I hope you don't mind if I stray off the Valentine's Day theme
that I've been throwing around here lately.
I'd love to talk movies.
My daughter & I have seen so many movies
within the last couple of months,
it's no wonder I haven't been blogging much.
And so it began with this:
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
The young cast was fantastic.
It was a great coming-of-age picture and
while it really resonated with my daughter,
I, too, enjoyed it; very much actually.
That Logan Lerman is a doll!
Then we saw,
Breaking Dawn, Part II
We were happy to see the conclusion
of the Twilight Series at last.
We enjoyed it.
We always felt the books were
better than the movies, but
as Twihards, the movies
have always been fun.
Next came,
I'm not one for historical type movies, but
this was excellent.
Daniel Day Lewis' performance was beyond words!
Then we moved on to,
Les Miserables
I can't begin to tell you the obsession this has created for me.
As a matter of fact,
I'm listening to the 10th Anniversary concert as I type this.
I'm listening to the 10th Anniversary concert as I type this.
I've watched Les Mis flash mobs on You Tube and
I've sung the songs in my head for days at a time.
I need an intervention and fast!
We cried our eyes out, and loved it still.
Even though the singing was not stellar
(we didn't expect it would be from a Hollywood cast),
we think it was a fantastic movie.
Next up,
The Hobbit
Great movie!
Can't wait to see the two sequels!
I guess it might also be time to watch
The Lord of the Rings trilogy
The Lord of the Rings trilogy
because I'm hooked!
Then along came,
Silver Linings Playbook
We absolutely loved this movie!
It was fantastic!
It was fantastic!
I swear if I didn't think that Daniel Day Lewis
actually WAS Abraham Lincoln,
actually WAS Abraham Lincoln,
I believe Bradley Cooper would win the Oscar for his performance.
And I'm not just saying it because he's pure eye candy.
Jennifer Lawrence was awesome too...
and Robert DeNiro...and Jacki Weaver.
and Robert DeNiro...and Jacki Weaver.
Our last movie was
Parental Guidance
I love Billy Crystal and Bette Midler.
They are so funny and they didn't disappoint.
It was a fun and light hearted movie.
Now do you see why I've been sporadic with my blogging & visiting???
So tell me, have you see any good movies lately?