Delicious Autumn!
My very soul is wedded to it and if I were a bird,
I would fly about the Earth
seeking the successive Autumns.
-George Eliot
I love that quote as it pretty much
sums up how much I love Fall!
It's about time I shared this year's mantel with you....
I put together a rather simple mantel this year.
I made the hydrangea wreath myself.
I bought a burlap covered straw wreath at Joanns.
Then I just glued some pretty fall colored hydrangeas to it,
as well as some leaves here and there. I topped it off with a simple
bow and that was it...very simple & very quick!
I scattered some pine cones around.
I couldn't resist & added a strand of lights.
I have to say, now that it's getting dark earlier in the evening,
I do enjoy watching TV with the lights lit.
It adds such a warm glow to the mantel and the living room.
I filled a pretty basket with some fall goodies
to add a little something extra to the hearth.
I hope you enjoyed seeing my mantel today.
As always, thanks for stopping by!