Monday, February 4, 2013

Happy List Tuesday

My friend, Ricki Jill, from Art @ Home is hosting a weekly blog party,
every Tuesday.

It's simple really.  

All you have to do is write a post about something
that makes you happy and then link up.

Simple enough?

I've never participated in this party before,
 but thought now is as good a time as any!

So without further adieu, this week, I am happy for:

Awards Season!

I love watching award shows.  
It's so much fun to step into the celebrity world for a few hours.
My favorite part is seeing what everyone is wearing.


I absolutely love tea.  
Maybe it has a lot to do with the bitter cold weather, but
I can't seem to get enough of it lately.
A pretty teacup makes it taste even better.

Downton Abbey!

Oh how I love Downton Abbey!  
Downton has made Sunday the happiest day of the week!

Ok girls, go on over to Art @ Home & participate in Ricki Jill's party,
You'll be very happy you did!



  1. I have been meaning to join this party so off I go. I wish I was happy for Downton Abby. It looks like I will have to buy the seasons through itunes. We don't get it. Grrrr.

  2. I tried to watch Dowton Abbey one night and couldn't get into it. I think I would have to start from the beginning.

  3. I just cannot believe how good Downton is this season. Especially the last few weeks. I can't believe it's almost over too. Your happy list is perfect Gina...hope you are well!

  4. Hi Gina...thx for the heads up on that link party...what a neat idea...hope all is well...have a great night, Mariaelena

  5. What a neat linky party! I'm with you on the Downton Abbey! Love that show! I usually record Downton Abbey and Honey Boo Boo on Sunday Nights, now that is one extreme to the other, huh? hahaha! So exited that Bates will be soon be free! whoohooo! :)

  6. I feel like a real outsider but I haven't been following Downton Abby...shame on me! I will really have to play catch up if I want to start following it!

    I love seeing what all the ladies are wearing, too, usually in magazines as the shows are sort of boring! I guess I just don't like TV much! lol!

    Have a great week, Gina!


  7. This sounds like a lot of fun Gina! I love Downton Abbey so much too, I still have to learn the names of them though. lol. I used to be a big tea drinker then I found coffee and have never went back. Love the Oscars, I always watch it every year!

  8. I love the awards season too. love the dresses! And Downton Abby, I'm hooked! Tea, not so much


  9. I haven't watched TV in 10 yrs....but I stated watching Downton...

  10. Gina, loved this post! Sounds like a great party. Your happy list is wonderful! I don't watch much TV, but you can be sure that Sundays I am glued to the sofa waiting for Dowton Abbey to come on. LOL Love that show!

  11. We can't get Downton Abby either,but I've been reading lots of bloggers post about it.I love tea also-hot 'r cold!!
    I been wanting to join Ricki Jill's party for while now,so I guess I better get jump'n.
    ~Jo @ LoblollyLane

  12. That's a great idea for a linky party! I love tea and Downtown Abbey too. I just caught up this season. I had a ball watching episode after episode. I wonder what the costume budget is. They are amazing.

  13. This is a great idea for a linky party and one that I might join myself next to get the "happy focus" on track.

    It's official. I NEED to watch that show. My daughter raves about it, and there have been several blog posts about it too. I never watch TV on Sunday evenings because there isn't anything to watch. Now, I guess there is!

  14. You have a great happy list, and I want to see a couple of the Oscar-nominated movies before the Oscars airs. I really want to see Silver Linings Playbook. :D

    Thanks so much for linking-up, Gina. You've made my day!


  15. Hi, Gina...I forgot about this party...maybe I can do it NEXT Tuesday.
    We don't get Downton Abby....every blogger on the entire planet gets it and LOVES it.
    So glad you have all these things for your Happy List. :)

  16. But for the DA I'm with you in all that makes you happy.

    Awards Season is fabulous. It's everything that appeals to our creative minds - the fashion, the beauty, the gestures, the someone-will-win-something that always make us feel good, who said what... Fan, too!

    Great idea fos a happy "party"! Thank you for sharing,
