No way, no siree, I'm not doing it!
My daughter had all 4 of her wisdom teeth removed on Friday and I've spent the weekend playing nurse to her. The weather has been simply gorgeous (finally) and here we've been...inside for days.
I guess I should mention that I'm not going to win any Clara Barton awards. The patient told me I fell asleep once while sitting with her. lol
Anyway, sitting inside, playing nurse, led me to decide that I would, in fact, decorate for the 4th. After all, I only have one little box of decorations, what's the big deal?
While visiting my mom earlier in the week, she had just shortened her new window blinds. I spied the discarded blind slats and decided to bring them home should inspiration strike me.
It struck me alright. I decided to make this sign from the slats:
4th of July is an easy holiday to decorate for, especially when your kitchen colors are red & blue. I just pulled some stuff from the kitchen shelves.
Pretty checked & polka dotted pitchers filled with patriotic picks & straws.
Dollar Tree horns look festive in a red pitcher.
I used some dotted bowls I had hold my wicker stars from Pier 1 and also flipped upside down to give that silver star a little more height.
I'm glad that I decided to decorate for the 4th. Let the festivities begin!
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Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll thru Life