fortunately, I came to my senses! :D

One has to feel sorry for poor old Thanksgiving.
It always gets overshadowed by Christmas, but not here!
No siree! 
Thanksgiving shall have its day!

So tell me,
am I alone in my devotion to Thanksgiving?


  1. I love the words on your chalk board...so true! I really do love Thanksgiving, it comes in so quietly and it's the last day before utter madness!


  2. Hi Gina!

    Glad you had some sunshine today - and no you aren't alone in your Thanksgiving happiness decor!

    I have been a bad blogger -life has been SO DANGED busy.

    Hope to tomorrow.


  3. I am looking forward to Thanksgiving and plan to leave most of my fall things out. It was so nice today that I briefly considered doing some outdoor Christmas stuff but talked myself out of it! I'm sorry about Sandy...I cannot even begin to imagine.

  4. You aren't the only one without the sun. We have had 19days straight and no sun. But I'm sorry to say I have already started decorating for Christmas.

  5. I never decorate for Thanksgiving. In fact, the day of, my Mom and I while cooking start decorating for Christmas. It kind of tradition seeing she is here with me. Love your chalkboard Gina.

  6. What an awesome quote that is Gina! One I've never heard before. I love the whole Nov/Dec. season, all of it...I get crazy butterflies in my tummy just thinking about it!

    I can't wait to see your Turkey Day decorations:)

  7. No- You are not alone- I love Thanksgiving, too. However, we are celebrating really early this year so that everyone can be here....and then I can decorate early for Christmas- first time ever.
    Hope you have a great night- xo Diana

  8. I will be away for Thanksgiving so no decorating here. Love the message on your chalkboard.

  9. We think alike here! I LOVE thanksgiving, and it does get elbowed out between Halloween and Christmas.
    LOVE you chalkboard art! Very creative!

  10. I love your chalkboard! The message is so true! I love Thanksgiving and plan to leave my Fall out until it's over, then decorate for Christmas. Great thoughts!

  11. I love Thanksgiving! I host it so I decorate a bit. Need to finish up and take some photos. It is so autumn-y, and you know I love autumn! Great quote on your chalkboard. xo

  12. That's a great chalkboard and a great message. I love Thanksgiving and always decorate for it. Christmas decor doesn't get pulled out until Thanksgiving weekend. Glad you had some sunshine today! ~Michelle

  13. HI Gina! Love your new saying on your chalkboard. I love Thanksgiving too and I get a little upset that Christmas things are put out in the stores before Halloween! ;)
    Thanks for popping in to see me.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  14. No, dear friend....you are not alone, I also love TG and Autumn. Great message on the chalk board!!! The Christmas decorations come out the day after turkey day....can't wait!!!! gobble, gobble...

  15. Nothing and no one could (should!) overshadow anything or anyone. Are you kidding? How can we not be thankful for so much?!

    There's a quote that always bring tears to my eyes - thinking how it must have been - about Thanksgiving:

    "The Pilgrims made seven times more graves than huts. No Americans have been more impoverished than these who, nevertheless, set aside a day of thanksgiving. ~H.U. Westermayer"

    I don't celebrate Thanksgiving in my Country but always live the Season (let's call it season not holiday) through all of you.

    Sun is returning Dear Gina. Warm body and soul and put it to work. If there's a year to be Thankful is this one, Gina! Please, prety please?!

    Feel my warm hug. Yours,

  16. Gina I'm a die hard Thanksgiving decorator also! It's such a great time to really stop and think about all our blessings and I do! But the day after turkey day....watch out!
    hugs, Linda

  17. No, you are not alone. I'm a faithful Thanksgiving person too. I love it.

    And I love that quote on your chalkboard.

  18. Hello Gina, such perfect words on your chalkboard. I love it!
    You are so right, Thanksgiving always gets pushes aside by so many. I am celebrating it too! Have a blessed day. Linda

  19. Oh my goodness Gina, I had the same thought...skippingThanksgiving/Fall decor and going straight to Christmas but it's only because time is going by way too fast that I wanted to stretch Christmas just a little longer :-/ But as with you, my devotion to Thanksgiving prevailed and decorated for it...even if it was just a little :-) Love, love, love that quote.

    Much love,

  20. Super great Thanksgiving message. Is it snowing by you too Gina? lol

  21. Decorating for Thanksgiving is probably overlooked at my place, other than what I have done for Fall, but I don't do a bit of Christmas before then.


  22. I have been thinking about Giving Thanks too. I do like the verse on your chalkboard and always enjoy Thanksgiving with my family. Glad you saw sunshine today even is the temp was cold. Sometimes it is good just to get out a few minutes and take in the air. Take care.

  23. I don't decorate for Christmas until after Thanksgiving although one year I did put my tree up ( without decorations ) and it sure helped doing it earlier than usual but one of my granddaughter's asked "Why do you have your tree up Grammy?" I guess to her it was to early! I just wish there was more time...with work and babysitting there just isn't enough time in the day.

  24. I really like to decorate for Thanksgiving, but the very next day all my Christmas decorations come out!

  25. I just love your chalk board! I am just glad to hear you guys made it through the storm safely! I envy your 27 degrees! We are still in the mid 80's and it is very hard to get into the Holiday spirit. I am very much looking forward to Thanksgiving, but not all the cooking! LOL

  26. Love that quote...and no, no, no...you musn't skip Thanksgiving. Bring out those pilgrims! In fact, I think I will get mine out today!

  27. Giving thanks - is the thing that keeps my life on track. sandie

  28. Glad you're safe and the sun came out for you. It was 37* her today. Burr. I do roll over that poor turkey some but I've got a little Thanksgiving in me too!
