Sunday, November 11, 2012

Thanksgiving Mantel

Last month, I posted my Halloween mantel.
(A first for me as I have never put a Halloween mantel together.)

After I put the Halloween decorations away,
I was left with an empty mantel and
a decision to make....
put my Fall mantel back up or come up with a Thanksgiving mantel?
a Thanksgiving mantel it is! 
(Another first for me.)

Hard to believe, but everything I used, I already had. 
I love it when that happens!

I purchased the pilgrim couple at TJ Maxx
after Thanksgiving a few years ago. 
I love them! 

I had to include this last photo below
 because I have a story to tell.

I bought these wooden characters 19 years ago.  
A coworker's Mom made them and I was so happy
to have these small Thanksgiving related pieces. 
At the time, there really wasn't much in the way of
Thanksgiving decor for sale anywhere.  
I have always placed them on the fireplace as shown.

This year,  however, I left the characters in the box. 
Honestly, they really aren't my style anymore,
so I thought I would just pack them away.

After I finished the mantel, my son came to me
and here is our conversation:

Johnny:   Why aren't those wooden pilgrims on the mantel?
Me:  I wasn't going to put them out this year; I'm not really crazy about them.
Johnny:  But they belong on the mantel like always.
Me:  Ok, I'll go get them.

So, out of the box they came
and onto the mantel, like always.
Far be it from me to mess with like always.


  1. Surprised how much they remember as "always". They look cute on their own on the door. I do really like the other ones.

  2. Hi Gina! Oh, your mantel looks wonderful! Glad you've shared your firsts with us! ;)
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  3. I know what you mean, the little pilgrims are "cutesy" like everything was about 19 years ago. But your son thinks they are tradition. How sweet. The mantel looks great.

  4. That's such a cute story. Your mantel looks beautiful all dressed up for Thanksgiving.

  5. How precious that he wanted the Pilgrim set out! Your mantel looks wonderful! I love Thanksgiving too!

  6. Such a cute story from your son, your mantel looks great. I just have it very simple with pumpkins, just took down some Halloween things though.

  7. A pair of Pilgrims and a turkey are absolute necessities to be out somewhere in the home this time of year. Thanksgiving deserves the recognition and respect!!! November 23-January 6 is waaaayyyy long enough for Christmas decor. JMHO! xo

  8. Sometimes we're making memories without even realizing it! Love your mantel decor....

  9. I love your mantel! I'm hoping to get a few Thanksgiving decorations out this week. Hugs, Linda

  10. That's precious............and the Like Always becomes their memories and they take them with them for THEIR familes and so it continues.

    I LOVE that story.

    Gives me a lump in my throat.

    They really and truly DO pay attention, Gina, don't they?


  11. Funny, you think they don't notice but they do! I love your mantel, the pilgrims are great, I was at a grand opening for a TJMaxx today! lol

  12. One should never mess with "like always." By the way-they are really cute.

    M :)

  13. Ya never know what they latch on to!!! "like always" is important!!!

  14. Oh, how sweet, forever and ever your little wooden figures will be on the mantle!


  15. Oh-Isn't it funny what kids remember and associate with Holidays and traditions? My kids associate Claire Burks Christmas Memories scent with the Christmas season. Your mantle is darling- xo Diana

  16. And that's what Thanksgiving is about.
    What touches the heart of every attendant to it. The affection* for the ritual, the objects, the people, year after year...
    When I started reading how they weren't any longer in your favor I thought "Well, let me wait a few years and she'll bring them back when the grands start participating".

    This way you kept something that reminds your son of all the times he has been Thankful. Can't find a better reason to decor for Thansgiving than that.

    I love the first couple of Pilgrims and absolutely adore this years' Mantel.

    "Affection is responsible for nine-tenths of whatever solid and durable happiness there is in our lives.
    C. S. Lewis"

    Well done!

  17. Gina, it looks sooo pretty! The pilgrims are so pretty! You have done an excellent job with your Thanksgiving mantle!

  18. In love with those pumpkin topiaries. So adorable!!

  19. Your mantle looks, Gina. Kids really love their traditions :)

  20. Kids will help us keep life in perspective. Your mantle looks beautiful and festive,isn't it great when you can use what you have? No dollars spent, love it!

  21. Looks nice! The Thanksgiving people are a family tradition too!

  22. Your mantel is lovely, Gina.
    As our children grew, I too opted for a more sophistcated and less child like transition. that the "Grands" are here...the kid stuff is creeping out once more!
    How sweet is your Johnny! "Always"

  23. Awww...Having adult children now, it is really something the things they remember and make their part of their tradition. Your mantel look wonderful!

  24. After I started out so good on mantel decorating at the beginning of the year, I have failed miserably in the second half. Maybe I need to chant "if Gina can do it so can I"?


  25. I know sometimes our styles change, but it's those little things our kids remember that bring a lot of sweet memories.

  26. My kids, now grown, are the same way. They hate change...especially anything to do with the holidays. Your mantel is wonderful and I'm so proud of you that you didn't skip right to Christmas. :o)

  27. Well first, I love your mantel and the new pilgrim couple. BUT, I love the story of "like always" and the whimsical characters too. It's special and I'm so glad you pulled them out of the box.

    Your blog is so you have twitter or fb to follow with??

    If you want some cute swedish decor inspiration...check out my blog:)

    Have a great week dear

    LOVE Maria at

  29. Traditions!
    So nice to have a few of those :)

    Kids remember the little things, don't they ?!

    Love how the mantel turned out too.

    You're all ready for turkey day!

  30. Oh wow,you really did a pretty Thanksgiving mantel. My Christmas one is partially up LOL...I told you I was one of those people.

  31. They look right at always :-) love your Thanksgiving mantel.


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