Sunday, January 13, 2013

Blame it on January

I don't know what is going on with me.
I just can't seem to get myself into a blogging routine.
It seems as though the calendar turned to January, and I turned carefree.
I've lost my groove or something.
Anyone else feeling this way or is it just me?
Anyhoo, I thought I'd rattle off a quick post just to ease my way back into things.
Here is my dining room chalkboard, all Wintered up:

Funny but of all days to post this photo, this would not be the day.
It's anything but cold outside. 
We hit a high of 49 degrees today. 
Very unusual weather for January.
But not to worry, it'll be back to the 30s in a day or two.
Ok, my friends.
I've got to get ready for the Golden Globes now.
The inner fashionista in me refuses to miss the
red carpet pre-show!


  1. Cute, cute Gina! Well, it's cold enough here so it works for me. It was 4 degrees this morning. The last two years were unusually warm and I am just not use to this cold. We certainly do need the snow!

  2. I think it is the change in weather that makes us all confused. It was 81 here yesterday. Your mojo will return.

  3. Cute chalkboard. Are you getting all dolled up for the Golden globes? Hair done/gown on/high heels? Just checking- xo Diana

  4. Oh, a little golden globes should get you into a groove!!

  5. Oh wow! It's 21 here in car doors were frozen shut! It's the coldest day this winter thus far. Brrrrr...

    I vowed to post more this year and I'm off to a bad start! I love seeing all the photos from the GG on Yahoo news the following morning. I have little patience for award shows although this one can be pretty fun considering the champagne flowing at the tables! lol!


  6. I am watching the GG's too but sometimes it gets a little dragged out! Love the chalkboard. xo

  7. I had a week or two after Christmas of best of 2012 posts and was in a rut but back at it with Valentine's Day decor and a few new vignettes.

  8. Me too, Gina.

    Hey, how about if you get in the car and come to Columbus and we'll lunch, thrift and then have tea and cake at my house after a full day?

  9. This is just a blah part of the year, in my opinion....that's probably the problem!

    The chalkboard is adorable! I have finally taken down all of our Christmas decor, and the house looks so BLAH! :/

    Your blog and Grace's blog has been inspiring me to get off my butt and decorate for winter!

    But it's 70 degrees here and pouring down rain.....

  10. 74 today, we bbq'd! Your board is cute regardless.

  11. Don't know what to say....I am in the same rut. Haven't posted anything on my blog since the 24th of December and before that only once or twice. Guess I lost my groove!!!

    We hit 69 today and we are further north from you!!! But tomorrow will have a high of 33, winter is back.....hang in there Gina!!!

  12. OMG I missed the golden globes!! I think we all work so hard over the holiday, that it is time for a vacation!


  13. Just love your chalkboard. So cute.
    It's cold enough where we are to freeze anything (west of Grand Junction, CO). Was about -11 at our house this a.m. and the high for today was 9. Is that cold enough for anybody? We have plenty of snow.
    I shouldn't complain, the first winter we lived in MT was 25- during the day many days and some as much as 45-. I can remember shoveling snow at that temp and we had plenty of snow.
    We had moved to MT (Helena area) from San Diego area. Talk about a change. My hubs was on the road so it left me to shovel as the drifts would pile up in front of our pole shed where our Bronco was parked. We had to buy an engine heater so it wouldn't freeze up. I had to shovel snow away from doors as they wouldn't move, they slid if they were in mood. Was quite an interesting life that first winter especially, after that I was an old hand at it. My neighbor would call me and if I didn't answer they'd come over to be sure I hadn't fallen on the ice and snow in the driveway. They were about 1/2 mile away as the crow flies. Believe me I found out what I was made of that first winter at 52 yrs. old.

  14. It is hard to get back into a routine of blogging after Christmas! ...hard to come up with ideas and the January light is not kind for picture taking! ughhhh! LOL! ..enjoy your warm days, we've been in the 70's all week! I'm ready to wear some sweaters! ha! :)

    Oh, and love your chalkboard! Super cute, message and all! :)

  15. Oh my goodness Gina, I'm feeling the same way. Can't get back into my blogging routine... It think for me it's because of the Spring cleaning frenzy I've been in since the beginning of the year. That's all I've been doing, cleaning, purging, organizing and re-organizing from morning to night and I still haven't made a dent :-S When I get into this nesting mode there is no stopping me...only until I either finish or crash...Hee, Hee, Hee. Hope you are doing well my friend. Stay warm.


  16. Your chalkboard is so cute! We're having very cold weather here in CA and I don't like it much! The high today was 37!

  17. I thought you might be hibernating...;)
    We've have been freezing up here in the Pacific Northwest!
    Love to see you and your cute chalkboard pop up on my sidebar!

  18. Your blackboard is too cute!! Love that:) I was loving that weather yesterday but like you said it's back to cold today...AND I hear we've got the dirty "s" word on the way. Stay warm my friend.

  19. Somehow I missed this post.
    The chalkboard is cute!

    Sometime is takes a bit to get the routine going again.

    M :)

  20. Gina, make some hearts and you'll get your mojo back! And it hit 80 degrees in SC today! We are going to be in for a big shock in a few days when it turns cold again!

  21. Gina I totally get it. I am making lists and going through as much as possible. getting ready for another surgery had waylayed my plans though!

    2012 Artists Series

  22. Gina, it has been the same for me. Can NOT get myself organized. I am so far behind on all my projects and I don't seem to be able to catch up. Anyway,your chalkboard is so cute! You see, in Texas, 49 degrees is when we hide in the house all day with the heat on high and three pairs on socks on. :) It is good to see you back!

  23. looks like we all get that feeling in the New Year!!
    I know that you will come up with a great Valentines Day project!!!

  24. Very cute chalkboard Gina! I'm working on so many projects I have not had much computer time lately.
