I have found myself longing for Spring.
Longing for soft colors, buds on trees, and fresh air.
Oh Spring!
I know that you are near,
but sometimes you are just not near enough!
I wanted to decorate for Spring so badly.
Trouble is, it's hard to decorate for Spring
while there's so much snow on the ground.
We did got a few warmer days, temps up into the mid 40s,
but from what I hear,
the single digits are back this week.
What to do?
I made a transitional Winter to Spring vignette
on my dining hutch.
A touch of Spring, but without all the
soft colors of Spring that I'm craving right now.
Neutral is the name of the game.
I made the rag wreath out of cream, white & beige fabric.
You've probably seen a lot of this stuff in other vignettes before.
The only new piece is the screened box.
I found it at the antique store & I just loved it.
I have no idea what it could have been used for in its
former life, but I like the texture it adds here.
I pretty much "shopped the house" for this display.
I love to borrow from around the house,
but the trouble is, it always leads
to having to fill in the stuff I borrowed
from the other rooms!
C'mon Spring!
I'm patiently waiting for you.
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Tuesdays at Our Home @ Our Home Away From Home