Monday, March 31, 2014

Sweet 16

Sometimes it amazes me how quickly time goes by. 

I can remember being in the hospital the day Olivia was born. 

Every nurse, 
every visitor, 
every person I encountered that day
 who was ever a parent gave these wise words:

  "Enjoy every minute with her because they grow too fast." 

 At that point, I was thinking, "Sure, sure, of course." 

 Well, I can now officially say that even though I may have thought 
I was enjoying every minute of her,
somehow, someway, 16 years have gone by in the blink of an eye.

I'm left, scratching my head, thinking,
"Why didn't anyone warn me this would happen?"

Ahh, but yes they did warn me.

And I don't think it matters one bit.
Time just moves too quickly regardless.

Happy 16th Birthday, Olivia!  

You are a ray of bright sunshine in our lives 
and we couldn't love you more!

And also, since you're kind of a genius,
can you figure out a way to slow time?


Sometimes it amazes me how quickly time goes by.  I can remember being in the hospital the day Olivia was born.  Every nurse,  every visitor,  every person I encountered that day  who was e...

Monday, March 24, 2014

Spring Mantel 2014

I'm not going to complain.
No, I'm not going to say it. 
 I won't. 

I'm just going to share my SPRING Mantel with you. 
Emphasis on the word SPRING. 

If you've been reading here awhile, if you know
anything about me or where I live,
I think that alone should tell you what I'm not going to say today.

This mantel is a simple one.

It all started with the burlap bunny banner on the mirror.

Here's a close up:

About a month ago, I was shopping at Target
and I came across this banner.
It was quite inexpensive ($5.99?),
I ogled it a bit,  then walked away.

I later came back to it.
My daughter commented,
"You can make that yourself."
(Oh, that kid is well trained.)

for the price, I couldn't resist the lure of not
having to do anything but hang the darn thing.
So I bought it.

I then added some vases full of dogwood blooms to each end.
I added a burlap strip across the vases so
that they would coordinate with my burlap bunny banner.
I also added my wooden candle holders.

 I remembered we have a supply of old windows
in the garage, just waiting for inspiration to strike me.
This window was an old one from our dining room.
It made its way to the mantel, in its original paint condition,
along with a grapevine wreath that I threw together with moss and robin's eggs.

I found the cute white bunnies at Hobby Lobby
and added them as well.

It later hit me that I bought a burlap banner,
already made, at Hobby Lobby just
before Christmas.
(I was saving it, too, for inspiration to strike me.)

I pulled that out, simply tied on some colored ribbons
and called it done.

I really do love it when something
comes together easily.

I hope you are enjoying a beautiful
SPRING day today!
Emphasis on the word SPRING.
See you soon!

Linking to:
Tuesdays @ Our Home at Our Home Away From Home
Inspire Me Tuesday @ A Stroll Thru Life
Share Your Cup Thursday @ Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson

I'm not going to complain. No, I'm not going to say it.   I won't.  I'm just going to share my SPRING Mantel with you.  Emphasis on the word SPRING.  If you've been reading here awhile, if...

Monday, March 17, 2014

Crossing It Off the List (Sitting Room Rug)

I know that I've shared my favorite room with you before.

It's the sitting room right off of our dining room that I love so much.

I always knew, however,
 that the area rug I had under the coffee table was too small.

See what I mean?  

I've had a new rug for this room on my 
"to buy" list for over a year.
(Do you have one of these lists too?)
I've been searching forever it seems, 
but could never find the right rug with the right shade of blue.

Low and behold, I walked into Tuesday morning 
a few weeks ago and found it!

Now I realize that this one may be a bit too large,
(oh never the happy medium around here),
but I loved it and the colors (and price) were right.

Doesn't it look much better?

I am so much happier with this larger rug. 
I can cross it off my "to buy" list....finally!


I know that I've shared my favorite room with you before. It's the sitting room right off of our dining room that I love so much. I always knew, however,  that the area rug I had under the co...

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Spring Chalkboard, I think

I've been giving my home the Spring/Easter treatment. 
Thinking positively, thinking that maybe it'll help bring Spring along. 

You know what?

It worked! 

for a couple of days anyway. 

Yesterday was the best day of all.
Yesterday, the temperature was 49 degrees and
 the sun shining brightly.
Yesterday, the snow was melting.
Yesterday was perfect.

Yesterday, the weather complimented my
dining room chalkboard and
all was right in the world.

As for today,
I'd rather not talk about that.

Winter storm be damned!

I've been giving my home the Spring/Easter treatment.  Thinking positively, thinking that maybe it'll help bring Spring along.  You know what? It worked!   Well... for a couple of days any...

Monday, March 3, 2014

Oscar Night 2014

Last night was a favorite night for me....watching the Academy Awards.

I love movies, I love celebrities and I love fashion.  It's an exciting night of TV watching because I get to combine these loves into one big affair.

So, without further adieu, here are my favorite dresses of the night:

Amy Adams in Gucci

Cate Blanchett in Giorgio Armani

Emma Watson in Vera Wang
Sandra Bullock in Alexander McQueen

And then the darling of this year's awards season,
(this girl can't miss)

Lupita Nyong'o in Prada

I also want to add that this year's award winners,
Lupita, Cate, Jared & Matthew,
all gave the best, most eloquent acceptance speeches
I've heard in some time.  
Hurray for Hollywood!

So tell me, 
did you watch the Oscars?
Who were your fashion favorites?


Last night was a favorite night for me....watching the Academy Awards. I love movies, I love celebrities and I love fashion.  It's an exciting night of TV watching because I get to combine these lov...

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